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448 lines (351 loc) · 20 KB
  • Feature Name: static_matrices
  • Start Date: April 30th, 2020
  • RFC PR:
  • Stan Issue: #1805


This proposes two things:

  1. Adding a template argument to Stan's C++ reverse mode autodiff type to allow autodiff variables to have different types of internal storage, for instance a double or an Eigen::MatrixXd or something else. Using Eigen matrices as the internal storage would allow matrices in the Stan language to have a much nicer memory layout which then also generates more performant programs. This scheme can be fully backwards compatible with current Stan code.

  2. A design for exposing these autodiff variables at the Stan language level

An autodiff type that allows customization of the underlying storage object makes it possible for matrices, instead of being data structures of autodiff types, for the autodiff type itself to represent a matrix. Operations on these new types can be more efficient than the old ones, and this design remains fully backwards compatible with the curren Stan autodiff types.

For the rest of this proposal, "autodiff" means "reverse mode autodiff," and all C++ functions are assumed to reside in the stan::math namespace. The necessary namespace will be included if this is not true.

New Reverse Mode Autodiff Type

The new autodiff type is stan::math::var_value<T>, where T is the underlying storage type of the autodiff variable. For T == double, this type is equivalent to the current stan::math::var type.

A stan::math::var in Stan is a PIMPL (pointer to implementation) object. It is a pointer to a stan::math::vari, which is an object that holds the actual value and adjoint. In terms of data, the basic var and vari implementation look like:

struct vari {
  double value_;
  double adjoint_;

struct var {
  vari* vi_; // pointer to implementation

The new, templated var_value<T> and vari_value<T> are very similar except the double type is replaced with a template type T:

template <typename T>
struct vari {
  T value_;
  T adjoint_;

template <typename T>
struct var_value<T> {
  vari_value<T>* vi_; // pointer to implementation

Currently, Stan implements matrices using Eigen::Matrix<var, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> variables. Internally, an N x M Eigen::Matrix<var, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> is a pointer to N x M vars on the heap. The storage of an Eigen::Matrix<var, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> is equivalent to the following:

struct DenseStorage {
  var* var_data_;

Because vars are themselves just pointers to varis, this can be simplified to the more direct form:

struct DenseStorage {
  vari** vari_data_;

So current Stan matrix class is represented internally as a pointer to pointers.

When Stan performs an operation on a matrix it will typically need to read all of the values of the matrix at least once on the forward autodiff pass and then update all the adjoints at least once on the reverse autodiff pass. This can be slow because the pointer chasing required to read a pointer to pointers data structure is expensive. The can be wasteful because fetching just the values or adjoints ends up loading both the values and adjoints into cache (since they are stored beside each other). Stan vectors and row vectors are implemented similarly and present the same problems.

This proposal will enable an N x M Stan matrix to be defined in terms of one autodiff object with two separate N x M containers, one for its values and one for its adjoints. Filling in the templates, the storage of a var_value<Eigen::MatrixXd> is effectively:

template <>
class vari_value<Eigen::MatrixXd> {
  Eigen::MatrixXd value_;    // The real implementation is done with Eigen::Map
  Eigen::MatrixXd adjoint_;  // types to avoid memory leaks

template <>
class var_value<Eigen::MatrixXd> {
  vari_value<Eigen::MatrixXd>* vi_; // pointer to implementation

The full, contiguous matrices of values or adjoints can be accessed without pointer chasing on every element of the matrix, eliminating the two prime inefficiences of the Eigen::Matrix<var, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> implementation.

As an example, of how this is more efficient, consider the reverse pass portion of the matrix operation, C = A * B. If the values and adjoints of the respective variables are accessed with .val() and .adj() respectively, this can be written as follows:

A.adj() += result.adj() * B.val().transpose();
B.adj() += A.val().transpose() * result.adj();

Even though on each line only the values or the adjoints of any single variable are needed, with an Eigen::Matrix<var, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> implementation, the values and adjoints of all three variables will be loaded into memory. Because of the pointer chasing, the compiler will not be able to take advantage of SIMD instructions.

Switching to a var_value<Eigen::MatrixXd>, this is no longer the case. The values and adjoints can be accessed and updated independently, and because the memory is contiguous the compiler can take advantage of SIMD instruction sets.

Recap and Summary of New Type

From this point forward, the existing Eigen::Matrix<var, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> types will be referred to as a matvar types (because the implementation is a matrix of vars). Similarly, the Eigen Matrix of vars implementation of Stan vector and row vector types are also matvar types.

The replacement types will be referred to as varmat types and include, among others, the var_value<Eigen::MatrixXd> type introduced thus far. The replacement implementation of vector and row vector are also varmat types.

The motivation for introducing the varmat type is speed. These types speed up computations in a number of ways:

  1. The values in a varmat are stored separately from the adjoints and can be accessed independently. In a matvar the values and adjoints are interleaved, and each value/adjoint pair can be stored in a different place in memory. Reading a value or adjoint in a matvar requires dereferencing a pointer to where the value/adjoint pair is stored and then accessing them. Because of how caches and memory work on modern CPUs, even if only the value or adjoint are needed, both will be loaded.

  2. Reading all N x M values and adjoints of a varmat requires one pointer dereference and 2 x N x M double reads. Reading the values and adjoints of a similar matvar requires N x M pointer dereferences and 2 x N x M reads.

  3. Memory is linear in varmat, and in the best case interleaved in matvar (though because every element is a pointer, in worse case matvar memory accesses are entirely random). The linear memory in varmat means that they can use vectorized CPU instructions.

  4. varmat is a more suitable data structure for autodiff variables on a GPU than matvar because the memory difficulties with pointer-chasing and strided accesses are more acute on GPUs than CPUs. Linear memory also helps make the communication between the CPU and GPU efficient.

  5. Because values and adjoints of a varmat are each stored in one place, only two arena allocations are required to build an N x M matrix. matvar requires N x M allocations.

See here for performance tests on a small subset of gradient evaluations using varmat and matvar types.

matvar has two advantages that varmat does not duplicate. These are listed here to motivate the backwards compatibility of this proposal with matvar:

  1. matvar types are more compatible with existing Eigen code. For instance, it is possible to autodiff certain Eigen decompositions and solves with matvar types that will not work with varmat types.

  2. It is easier to assign individual elements of a matvar to another variable -- this can be done by writing a new pointer over an old pointer. Assigning elements to a varmat can be done, but it requires either matrix copies (slow, and not implemented), or adding extra functions on the reverse pass callback stack (implemented and discussed later)

Math Implementation and Testing

As before, var_value<T> is a PIMPL (pointer to implementation) type. The implementation of var_value<T> is held in vari_value<T>, and the only data a var_value<T> holds is a pointer to a vari_value<T> object. All vari_value<T> types inherit from vari_base, which is a new type used in the autodiff stacks (there are no changes there other than swapping vari_base in for vari).

The old var and vari types are now typedef aliases to var_value<double> and vari_value<double> respectively.

At this point versions of var_value<T> types have been implemented for T being an Eigen dense type, an Eigen sparse type, a limited number of Eigen expressions, a double, or a matrix_cl which is matrix with data stored on an OpenCL device (targeting GPUs).

var_value<T> and vari_value<T> types are meant to be implemented with template specializations. There is no expectation that var_value<T> will work in a generic case.

For every var_value<T> that is defined, vari_value<T> must also be defined, and vari_value<T> must inherit from the abstract class vari_base (since the autodiff stacks now work via vari_base pointers). It is not true, however, that everything that inherits from vari_base should be a vari_value<T>, or that for every vari_value<T> there should be a var_value<T>.

vari_base is an abstract class that defines the interface by which everything interacts with the autodiff stacks. Classes that inherit from vari_base require implementation of two functions, void chain() and void set_zero_adjoint(), which are called by the functions that manage the autodiff stacks.

There are three autodiff stacks in Stan, all which hold pointers to vari_base objects:

  1. The chaining autodiff stack
  2. The non-chaining autodiff stack
  3. The delete-ing autodiff stack

Instances of classes which inherit from vari_base can allocate themselves on these stacks. Which stack an instance puts itself on depends on the requirements of that instance. If the instance will need its chain function called in the reverse pass, it must go on the first stack. If it does not, it goes on the second stack. An instance should not go on both stacks. If the instance stores adjoints, it should go on the first or second stack (both will call set_zero_adjoint() at the appropriate time). If the instance needs a destructor called, it should go on the third stack. The third stack is not mutually exclusive with the first two, and an instance can go in either the first or second stack as well as the third stack.

The only extra requirement on a vari_value<T> (on top of the requirements of being a vari_base child class) is that it defines val_ and adj_ member variables of an appropriate storage type. This does not need to match T. For instance, with vari_value<Eigen::MatrixXd>, the underlying storage types are actually modified Eigen::Map types.

The only extra requirement on a var_value<T> is that it contains one member variable, a pointer to a vari_value<T>.

There are really not any other univeral requirements on var_value<T> or vari_value<T> types. If they have common member variables like vari_value<T>::value_type, vari_value<T>::size, or vari_value<T>::val that make the type work more easily with the rest of the autodiff library, but nothing is guaranteed.

Use and Testing in Functions

Because varmat types are meant for performance, there are no default constructors for building matvar types from varmat or varmat from matvar (or any of the the varmat types above from any other). This is done on purpose to avoid implicit conversions and any accidental slowdowns this may lead to. Everything written for varmat types is done explicitly, which makes it somewhat less automatic than matvar. The matvar types are still available for general purpose autodiff.

Testing varmat autodiff types for different functions is done by including a stan::test::test_ad_matvar(...) mixed mode autodiff test along with every stan::test::test_ad(...) test. The tests for log_determinant, available here are typical of what is done.

test_ad_matvar checks that the values and Jacobian of a function autodiff'd with varmat and matvar types behaves the same (and also that the functions throw errors in the same places). test_ad_matvar is not included by default in test_ad because not all functions support varmat autodiff.

test_ad_matvar also checks return type conventions. For performance, it is assume a function takes in a mix of varmat and matvar types should also return a varmat.

A complete list of varmat functions is planned for the compiler implementation. As an incomplete substitute, a list of functions with reverse mode implementations that are being converted to work with varmat is here: stan-dev/math#2101 . A pull request (here) is up that adds support for varmat to all the non-multivariate distribution functions.

Assigning a varmat

A limitation from the original design doc that is no longer necessary is the limitation that subsets of varmat variables cannot be assigned efficiently. The efficiency loss was so great in the original design (requiring a copy of the entire varmat) that this idea was discarded completely. There is a strategy available now to assign to subsets of varmat variables that is more efficient than this.

The idea is that when part of a varmat is assigned to, the values in that part of the varmat are saved into the memory arena before being overwritten, and a call is pushed onto the chaining stack that will restore the values back from the arena and set the respective adjoints of the varmat entries to zero.

The assumptions that makes this work is after a subset of a varmat is overwritten, that part of the varmat cannot be used in any further calculations, and so the adjoints of that part of the matrix will be zero in the reverse pass at the time of assignment.

This means that assignment into a varmat variable would make it so that views point into that part of the varmat variable's memory no longer point to the expected variables.

Stanc3 implementation

The stanc3 implementation goal is to implement varmat types in a way that is invisible to the user. This means the compiler decides how Stan vectors, row vectors, and matrices (or arrays of these types) are implemented automatically, either picking an appropriate varmat or a matvar type, and these decisions should be made in a way to avoid making programs slower than they would have been with just matvar types. For brevity, any Stan vector, row vector, or matrix type will be referred to from hereon as just a matrix type. Consider a linear regression model:

data {
  int N;
  int K;
  matrix[N, K] X;
  vector[N] y;

parameters {
  vector[K] b;
  real<lower = 0.0> sigma;

model {
  vector[N] mu = X * b;
  target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);

In this program there are four named matrix variables, X, y, b, and mu.

It is immediately evident that because there are no autodiff types in the data block, all the matrix types in there are implemented with doubles in Eigen, so there is no matvar or varmat to worry about. The same thing applies for transformed data and the generated quantities block.

This leaves b and mu, matrix variables defined in the parameters and model block. Any matrix variable defined in a transformed parameters block would be decided the same way.

The algorithm for figuring out the underlying matrix types for these variables is as follows:

  1. Define all user-defined functions only for matvar types. Define all local variables in user-defined functions and all returned variables to have matvar types as well.

  2. Assume every named and unnamed matrix variable in the parameters, transformed parameters and model blocks use varmat types

  3. If a matrix variable is used in a function that does not support varmat arguments, it is made a matvar variable.

  4. If single elements of a matrix variable are indexed, it is made a matvar variable.

  5. If a matvar matrix variable is assigned to a second matrix variable, the second is made to be a matvar variable.

  6. If the result of a function is assigned to a matvar matrix variable, all the inputs to that function are made to be matvar as well.

  7. Repeat steps 3-6 until the types of every variable in the program do not change any more.

It is already possible to determine, given function name and a set of argument types, if the function exists and what the return type is. Now that matrix in Stan can mean multiple different types under the hood this lookup functionality may need extended.

Step #4 in the algorithm above comes from the fact that indexing or assigning a varmat is slower than a matvar.

User-defined Functions

The major component this design ignores are user-defined functions. As long as more and more varmat functions are implemented and users are able to move away from looping over matrix variables, more and more of the matrix variables defined in the parameters, transformed parameters, and model block will be compiled as varmat variables.

Whereas for functions implement in stan-dev/Math the list of allowed signatures and return types can be computed ahead of time, for user defined functions this would need iteratively computed along with the regular variable types.

The proposal takes the simpler approach of assuming user-defined functions are only defined for matvar types and only return matvar types.

Original (rejected) Stanc3 Design

The original proposal was that varmat variables would be explicitly typed, for instance the Stan type whole_matrix instead of matrix would indicate that the compiler should use a var_value<Eigen::MatrixXd> type. The control this gives the user to optimize how their program is written is alluring, but this creates the problem that either:

  1. all functions written to support varmat types are documented explicitly as such, and users are responsible for looking up which functions support the varmat types and which do not,

  2. or the compiler automatically convert varmat functions to matvar functions when necessary to ensure compatibility with the new types.

Option #1 would be difficult to maintain and difficult for users to keep up with. Option #2 is clearly simpler from a documentation perspective. However, if #2 is implemented and the compiler is automatically casting between different matrix types, which begs the question that maybe the compiler could do a a pretty good job picking which matrix types to use.

Prior art


JAX is an autodiff library developed by Google whose array type is similar to what is here.

Enoki is a very nice C++17 library for automatic differentiation which under the hood can transform their autodiff type from an arrays of structs to structs of arrays.

FastAD very fast C++ autodiff taking advantage of expressions, matrix autodiff types, and a static execution graph.