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Coding Style and Idioms

Bob Carpenter edited this page May 23, 2020 · 31 revisions

We generally follow the Google Style Guide except for the exceptions listed in the following sections. We use a few tools to automate style and formatting checking, but they don't completely capture our formatting and style guidelines.

Automated style checking tools

cpplint is a Python (2.7) script that checks for these guidelines. Here is a make target that will check the source code for any instances that do not conform to this standard:

> make cpplint

If your default python version is python 3, the script fails silently. Once you install python 2.x, you can add this to your make/local file to use python 2.x to run the python script:

RUN_CPPLINT = python2 stan/lib/cpplint_4.45/

The make target includes Stan-specific options and limits the tests to the src/stan directory.


clang-format is a tool that will automatically format C++ code according to formatting rules in the .clang-format file. Our file is just a few changes from the vanilla Google Style guide. clang-format doesn't deal with many of our exceptions to the Style guide, below, as they are difficult to automate or not strictly formatting related.

Mac Setup

First, install clang-format. If you're on a mac and using homebrew, please remove any clang-formats you have installed and then install clang-format@2017-11-14 with this command:

brew install

(if that doesn't work, try brew install clang-format or brew upgrade clang-format and get whatever your computer thinks is the latest)

Linux setup

If you're on Ubuntu Linux, you can use if you're on Ubuntu you can use the LLVM PPA to install clang-format-5.0 and then use update-alternatives to set it as the default. Find the relevant 5.0 PPA for your version of Ubuntu here: and follow their PPA install instructions, then:

sudo apt-get install clang-format-5.0
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-format clang-format /usr/bin/clang-format-5.0 100

For other distributions, try installing from source:

Editor setup

Emacs - there's a plugin/script called google-c-style. You can find it here or just install from MELPA.

Spacemacs - you can add google-c-style to dotspacemacs-additional-packages.

Vim- check out

Git hook

There is a pre-commit hook in hooks/pre-commit, and if you run bash hooks/ it will be installed for you. Going forward, it will run clang-format -i (which implicitly uses the .clang-format file in the repo) on any changed files to format them. If you need to disable this for some reason (though your tests will fail if you haven't formatted things correctly) you can use git commit --no-verify.

Differences from clang-format's --style=google

To see which rules are different, you can run this command:

clang-format --style=google -dump-config > google
diff google .clang-format 

And here's the current output:

< AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true
< AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: true
> AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
> AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
< BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
> BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: All
< SortIncludes:    true
> SortIncludes:    false

You can see the rule definitions here.

Code Quality

We want to institute some new policies on code, documentation, and testing quality.

  1. Every stan::math function is part of our API and needs doxygen documentation indicating

    1. what its arguments are and whether they are input or output or both (@param[in], @param[out], or @param[in,out] tags)
    2. what it's template parameters are (@tparam tag)
    3. any constraints on the values of the arguments and an indication of what happens (typically exceptions) if the constraints are violated
    4. which exceptions are thrown
    5. what the return value is (@return tag)
  2. Reused code needs to be broken out into reusable functions.

  3. Every stan::math function needs tests evaluating all the of constraints and conditions indicated by (1) as well as indicating that the right value is being computed

  4. Variables should have informative names (within reason).

  5. Keep dependencies clean. In particular, we want to avoid

    1. anything can depend on traits (but it should only depend on double traits if you use no agrad)
    2. mcmc can depend on anything other than io (?)
    3. memory shouldn't depend on anything (?)
    4. io should only depend on the data types it needs and test functions (matrix and math tests only?)
    5. lang shouldn't depend on anything else
  6. Absolutely minimal includes (include what you use).

  7. Tests should be parallel in paths to the source files (src/stan/** and test/unit/**).

  8. Use the nested namespace internal for hidden implementation details for developers. The internal code has similar quality requirements but doesn't have the same completeness requirements for docs and testing that API functions have.