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The Actor model

The Actor Model is widely regarded as one of the safest ways to write thread-safe code. Each "actor" maintains a single internal thread and as messages are received by the actor (via method calls), the thread responds to those messages sequentially. This means that no matter which thread sends a message to the actor, the actor's internal behaviour is always thread-safe.

The actual implementation does not use a thread-per-object as that could get very costly. Instead, each actor maintains a queue of incoming messages and then uses a Future to actually perform those messages. The future uses a thread which is allocated from Concurrent Ruby's internal thread pool, freeing up resources when the system is quiet and increasing the number of workers when the system is busy.

Why does this gem exist?

The short answer:

Because you can't use concurrent-ruby's Async mixin inside a Rails app. On top of that, I wanted to change its syntax a little bit to match how it's done in Javascript.

The long answer:

Concurrent-ruby has a simple implementation of this model, using the Async mixin. However, Concurrent::Async uses IVars which are now deprecated.

In addition, while concurrent-ruby is an excellent library, it does not work well with Ruby on Rails. The Rails Executor ensures that any threads interact safely with the framework. But concurrent-ruby knows nothing about the executor.

Finally, using the actor model is infectious. If you mark a public method as asynchronous, in order to be safe, you have to mark them all as asynchronous. Concurrent::Async's syntax relies on the caller using @my_object.async.my_method which means that it is easy to forget and miss an asynchronous call. Which in turn will result in inconsistent behaviour and hard to trace bugs.

So StandardProcedure::Async::Actor replaces the IVars with a mix of Futures and MVars. The MVar is used to transfer the return values of any methods back to the calling thread and the Future is used to do the work in a separate thread.

In addition, if you are in a Ruby on Rails project, StandardProcedure::Async uses Luiz Kowalski's concurrent_rails gem. This is a layer above concurrent-ruby's Futures that ensure any future code is run within the Rails Executor.

Finally, instead of relying on the caller to call async on asynchronous methods, we define the asynchronous methods on the class itself with the async definition. The caller simply uses @my_object.my_method and it will always be run safely in an alternate thread. There is also an implementation of await, making it easy to resolve the results of your method calls.

Adding async and await capabilities to ruby objects

Instead of defining methods on your class with ruby's def keyword, include the StandardProcedure::Async::Actor module and use the async class method.

When you call an asynchronous method, it immediately returns an internal message object. If you don't care about the return value from the method, you can discard this object immediately. But if you do need the return value, you can call value on this message object - and your thread will then block until the return value is ready. Alternatively, you can use await, effectively turning your asynchronous method into a synchronous one. See the note below about using await or value if you are calling a method from inside an actor - in short, be careful.

An added bonus (or negative, depending upon your point of view) is that this syntax is very similar to Javascript's async/await pairing, which marks out asychronous function calls and waits until any Promises are ready to return their values.

Example usage:

class MyObject 
  include StandardProcedure::Async::Actor 

  def initialize name 
    @name = name 
    @status = :idle

  async :report_status do 

  async :greet do 
    "Hello #{@name}".freeze

  async :rename do |new_name|
    @name = new_name.freeze

  async :do_some_long_running_task do 
    @status = :in_progress


  async :do_part_two_of_the_long_running_task do 
    sleep 10 
    _rename "John"
    @status = :done

@my_object = "George"

# Getting started
puts @my_object.report_status # => internal message object
@my_object.report_status.then do |value|
  puts value # => :idle
puts await { @my_object.report_status } # => :idle
puts await { @my_object.greet } # => "Hello George"

# Do some actual work
await { @my_object.rename "Ringo" }
puts await { @my_object.greet } # => "Hello Ringo"
@my_object.rename "Paul" # Note: we didn't use await here - we'll talk about that later
puts await { @my_object.greet } # => "Hello Paul"

# Do something a bit more complex
@initial_status = @my_object.do_some_long_running_task 
puts await { @initial_status } # => :in_progress
# *drums fingers* *sips from cup of tea*
sleep 11
@final_status = await { @my_object.report_status }
puts @final_status # => :done
puts await { @my_object.greet } # => Hello John

Defining asynchronous methods

When defining MyObject, we use async instead of def for each method. For example, we use async :greet instead of def greet. This creates two methods - greet and _greet. _greet is the actual implementation of the method and greet is the asynchronous wrapper around it.

Awaiting the results from those methods

The asynchronous wrapper always returns a internal message object that contains a Concurrent::MVar. The MVar is empty until the actor has completed its work but if you need the return value from the method, there are a few ways to access it.

You can call value on the returned message. For convenience, value is also aliased as get and await.

  # The following calls are all equivalent

You can use the global await method.

  puts await { @my_object.report_status }

Or you can use the promise-style resolution.

  @my_object.report_status.then do |value|
    puts value 

In all cases the calling thread will block until the value is returned (or the then clause is triggered).

The strict sequencing of asynchronous calls

In the example above there is the following code:

@my_object.rename "Paul"
puts await { @my_object.greet } # => "Hello Paul"

The call to rename is asynchronous and we call greet immediately afterwards. You may expect that the result from greet would not be deterministic. If rename takes a long time to complete it may or may not have finished before we get to the next line of code. Does that mean that greet could return "Hello Ringo" or "Hello Paul" depending on timing?

No - the call to greet will always return "Hello Paul".

This is because internally, the actor queues all asynchronous method calls.

The call to rename is added to the queue, then a future starts to process it. The subsequent call to greet is added to the queue and will not begin until the call to rename has completed.

Another example of the same behaviour is in do_some_long_running_task:

  async :do_some_long_running_task do 
    @status = :in_progress

When @my_object.do_some_long_running_task is called, the message do_some_long_running_task is added to the queue.

When the queue starts processing that message, _do_some_long_running_task (the implementation of the method) changes the status to :in_progress, then adds do_part_two_of_the_long_running_task to the message queue. This second message will not start processing immediately as it is behind the unfinished do_some_long_running_task. Eventually _do_some_long_running_task returns the value of status (which is still :in_progress) and completes, which allows the next message on the queue to start. And that next message is probably do_part_two_of_the_long_running_task - but, this being concurrent programming, it might not be (as another thread may have put a different message onto the queue first).

This queueing has an important implication.

If you are within an actor class, you can happily call async methods on other objects and await the results - because each actor has its own independent queue. But if you are calling your own methods, you must never call await (or call value on the returned message object).

Picture this:

class ClassThatWillDeadlock 
  include StandardProcedure::Async::Actor 

  async :start_processing do 
  async :do_some_complicated_calculation do 
    sleep 1 
    2 + 2   
  • Your actor has two async methods - start_processing and do_complicated_calculation
  • The main thread calls start_processing - so a message gets added to the head of the queue.
  • The actor's internal thread starts working on the message at the head of the queue, and _start_processing (the actual implementation) is called.
  • Within _start_processing your actor calls do_complicated_calculation. This adds a message to the second position in the queue, ready to start working after _start_processing has completed. The message object itself is returned to _start_processing.
  • Within _start_processing you call value to extract the actual return value from do_complicated_calculation. This then blocks the actor's thread, while it waits for the value to be calculated.
  • But the message for do_complicated_calculation is second in the queue and won't be called until _start_processing has completed. And _start_processing won't complete, as it is now blocked until _do_complicated_calculation has finished.
  • Your actor is now deadlocked and will not be able to do any more work.

To avoid this, if you ever need the return value from an internal async method, always call the implementation method: _do_complicated_calculation instead of do_complicated_calculation. This does not put anything on the queue and proceeds as a normal method call.

class ClassThatWillNotDeadlock 
  include StandardProcedure::Async::Actor 

  async :start_processing do 
  async :do_some_complicated_calculation do 
    sleep 1 
    2 + 2   

As a fail-safe, any calls to value will also time-out after 30 seconds, returning Concurrent::MVar::TIMEOUT. If you need to override the timeout value you can use message.value(timeout: value_in_seconds).

The rules of using actors

  • If you make a public method asynchronous, you need to make all public methods asynchronous. You cannot mix and match asynchronous and synchronous usage. The simplest way to comply is to make all your public methods as async and your protected and private methods as synchronous.
  • Never make internal instance variables directly accessible without an asynchronous method call. Do not use attr_reader or attr_accessor - these will bypass the internal queue and you may get inconsistent results from the actor. For the same reason, never update internal variables outside of an asynchronous call. In Object-Oriented terms, the doctrine is "Tell, don't Ask": tell your objects what you want them to do, instead of asking them for information about themselves.
  • When an object is calling its own internal methods, never use await or value as this will cause your actor to block indefinitely (actually, they will time out after 30s). If you don't care about the return value or if it does not matter when the method starts and finishes, call the asynchronous method. If you need the return value or need to be sure that the method runs immediately then use the internal implementation - _my_method instead of my_method.
  • Avoid class variables. These are effectively global variables that are accessible without any locking around them, so you could get inconsistent results. If you must have class variables, intialize them on startup and if they are mutable, use concurrent-ruby's thread-safe objects.

Making Rails work with Concurrent-Ruby

Concurrent-ruby is amazing, providing an extensive suite of tools to make multi-threaded programming as safe as it can possibly be in ruby (which isn't perfect, as ruby's dynamic semantics make it impossible to be completely safe).

However, concurrent-ruby doesn't play well with Ruby on Rails. Rails is a big complex framework that auto-loads code and has lots of data stored in class variables (which are effectively globals that can be written to and read from any thread at any time). Therefore it includes the Rails Executor which ensures that the framework is aware when other threads may be touching Rails code.

This gem checks to see if Rails is defined, and if so, it attempts to load Luiz Kowalski's concurrent_rails gem. This provides a wrapper around concurrent-ruby's Promises factory that ensures the Rails Executor is loaded before the threaded code is run. This gem then uses the concurrent-rails Future instead of concurrent-ruby's Future, so it can be sure that your code is both thread-safe and rails-safe.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'standard-procedure-async'

If you are using Ruby on Rails, you must also add in the concurrent_rails gem, or this gem will raise an error when you try to use it.

gem 'concurrent_rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install standard-procedure-async


Coming soon


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. Paraphrased, this means you can use this library in your applications, but you must make give prominent notice that you are using this code, under this licence, and you must make the source to this library available if the software is distributed. Any changes you make to this library must also be released under the LGPL and made available if the software is distributed. The licensing for your own code (that does not amend this library) is unaffected.