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KS ALPHA CHEATSHEET by muffinduck01

stanriders edited this page Nov 19, 2014 · 1 revision

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The below code references are in absolutely no way exhaustive. There is very likely stuff that I have missed, and some of the stuff that is here is incomplete, and some of it may even be totally incorrect (Protip: Anything marked with "Needs more testing" is probably wrong). This was mainly intended to be a quick reference guide for myself. Feel free to use it and update it though. Other future devs may find it useful. -md01



scene [type] [picture] at [position] with [modifier] Also can be used for solid colors EX: scene black


    bg = static background
    ev = preedrawn CG scene

at - for use with backgrounds that can pan



Used for evs that, well..... zoom EX: scene ev rin_eating at Zoom((800,600), (159,0,640,480), (0,0,800,600), 10, time_warp=acdc_warp) From script-a1-wednesday.rpy, during scene "A Private Lunch" Needs to be experimented with


I assume this is used for twisting and zooming simultaneously. Probably needs lots of experimentation scene bg school_track_on at RotoZoom(0,-6,0.1,1.0,1.2,0.1, xalign=0.5, yalign=0.52)


For panning scenes, "_start" appended to the scene name is the initial part. Appending "_move" later starts panning. "_end" skips to the last part of the scene

    Unconfirmed as of now. Needs to be tested. Naturally, should only work with scenes bigger than 800x600


show [character] [pose] at [position] with [modifier] hide [character]

position left - to the left of default position, useful for three sprites on screen right - same as left, but on the right (duh) twoleft - useful for 2 sprites on screen tworight - as is this

    offscreenright - sprite is off screen to right, useful for exiting sprites
    Fullpan([Variable]) - I assume this pans all the way across a large cg in X amount of time
        Needs some testing before use
    Slide[multiple variables separated by comma] - seems to cause a sprite to move, need to test it out first
        ----Possible explanation on the variables
        There are 5 variables in the Slide() parameter.
        The first 2 might be the start position on an X/Y plane
        The second pair may be the end position
        The final number may be the rate at which they slide
        Still Needs testing
        ----Slide modifiers

Custom Positions

After "at" use "Position([variables])" EXAMPLE:

    show hanako emb_downtimid at Position(xanchor=0.8, xpos=1.0) - Hanako's first appearance in Act 1

variables - Used to set the custom positions

    All of the following appear to do different things, although what is a mystery for now
    xanchor and xpos have been seen working together
    xalign=[variable] - seems to be the most basic, and perhaps the most useful

modifiers - only need to use once when multiple sprites are changing poses

Also for animation FX

    crowd - Typical crowd movement, seen during Yamaku festival
    fireworks - As seen at the end of Act 1
    heartattack alpha - Used for heart attacks, only quick flashes
    heartattack residual - Used when you need the heart attack graphic on screen for a while
    hospitalmask - Used during Hisao's inital hospital stay in act 1. Probably safe to ignore. Was used with sakura
    passoutOP1 - Spiral Death swirls
    sakura - Used during Hisao's inital hospital stay in act 1. Probably safe to ignore. Was used with sakura
    snow - FUCKING SNOW!
    steam - Like the water vapor
    steam2 - More water vapor
    newsteam - Transitional water vapor
    newsteam2 - More transitional water vapor


Use these to show the passage of time on the backgrounds and sprites Some backgrounds have their own hard versions already, and will be invoked in place of using the filters Append these to either the background file or sprite file name to use

    _ss = sunset
    _ni = night
    _tremble - This might be another filter, used to make Hanako shake in the library in Act 1, needs testing.
    _facepullout - Seems to cause the camera to zoom out, used during act 1 when Emi knocks into Hisao
    _largepullout - another animation used, shows all of a CG scene with a bit of panning out, also used when Emi knocks into Hisao in Act 1
    silhouette_ - Appending this to the front of a character's pose will cause a silhouette


play [type] [name] fadein [fade] with [modifier] stop [type] fadeout [fade]

Modifiers from the visual scenes above can be used here as well

When using ambient sound, the following may be set after the ambient is initiated $[variable1], [variable2], channel="ambient")

    need to find out what those variables do, can also be used to adjust volume on the fly




Text Modifiers

NVL Mode

nv1 show Dissolve[variable] = full screen textbox

    use this with `n "<Text Goes Here>"`

nv1 hide Dissolve[variable] nv1 clear centered "[Text]" = Text in the Middle of the screen without a text box


$ written_note("[Text]")

    uses escape character \n to force a new line, will word wrap with longer sentences

These go in the middle of normal text and cause the following actions

    {w} - needs an extra click to display the rest of the line
    {w=[variable]} - this causes a delay in the display of text
    {fast} - causes text to appear instantly
    {nw} - causes the next line to appear without needing a click
    {b}<text goes here>{/b} - Bolds the text inside


    window hide
    window show
    wallodrugs - as seen in the prologue, probably wont need this, but for completions sake
        $"wallodrugsbg", what=drugsDisp(1600,800), at_list=[Pan((0.0,0.0),(1.0,0.0),25.0, time_warp=_ease_in_time_warp)])
    show emi gymbounce = Emi Jumps up and down, as seen in Act 1 "The Running Girl"
    Pause(<variable>) - variable is seconds

Predefined characters

    hi = hisao
    mi = misha
    nk = nurse (normal)
    nk_ = nurse (initial)
    hh = hideakibg
    mu_ = mutou initial (tall man)
    mu = mutou (normal)
    mi_shi = When Hisao originally thinks Misha is Shizune in Act 1
    mi_not_shi = Same as above, but with Shizune crossed out with appended Misha name
    shi = Shizune (Not Signing)
    ke_ = Kenji (before introduction)
    ke = kenji
    li_ = Lilly (Before Introduction)
    li = Lilly
    mystery = ??? as character name
    yu_ = Yuuko (Before Introduction)
    ha_ = Hanako (Before Introduction)
    emi_ = Emi (Before introduction)
    emi = Emi
    rim_ = Rin (Before Introduction)


Main flow control of KS. Used for overall scene direction and loading

To invoke the KS logo clockwipe thing, use "call iscene ("timeskip")" where needed


Probably wont need this unless modding or filling in a completely missing scene. This ties into some stuff with imachine, but I'm not concerned with that now. Will fill this in later. Theoretically expandable to n number of choices. Syntax goes like

label [choice]:

        with menueffect
        <Text for the text box goes here>
        <Choice 1 Text>:
            return m1
        <Choice 2 Text>:
            return m2