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Star Wars Vehicles Redux

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Create a folder inside addons called anything you want (preferably something like 'swvr').

Place the contents of the lua, materials, models, and sounds folders inside.

Creating New Vehicles

Please refer to the main documentation for extensive details on creating new vehicles.

Here are some tips for creating them:

Use a Folder

If you can, please do not shove all your entity code in one file called new_vehicle.lua.

Instead, use a folder called swvr_new_vehicle with init.lua, cl_init.lua, and shared.lua files inside.

This makes it clearer what code can and will be executed on clients and/or the server.

Prefix Entity Folder

Please use the swvr_ prefix before the name of your entity folder/file.

This prevents collisions with other vehicle addons that might also have Star Wars vehicles.

Overriding Functions

Please only ever override functions specified as meant to be in the documentation.

Overriding a base function could cause many problems. Even if the base doesn't appear to need it, in the future that can change!


Configuration of the basic settings of the ship.

Basic Configuration

Flight Physics Configuration


Settings allow clients and servers to customize vehicles.

Adding Custom Settings

This is currently being explored as an option for developers.


Adding Seats

There are current two ways to add seats to vehicles.

The first way is what I will refer to as the hard-coded way. This is manually specifying the seat details inside the ENT.Seats table inside of the shared.lua file.

The second way is the dyanmic way. This means adding the seats at run-time when the ship is initialized. This method should be used inside of the ENT:OnInitialize() method inside of the init.lua file.

You are allowed to mix these methods if you so desire. Note that any hard-coded seats will be registered before the dynamic seats.


ENT.Seats = {
  ["Pilot"] = {
    Pos = Vector(-20),
    Ang = Angle(0, -90, 0)


function ENT:OnInitialize()
  self:AddSeat("Pilot", Vector(-20), Angle(0, -90, 0))

NOTE: The first seat added will ALWAYS be considered the pilot seat, regardless of whether or not you call it pilot!


Adding Weapons

Similar to seats, weapons can both be added using the same two ways.

The first way is what I will refer to as the hard-coded way. This is manually specifying the weapon details inside the ENT.Weapons table inside of the shared.lua file.

The second way is the dyanmic way. This means adding the weapons at run-time when the ship is initialized. This method should be used inside of the ENT:OnInitialize() method inside of the init.lua file.

You are allowed to mix these methods if you so desire. Note that any hard-coded weapons will be registered before the dynamic weapons.


ENT.Weapons = {
  ["Main"] = {
    Pos = Vector(50, -60, 0),
    Callback = nil


function ENT:OnInitialize()
  self:AddWeapon("Main", Vector(50, -60, 0), nil)

Using Weapons

Using the added weapons are extremely easy. The built in function ENT:FireWeapon(name, options) is designed to be able to easily fire any weapon added, even custom firing functions.

Firing the weapon might look something like this.

function ENT:PrimaryAttack()
  if self:GetNextPrimaryFire() > CurTime() then return end

  self:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime() + 0.1)


  for _, name in ipairs({"FrontL", "FrontR"}) do

In this example, the second parameter options of ENT:FireWeapon(name, options) is ignored. This is usually alright if you're just firing a cannon.

Often times though, you'll want to customize the weapon you're firing. Use the options parameter to customize the weapon before firing it.

self:FireWeapon("Main", {
  Type = "proton_torpedo",
  Damage = 500

Internally, the specific weapon firing function gets called by translating the Type field from snake_case to CamelCase.

In this case, proton_torpedo becomes ProtonTorpedo and thus the function ENT:FireProtonTorpedo(name, options) is automatically called for you!

Any options passed into ENT;FireWeapon() are also passed into the specific firing function automatically.


While not recommended, all of the effects on the vehicles can be completely overriden or disabled.