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Stateset Distributed B2B Sales and Finance Automation Network


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Stateset is a distributed sales and finance automation network. In order to use the Stateset Platform interface go to

The Stateset Network Swagger API can be found at

    _____       _____                 _____
    _________  /______ __  /___________________  /_
    __  ___/  __/  __ `/  __/  _ \_  ___/  _ \  __/
    _(__  )/ /_ / /_/ // /_ /  __/(__  )/  __/ /_
    /____/ \__/ \__,_/ \__/ \___//____/ \___/\__/

	   8 Node Network Graph | 28 Edges | 1 Notary
          ^      ^     ^      ^     ^      ^
	 /--------\   /--------\   /--------\                                   
	|	   | |	        | |          |                  
	|  PartyB  | |  PartyC  | |  PartyD  | 
	|          | |	   	| |          |                   
 	 \--------/   \--------/   \--------/
  ^      ^       v     ^      ^     v       ^      ^ 
 /--------\	      /--------\	   /--------\
|	   |	     |	        |	  |	     |
|  PartyA  |	     | Notaries |	  |  PartyE  | 
|	   |	     |	        |	  |	     | 
 \--------/	      \--------/           \--------/
  v       ^      ^     ^      ^     ^      ^       v
	 /--------\   /--------\   /--------\                                   
	|	   | |	        | |          |                            
	|  PartyH  | |  PartyG  | |  PartyF  | 
	|          | |	        | |          |                             
 	 \--------/   \--------/   \--------/
          v      v     v      v     v      v

                ^  +-------------------------------+  ^
                |  |                               |  |
                |  |  State-machine = Application  |  |
                |  |                               |  |   Stateset
                |  |            ^      +           |  |
                |  +----------- | ABCI | ----------+  v
                |  |            +      v           |  ^
                |  |                               |  |
Stateset        |  |           Consensus           |  |
Notaries        |  |                               |  |
Clusters        |  +-------------------------------+  |   Tendermint Core
                |  |                               |  |
                |  |           Networking          |  |
                |  |                               |  |
                v  +-------------------------------+  v

Stateset Network Setup

  1. Install the Stateset Network locally via Git:
git clone
  1. Deploy the Nodes
cd stateset && gradlew.bat deployNodes (Windows) OR ./gradlew deployNodes (Linux)
  1. Run the Nodes
cd workflows
cd build 
cd nodes
runnodes.bat (Windows) OR ./runnodes (Linux)
  1. Run the Spring Boot Server
cd ..
cd ..
cd server
../gradlew.bat bootRun -x test (Windows) OR ../gradlew bootRun -x test

The Stateset Network API Swagger will be running at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/

To change the name of your organisation or any other parameters, edit the node.conf file and repeat the above steps.

Joining the Network

Add the following to the node.conf file:


This is the current network map and doorman server URL

  1. Remove Existing Network Parameters and Certificates
cd build
cd nodes
cd PartyA
rm -rf nodeInfo-* network-parameters certificates additional-node-infos
  1. Download the Network Truststore
curl -o /var/tmp/network-truststore.jks
  1. Initial Node Registration
java -jar corda.jar --initial-registration --network-root-truststore /var/tmp/network-truststore.jks --network-root-truststore-password trustpass
  1. Start the Node
java -jar corda.jar

To teardown all of the nodes and server:

taskkill /f /im java.exe

Node Configuration


  • Corda version: Corda 4
  • Vault SQL Database: PostgreSQL
  • Cloud Service Provider: GCP
  • JVM or Kubernetes

Database Configuration

The node configuration on deploy is setup to leverage Postgres using the Cloud SQL Instance

   node {
        name "O=StateSet,L=San Mateo,C=US"
        p2pPort 10011
        rpcSettings {
        cordapps = []
        rpcUsers = [[ user: "user1", "password": "test", "permissions": ["ALL"]]]
        extraConfig = [
                'dataSourceProperties' : [
                        'dataSourceClassName' : 'org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource',
                        'dataSource.url' : 'jdbc:postgresql://<DATABASE_NAME>?cloudSqlInstance=<INSTANCE>&<USER>&password=<PASSWORD>&currentSchema=stateset',
                        'dataSource.password' : 'password',
                        'dataSource.user' : 'user'
                'database': [
                        'transactionIsolationLevel' : 'READ_COMMITTED'
                'jarDirs': '[/stateset-network/drivers]'
        webPort 8080
        // extraConfig = ['h2Settings.address' : 'localhost:12347']
        webserverJar = "${rootProject.projectDir}/server/build/libs/server-${project.version}.jar"

In order to use the GraphQL engine on the Stateset Network; the schema, user and password will need to be created on Postgres:

CREATE USER "my_user" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'my_password';
CREATE SCHEMA "my_schema";
GRANT USAGE, CREATE ON SCHEMA "my_schema" TO "my_user";
GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON ALL sequences IN SCHEMA "my_schema" TO "my_user";
ALTER DEFAULT privileges IN SCHEMA "my_schema" GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON sequences TO "my_user";
ALTER ROLE "my_user" SET search_path = "my_schema";

Network States

Customer States are transferred between stakeholders on the network.


The first state to be deployed on the network is the Account. Version 0.1 of the Account State has the following structure:

// *********
// * Account State *
// *********

data class Account(val accountId: String,
                   val accountName: String,
                   val accountType: TypeOfBusiness,
                   val industry: String,
                   val phone: String,
                   val yearStarted: Int,
                   val annualRevenue: Double,
                   val businessAddress: String,
                   val businessCity: String,
                   val businessState: String,
                   val businessZipCode: String,
                   val controller: Party,
                   val processor: Party ) : ContractState, QueryableState {

The Account has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreateAccount - Create an Account between your organization and a known counterparty on the DSOA
  • TransferAccount - Transfer the Account between your organization and a counterparty on the DSOA
  • ShareAccount - Share the Account Data with a counterparty
  • EraseAccount - Erase the Account Data


The second state to be deployed on the network is the Contact. Version 0.1 of the Contact State has the following structure:

// *********
// * Contact State *
// *********

data class Contact(val contactId: String,
                   val firstName: String,
                   val lastName: String,
                   val email: String,
                   val phone: String,
                   val controller: Party,
                   val processor: Party,
                   override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier())

The Contact has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreateContact - Create a Contact between your organization and a known counterparty on the DSOA
  • TransferContact - Transfer the Contact between your organization and a counterparty on the DSOA
  • ShareContact - Share the Contact Data with a counterparty
  • EraseContact - Erase the Contact Data


The third state to be deployed on the network is the Lead. Version 0.1 of the Lead State has the following structure:

// *********
// * Lead State *
// *********

data class Lead(val leadId: String,
                val firstName: String,
                val lastName: String,
                val company: String,
                val title: String,
                val email: String,
                val phone: String,
                val country: String,
                val controller: Party,
                val processor: Party,
                override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier())

The Lead has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreateLead - Create a Lead between your organization and a known counterparty on the DSOA
  • TransferLead - Transfer the Lead between your organization and a counterparty on the DSOA
  • ShareLead - Share the Lead Data with a counterparty
  • EraseLead - Erase the Lead Data
  • ConvertLead - Convert a Lead State into an Account State and Contact State

We created the Carmen Dashboard to provide the ability for organizations to create Accounts, Contacts, and Leads with counterparties on the network.


// *********
// * Case State *
// *********

data class Case(val caseId: String,
                val description: String,
                val caseNumber: String,
                val caseStatus: CaseStatus,
                val casePriority: CasePriority,
                val submitter: Party,
                val resolver: Party,
                override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()) 

The Case has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreateCase - Create a Case between your organization and a known counterparty on the DSOA
  • StartCase - Start on an unstarted Case
  • CloseCase - Close the Case with a counterparty
  • EscalateCase - Escalate the Case


// *****************
// * Proposal State *
// *****************

data class Proposal(val proposalNumber: String,
                    val proposalName: String,
                    val proposalHash: String,
                    val proposalStatus: ProposalStatus,
                    val proposalType: ProposalType,
                    val totalProposalValue: Int,
                    val party: Party,
                    val counterparty: Party,
                    val proposalStartDate: String,
                    val proposalEndDate: String,
                    val active: Boolean?,
                    val createdAt: String?,
                    val lastUpdated: String?,
                    override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()) : ContractState, LinearState, QueryableState {

The Proposal has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreateProposal - Create a Proposal between your organization and a known counterparty on Stateset
  • AcceptProposal - Accepts the Proposal
  • RejectProposal - Rejects the Proposal


// *****************
// * Agreement State *
// *****************

data class Agreement(val agreementNumber: String,
                     val agreementName: String,
                     val agreementHash: String,
                     val agreementStatus: AgreementStatus,
                     val agreementType: AgreementType,
                     val totalAgreementValue: Int,
                     val party: Party,
                     val counterparty: Party,
                     val agreementStartDate: String,
                     val agreementEndDate: String,
                     val active: Boolean?,
                     val createdAt: String?,
                     val lastUpdated: String?,
                     override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()) : ContractState, LinearState, QueryableState {

The Agreement has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreateAgreement - Create an Agreement between your organization and a known counterparty on Stateset
  • ActivateAgreement - Activate the Agreement between your organization and a counterparty on Stateset
  • TerminateAgreement - Terminate an existing or active agreement
  • RenewAgreement - Renew an existing agreement that is or is about to expire
  • ExpireAgreement - Expire a currently active agreement between you and a counterparty

The Agreement Status and Agreement Type enums are listed as follows:

enum class AgreementStatus {

enum class AgreementType {


// *****************
// * Loan State *
// *****************

data class Loan(val loanNumber: String,
                val loanName: String,
                val loanReason: String,
                val loanStatus: LoanStatus,
                val loanType: LoanType,
                val amountDue: Int,
                val amountPaid: Int,
                val amountRemaining: Int,
                val subtotal: Int,
                val total: Int,
                val party: Party,
                val counterparty: Party,
                val dueDate: String,
                val periodStartDate: String,
                val periodEndDate: String,
                val paid: Boolean?,
                val active: Boolean?,
                val createdAt: String?,
                val lastUpdated: String?,
                override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()) : ContractState, LinearState, QueryableState {

The Loan has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreateLoan - Create a Loan between your organization and a known counterparty on Stateset
  • PayLoan - Pay off a Loan


// *****************
// * Invoice State *
// *****************

data class Invoice(val invoiceNumber: String,
                   val invoiceName: String,
                   val billingReason: String,
                   val amountDue: Int,
                   val amountPaid: Int,
                   val amountRemaining: Int,
                   val subtotal: Int,
                   val total: Int,
                   val party: Party,
                   val counterparty: Party,
                   val dueDate: String,
                   val periodStartDate: String,
                   val periodEndDate: String,
                   val paid: Boolean?,
                   val active: Boolean?,
                   val createdAt: String?,
                   val lastUpdated: String?,
                   override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()) : ContractState, LinearState, QueryableState {

The Invoice has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreateInvoice - Create a Invoice between your organization and a known counterparty
  • PayInvoice - Pay an Invoice
  • FactorInvoice - Factor an Invoice

Purchase Orders

// ************************
// * Purchase Order State *
// ************************

data class PurchaseOrder(val purchaseOrderNumber: String,
                         val purchaseOrderName: String,
                         val purchaseOrderHash: String,
                         val purchaseOrderStatus: PurchaseOrderStatus,
                         val description: String,
                         val purchaseDate: String,
                         val deliveryDate: String,
                         val subtotal: Int,
                         val total: Int,
                         val purchaser: Party,
                         val vendor: Party,
                         val createdAt: String?,
                         val lastUpdated: String?,
                         override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()) : ContractState, LinearState, QueryableState {

The Purchase Order has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreatePurchaseOrder - Create a PO between a purchaser and a vendor on Stateset
  • CompletePurchaseOrder - Completes the PO
  • CancelPurchaseOrder - Cancels the PO


Testing and code review needs to be implemented on the Stateset Network.

Automated Testing

Developers are strongly encouraged to write for new code, and to submit new unit tests for old code. Unit tests can be compiled and run.

Manual Quality Assurance (QA) Testing

Changes should be tested by somebody other than the developer who wrote the code. This is especially important for large or high-risk changes. It is useful to add a test plan to the pull request description if testing the changes is not straightforward.