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Metadata service for


Set up

To work on this repository you need to install poetry:

# macOS / linux / BashOnWindows
curl -sSL | python -

# Windows powershell
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -

Then install the virtual environment from the root directory:

poetry install

Running tests

Open terminal and go to root directory of the project and run:

poetry run pytest --cov=metadata_service/

REST API documentation

The API documentation is available at data-store-api-doc

Running without Docker

You should add the appropriate environmental variables to your local system:

export DATASTORE_ROOT_DIR=/datastore
export DOCKER_HOST_NAME=<host name>

Open terminal and go to root directory of the project and run:

poetry run gunicorn

Build and run Docker image

docker build --tag metadata-service:local-latest .
docker run --publish 8080:8080 \
--rm \
--env DATASTORE_ROOT_DIR=/datastore \
--env PORT=8000 \
--env DOCKER_HOST_NAME=local \
-v /path/to/datastore:/datastore metadata-service:local-latest

Built with

  • Poetry - Python dependency and package management
  • Gunicorn - Python WSGI-server for UNIX
  • Flask - Web framework
  • Pydantic - Data validation