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abhijeetpanda12 committed Dec 5, 2018
2 parents 428b49c + a007dd7 commit 5bae3f8
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,705 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions statsmodels/tsa/automatic/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from .forecast import Forecast
from .forecast import ForecastSet
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions statsmodels/tsa/automatic/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
"""Automatic selection of the Exponential Smoothing Model."""
import numpy as np
import warnings
import statsmodels.api as sm

def auto_es(endog, measure='aic', seasonal_periods=1, damped=False,
additive_only=False, alpha=None, beta=None,
gamma=None, phi=None):
"""Perform automatic calculation of the parameters used in ES models.
This uses a brute force approach to traverse through all the possible
parameters of the model and select the best model based on the measure values.
endog : list
input contains the time series data over a period of time.
measure : str
specifies which information measure to use for model evaluation.
'aic' is the default measure.
seasonal_periods : int
the length of a seaonal period.
damped : boolean
includes damped trends.
additive_only : boolean
Allows only additive trend and seasonal models.
alpha : float
Smoothing level.
beta : float
Smoothing slope.
gamma : float
Smoothing seasonal.
phi : float
damping slope.
model : pair
Pair containing trend,seasonal component type.
Status : Work In Progress.
if damped:
trends = ["add", "mul"]
trends = ["add", "mul", None]
# damped
seasonal = ["add", "mul", None]
if additive_only:
trends = ["add"]
seasonal = ["add"]
min_measure = np.inf
model = [None, None]
for t in trends:
if seasonal_periods > 1:
for s in seasonal:
mod = sm.tsa.ExponentialSmoothing(endog, trend=t,
res =, smoothing_slope=beta,
smoothing_seasonal=gamma, damping_slope=phi)
if getattr(res, measure) < min_measure:
min_measure = getattr(res, measure)
model = [t, s]
except Exception as e:
mod = sm.tsa.ExponentialSmoothing(endog, trend=t,
res =, smoothing_slope=beta,
smoothing_seasonal=gamma, damping_slope=phi)
if getattr(res, measure) < min_measure:
min_measure = getattr(res, measure)
model = [t, None]
except Exception as e:
return model
224 changes: 224 additions & 0 deletions statsmodels/tsa/automatic/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
"""Classes to hold the Forecast results individually and in sets."""
import numpy as np
import warnings
import statsmodels.api as sm
from import cache_readonly

from statsmodels.tsa.automatic import sarimax
from statsmodels.tsa.automatic import exponentialsmoothing

class Forecast(object):
"""Class to hold the data of a single forecast model."""

def __init__(self, endog, model, s=1, test_sample=0.2, auto_params=False,
"""Intialize the data for the Forecast class.
endog : list
input contains the time series data over a period of time.
model : class
specifies which model to use for forecasting the data.
s : int
the length of a seaonal period.
test_sample : float
ratio of the enod to keep for testing.
auto_params : boolean
ensures automatic selection of model parameters.
Status : Work In Progress.
# TODO: make date selection of test sample more robust
if test_sample is None:
self.endog_training = endog
self.indicator = True
if type(test_sample) == str:
self.endog_training = endog[:test_sample][:-1]
self.endog_test = endog[test_sample:]
if type(test_sample) == float or type(test_sample) == int:
if test_sample > 0.0 and test_sample < 1.0:
# here test_sample is containing the number of
# observations to consider for the endog_test
test_sample = int(test_sample * len(endog))
self.endog_training = endog[:-test_sample]
self.endog_test = endog[-test_sample:]
if auto_params:
if (model == sm.tsa.SARIMAX):
if s > 1:
trend, p, d, q, P, D, Q = sarimax.auto_order(self.endog_training,
s=s, **spec)
# update dictionary
spec['order'] = (p, d, q)
spec['seasonal_order'] = (P, D, Q, s)
if trend:
spec['trend'] = 'c'
trend, p, d, q = sarimax.auto_order(self.endog_training,
stepwise=True, **spec)
# update dictionary
spec['order'] = (p, d, q)
if trend:
spec['trend'] = 'c'
if(model == sm.tsa.ExponentialSmoothing):
mod = exponentialsmoothing.auto_es(self.endog_training, **spec)
# update dictionary
spec['trend'] = mod[0]
spec['seasonal'] = mod[1]
# Fitting the appropriate model
self.model = model(self.endog_training, **spec)
# self.model = model(endog, **spec)
self.results =

def resid(self):
"""(array) The list of residuals while fitting the model."""
return self.results.resid

def fittedvalues(self):
"""(array) The list of fitted values of the time-series model."""
return self.results.fittedvalues

def nobs_training(self):
"""(int) Number of observations in the training set."""
return len(self.endog_training)

def nobs_test(self):
"""(int) Number of observations in the test set."""
return len(self.endog_test)

def forecasts(self):
"""(array) The model forecast values."""
return self.results.forecast(self.nobs_test)

# In this case we'll be computing accuracy using forecast errors
# instead of residual values. The forecast error is calculated on test set.
def forecasts_error(self):
"""(array) The model forecast errors."""
return self.endog_test - self.forecasts

def mae(self):
"""(float) Mean Absolute Error."""
return np.mean(np.abs(self.forecasts_error))

def rmse(self):
"""(float) Root mean squared error."""
return np.sqrt(np.mean(self.forecasts_error ** 2))

def mape(self):
"""(float) Mean absolute percentage error."""
return np.mean(np.abs((self.forecasts_error) / self.endog_test)) * 100

def smape(self):
"""(float) symmetric Mean absolute percentage error."""
return np.mean(
200*np.abs(self.forecasts_error) /
np.abs(self.endog_test + self.forecasts))

def mase(self):
"""(float) Mean Absolute Scaled Error."""
# for non-seasonal time series
e_j = self.forecasts_error
sum_v = 0
for val in range(2, self.nobs_training):
sum_v += (self.endog_training[val] - self.endog_training[val - 1])
q_j = e_j*(self.nobs_training-1)/sum_v
return np.mean(np.abs(q_j))

class ForecastSet(object):
"""Class to hold various Forecast objects.
The class holds various Forecast objects and selects
the best Forecast object based on some evaluation measure.

def __init__(self, endog, test_sample):
"""Initialize the values of the ForecastSet class.
endog : list
input contains the time series data over a period of time.
test_sample : float
ratio of the enod to keep for testing.
self.endog = endog
self.test_sample = test_sample
self.models = []

def add(self, model, **spec):
"""Add a Forecast object to this ForecastSet.
model : class
specifies which model to use for forecasting the data.
fcast = Forecast(self.endog, model, self.test_sample, **spec)

def add_fcast(self, fcast_ob):
"""Add a Forecast object to this ForecastSet.
fcast_ob : Forecast object
already created Forecast object class.

def validate(self):
train = self.models[0].endog_training
test = self.models[0].endog_test
for i in range(1, len(self.models)):
if not ((self.models[i].endog_training.equals(train)) and
return False
return True

def select(self, measure='mae'):
"""Select the best forecast based on criteria provided by the user.
measure : str
specifies the measure to select the best performing model.
mae is the default measure.
model : class
specifies which model to use for forecasting the data.
if (self.validate()):
measure_vals = np.zeros(len(self.models))
for mod in range(len(self.models)):
measure_vals[mod] = getattr(self.models[mod], measure)
min_measure = measure_vals.min()
model = np.where(measure_vals == min_measure)
# print(self.models[0][0])
return self.models[model[0][0]]
warnings.warn("Cannot Compare models with diffetent training and test data")

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