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Merge pull request #2385 from kshedden/elastic_net2
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ENH Generic elastic net code
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josef-pkt committed May 7, 2016
2 parents 0fac349 + f40c7f2 commit de15ec8
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Showing 20 changed files with 1,505 additions and 401 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion statsmodels/base/
Expand Up @@ -250,7 +250,10 @@ def fit_constrained(model, constraint_matrix, constraint_values,
#need copy, because we don't want to change it, we don't need deepcopy
import copy
init_kwds = copy.copy(self._get_init_kwds())
del init_kwds['offset'] # TODO: refactor to combine with above or offset_all

# TODO: refactor to combine with above or offset_all
if 'offset' in init_kwds:
del init_kwds['offset']

# using offset as keywords is not supported in all modules
mod_constr = self.__class__(endog, exogp_st, offset=offset, **init_kwds)
Expand Down
327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions statsmodels/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.base.wrapper as wrap
from statsmodels.base.model import Results
import statsmodels.base.wrapper as wrap
from import cache_readonly

Elastic net regularization.
Routines for fitting regression models using elastic net
regularization. The elastic net minimizes the objective function
-llf / nobs + alpha((1 - L1_wt) * sum(params**2) / 2 + L1_wt * sum(abs(params)))
The algorithm implemented here closely follows the implementation in
the R glmnet package, documented here:
and here:
This routine should work for any regression model that implements
loglike, score, and hess.

def _gen_npfuncs(k, L1_wt, alpha, loglike_kwds, score_kwds, hess_kwds):
Negative penalized log-likelihood functions.
Returns the negative penalized log-likelihood, its derivative, and
its Hessian. The penalty only includes the smooth (L2) term.
All three functions have argument signature (x, model), where
``x`` is a point in the parameter space and ``model`` is an
arbitrary statsmodels regression model.

def nploglike(params, model):
nobs = model.nobs
pen_llf = alpha[k] * (1 - L1_wt) * np.sum(params**2) / 2
llf = model.loglike(np.r_[params], **loglike_kwds)
return - llf / nobs + pen_llf

def npscore(params, model):
nobs = model.nobs
pen_grad = alpha[k] * (1 - L1_wt) * params
gr = -model.score(np.r_[params], **score_kwds)[0] / nobs
return gr + pen_grad

def nphess(params, model):
nobs = model.nobs
pen_hess = alpha[k] * (1 - L1_wt)
h = -model.hessian(np.r_[params], **hess_kwds)[0,0] / nobs + pen_hess
return h

return nploglike, npscore, nphess

def fit_elasticnet(model, method="coord_descent", maxiter=100, alpha=0.,
L1_wt=1., start_params=None, cnvrg_tol=1e-7, zero_tol=1e-8,
refit=False, loglike_kwds=None, score_kwds=None,
Return an elastic net regularized fit to a regression model.
model : model object
A statsmodels object implementing ``loglike``, ``score``, and
method :
Only the coordinate descent algorithm is implemented.
maxiter : integer
The maximum number of iteration cycles (an iteration cycle
involves running coordinate descent on all variables).
alpha : scalar or array-like
The penalty weight. If a scalar, the same penalty weight
applies to all variables in the model. If a vector, it
must have the same length as `params`, and contains a
penalty weight for each coefficient.
L1_wt : scalar
The fraction of the penalty given to the L1 penalty term.
Must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). If 0, the fit is
a ridge fit, if 1 it is a lasso fit.
start_params : array-like
Starting values for `params`.
cnvrg_tol : scalar
If `params` changes by less than this amount (in sup-norm)
in one iteration cycle, the algorithm terminates with
zero_tol : scalar
Any estimated coefficient smaller than this value is
replaced with zero.
refit : bool
If True, the model is refit using only the variables that have
non-zero coefficients in the regularized fit. The refitted
model is not regularized.
loglike_kwds : dict-like or None
Keyword arguments for the log-likelihood function.
score_kwds : dict-like or None
Keyword arguments for the score function.
hess_kwds : dict-like or None
Keyword arguments for the Hessian function.
A results object.
The ``elastic net`` penalty is a combination of L1 and L2
The function that is minimized is:
-loglike/n + alpha*((1-L1_wt)*|params|_2^2/2 + L1_wt*|params|_1)
where |*|_1 and |*|_2 are the L1 and L2 norms.
The computational approach used here is to obtain a quadratic
approximation to the smooth part of the target function:
-loglike/n + alpha*(1-L1_wt)*|params|_2^2/2
then repeatedly optimize the L1 penalized version of this function
along coordinate axes.

k_exog = model.exog.shape[1]
n_exog = model.exog.shape[0]

loglike_kwds = {} if loglike_kwds is None else loglike_kwds
score_kwds = {} if score_kwds is None else score_kwds
hess_kwds = {} if hess_kwds is None else hess_kwds

if np.isscalar(alpha):
alpha = alpha * np.ones(k_exog)

# Define starting params
if start_params is None:
params = np.zeros(k_exog)
params = start_params.copy()

converged = False
btol = 1e-8
params_zero = np.zeros(len(params), dtype=bool)

init_args = dict([(k, getattr(model, k)) for k in model._init_keys
if k != "offset" and hasattr(model, k)])

fgh_list = [_gen_npfuncs(k, L1_wt, alpha, loglike_kwds, score_kwds, hess_kwds)
for k in range(k_exog)]

for itr in range(maxiter):

# Sweep through the parameters
params_save = params.copy()
for k in range(k_exog):

# Under the active set method, if a parameter becomes
# zero we don't try to change it again.
# TODO : give the user the option to switch this off
if params_zero[k]:

# Set the offset to account for the variables that are
# being held fixed in the current coordinate
# optimization.
params0 = params.copy()
params0[k] = 0
offset =, params0)
if hasattr(model, "offset") and model.offset is not None:
offset += model.offset

# Create a one-variable model for optimization.
model_1var = model.__class__(model.endog, model.exog[:, k], offset=offset,

# Do the one-dimensional optimization.
func, grad, hess = fgh_list[k]
params[k] = _opt_1d(func, grad, hess, model_1var, params[k], alpha[k]*L1_wt, tol=btol)

# Update the active set
if itr > 0 and np.abs(params[k]) < zero_tol:
params_zero[k] = True
params[k] = 0.

# Check for convergence
pchange = np.max(np.abs(params - params_save))
if pchange < cnvrg_tol:
converged = True

# Set approximate zero coefficients to be exactly zero
params[np.abs(params) < zero_tol] = 0

if not refit:
results = RegularizedResults(model, params)
return RegularizedResultsWrapper(results)

# Fit the reduced model to get standard errors and other
# post-estimation results.
ii = np.flatnonzero(params)
cov = np.zeros((k_exog, k_exog))
init_args = dict([(k, getattr(model, k, None)) for k in model._init_keys])
if len(ii) > 0:
model1 = model.__class__(model.endog, model.exog[:, ii],
rslt =
cov[np.ix_(ii, ii)] = rslt.normalized_cov_params
# Hack: no variables were selected but we need to run fit in
# order to get the correct results class. So just fit a model
# with one variable.
model1 = model.__class__(model.endog, model.exog[:, 0], **init_args)
rslt =

# fit may return a results or a results wrapper
if issubclass(rslt.__class__, wrap.ResultsWrapper):
klass = rslt._results.__class__
klass = rslt.__class__

# Not all models have a scale
if hasattr(rslt, 'scale'):
scale = rslt.scale
scale = 1.

# Assuming a standard signature for creating results classes.
refit = klass(model, params, cov, scale=scale)
refit.regularized = True
refit.method = method
refit.fit_history = {'iteration' : itr + 1}

return refit

def _opt_1d(func, grad, hess, model, start, L1_wt, tol):
One-dimensional helper for elastic net.
func : function
A smooth function of a single variable to be optimized
with L1 penaty.
grad : function
The gradient of `func`.
hess : function
The Hessian of `func`.
model : statsmodels model
The model being fit.
start : real
A starting value for the function argument
L1_wt : non-negative real
The weight for the L1 penalty function.
tol : non-negative real
A convergence threshold.
``func``, ``grad``, and ``hess`` have argument signature (x,
model), where ``x`` is a point in the parameter space and
``model`` is the model being fit.
If the log-likelihood for the model is exactly quadratic, the
global minimum is returned in one step. Otherwise numerical
bisection is used.
The argmin of the objective function.

from scipy.optimize import brent

x = start
f = func(x, model)
b = grad(x, model)
c = hess(x, model)
d = b - c*x

if L1_wt > np.abs(d):
return 0.

if d >= 0:
h = (L1_wt - b) / c
elif d < 0:
h = -(L1_wt + b) / c
return np.nan

f1 = func(x + h, model) + L1_wt*np.abs(x + h)
if f1 <= f + L1_wt*np.abs(x) + 1e-10:
return x + h

x_opt = brent(func, args=(model,), brack=(x-1, x+1), tol=tol)
return x_opt

class RegularizedResults(Results):

def __init__(self, model, params):
super(RegularizedResults, self).__init__(model, params)

def fittedvalues(self):
return self.model.predict(self.params)

class RegularizedResultsWrapper(wrap.ResultsWrapper):
_attrs = {
'params': 'columns',
'resid': 'rows',
'fittedvalues': 'rows',

_wrap_attrs = _attrs

23 changes: 19 additions & 4 deletions statsmodels/base/
Expand Up @@ -770,6 +770,10 @@ def predict(self, exog=None, transform=True, *args, **kwargs):
return predict_results

def summary(self):

#TODO: public method?
class LikelihoodModelResults(Results):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1705,10 +1709,20 @@ def remove_data(self):
Not fully tested for time series models, tsa, and might delete too much
for prediction or not all that would be possible.
The list of arrays to delete is maintained as an attribute of the
result and model instance, except for cached values. These lists could
be changed before calling remove_data.
The lists of arrays to delete are maintained as attributes of
the result and model instance, except for cached values. These
lists could be changed before calling remove_data.
The attributes to remove are named in:
model._data_attr : arrays attached to both the model instance
and the results instance with the same attribute name.
result.data_in_cache : arrays that may exist as values in
result._cache (TODO : should privatize name)
result._data_attr_model : arrays attached to the model
instance but not to the results instance
def wipe(obj, att):
#get to last element in attribute path
Expand All @@ -1725,8 +1739,9 @@ def wipe(obj, att):
except AttributeError:

model_only = ['model.' + i for i in getattr(self, "_data_attr_model", [])]
model_attr = ['model.' + i for i in self.model._data_attr]
for att in self._data_attr + model_attr:
for att in self._data_attr + model_attr + model_only:
#print('removing', att)
wipe(self, att)

Expand Down

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