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Project inactive

This project was created before Heroku changed its pricing scheme to force 6 hours of downtime per day for its free dynos. Their change proved to be rather discouraging for me, and I decided that I would take down my image bots. This means that I won't be working on improving them anymore, and @_dbooks won't be getting much attention from me. I will probably only be providing minimal amounts of support for @_dbooks in the future.

It's been fun, and I learned a lot! 🍓

@_dbooks: Blacklist Blocks

Deploy to Heroku No Maintenance Intended

@_dbooks is a pre-written twitter_ebooks bot that allows anyone to set up their very own anime image tweeting bot. Unlike most other image tweeting bots, @_dbooks doesn't require you to maintain a collection of images (though you could, if you wanted to). It automatically tweets images from the ever-expanding image cataloging site Danbooru, filtered by your choice of search parameters. As Danbooru gains new images, so will your bot.

See @kangaroo_dbooks for an example bot.



  1. Click Deploy to Heroku.
  2. Fill out Heroku's deployment form, referring to Configuration below for details.
  3. Scale your Heroku worker dyno to 1:1X. Turn on your worker dyno.

If you need a little more guidance in creating a @_dbooks bot, I made a little installation guide you could use! If that's not enough, please feel free to ask me on twitter for extra help~

If you prefer a more do-it-yourself approach, please clone this branch if you still want to receive auto-updates!


All bot configuration is now done through tags. For more information about how tags work, Danbooru's wiki has a nice page about it. Danbooru tags obviously aren't enough to configure your bot, though, so I extended them with my own %tags! They all start with %, and pretty much work just like Danbooru's tags. There are %metatags that have a : in them, and they work in a %name:value format, letting you set some setting to some value. Normal %tags don't have a : in them, and they either do something or don't, depending on whether or not you include them.

All %tags (tags that start with %) don't count toward your Danbooru tag limit.

%metatags Default What it does
%twitter_key: Twitter Consumer Key
%twitter_secret: Twitter Consumer Secret
%twitter_token: Twitter Access Token
%twitter_token_secret: Twitter Access Token Secret
%danbooru_login: optional Danbooru Username
%danbooru_api_key: optional Danbooru API Key
%owner: optional Your own user ID number or username
%every: never Time between tweets in an '1h2m3s' format
%gelbooru: optional Enables Gelbooru API support (advanced)

Note that unless I've stated otherwise, you can only have one of each %metatag, and there isn't a %tag for your bot's username.

%tags What it does
%no_deleted Don't tweet deleted posts
%errors Send error logs to owner via DMs
%hide_tags Don't show tag information inside of tweets

There are also some other "special case" shortcut tags that you can use that don't really adhere to the formats above.

tag What it does
search_tag To set your search tags, just type them as you would in a search.
%-search_tag To blacklist certain tags, add a %- in front of them.

There are two places where you can put your tags: your bot's profile, and your bot's environment variables (ENV Settings). Your ENV Settings are for things that are meant to be secret and not likely to change often, like your %twitter_ and %danbooru_ %tags. Everything else can go into your bot's profile description. You can type anything you want into your bot's bio, but it has to end with your tags! Just type @_dbooks to let your bot know to start reading its own bio, and add your tags behind it.

Note that aside from your %twitter_ and %danbooru_ %tags, there's no rule about where your tags have to go. You can even put all of your tags, including your search tags, inside of your ENV setting! If you do that, please still include @_dbooks in your bots' descriptions! I would really appreciate it~

Example Configuration

Here's an example bot that posts pictures of cat-people containing one girl every nine minutes, without being logged into Danbooru! Note that all of this example's search tags are in its profile, but you can put some into your ENV settings too! You might want to do something like that if you want to ensure that your bot posts only safe (rating:s) pictures all the time, forever.

ENV setting

%twitter_key:SECRETSECRETS %twitter_secret:EVENMORESECRET
%twitter_token:1234-SECRETAGAIN %twitter_token_secret:YUPITSSECRET

Profile Bio

Hello! I'm an example bot running: @_dbooks 1girl cat_ears %every:9m

Multiple bots

You can run multiple bots with the same app! Just create more than one ENV setting string as indicated above, string them all together, separated by commas, and dump them all into DBOOKS. Note that each bot is completely separate, so even if some of your tags are the same, you'll need to include them for each of your bots.

1girl %twitter_key:SECRETSECRETS %twitter_secret:EVENMORESECRET
%twitter_token:1234-SECRETAGAIN %twitter_token_secret:YUPITSSECRET, original
%twitter_key:SECRETSECRETS %twitter_secret:EVENMORESECRET
%twitter_token:1235-SECRETAGAIN2  %twitter_token_secret:YUPITSSECRET2,
%twitter_key:SECRETSECRETS3 %twitter_secret:EVENMORESECRET3
%twitter_token:1236-SECRETAGAIN3 %twitter_token_secret:YUPITSSECRET3

Gelbooru API Support

@_dbooks now has (limited) support for Gelbooru-style APIs, like Gelbooru or Safebooru. To enable it, use %gelbooru:, setting its value to the root address (home page) address of the site you're trying to use. If it starts with http://, you don't need to include it. If you include this %metatag, your Danbooru credentials will be ignored, and your bot will switch to Gelbooru mode.

Direct Message Commands

Once you set %owner:, you can use direct messages as a simple command-line type thing! Direct message commands work essentially the same way as profile description tags do, but all of the %tags are different now, since instead of changing settings, you'll be running commands! You also pass Danbooru search tags to your bot through DMs, and it'll search for them and immediately tweet an image matching those tags if it could find one!

Just like in your bot's profile description, you'll have to DM @_dbooks to your bot, followed by your tags. This is to keep you from accidentally asking your bot to tweet something embarassing.

To reiterate, config %tags (the ones above) don't work in DMs. You get these instead!

%tag What your bot will do
%version Give you @_dbooks version number
%uptime Tell you how long it has been running for
%restart Shut down, making Heroku restart your bot for you
(anything else) Run a Danbooru search and tweet a random post instantly

Tweet an image right away

@_dbooks id:1887658

Restart your bot

@_dbooks %restart


If you installed using my Deploy to Heroku button, there's nothing you need to do to get updates. They'll get installed automatically when your bot restarts (unless some kind of disaster or unexpected thing happens). If you want to install manually but still get automatic updates, clone and deploy my urgh branch.




Thank you for considering @_dbooks!
