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As a CF operator
I can extend my Cloud Foundry platform with log analysis
Using Logsearch for Cloudfoundry

David Laing Product Owner, Logsearch Jack Wu (吴疆) Cloud Ops, Pivotal

  • Operating distributed systems is hard
    • Cloud Foundry platform
    • Microservices running on Cloud Foundry
  • Centralised log and metric analysis lets you see what is going on
  • Should be part of the platform

  • ELK stack deployed by BOSH
    • Running in production for 2 years
    • Log processing pipeline -> Log search engine -> Visualization tool
    • Linear scalability
  • Logsearch for Cloud Foundry adds tight integration into CF ecosystem
    • Ingests all the logs ( and metrics )
    • Extracts and enriches
    • Zero configuration authentication and multitenant access control

  1. Platform component logs from syslog forwarders
  2. Platform metrics from CF Collector
  3. Deployment data from BOSH NATs
  4. App logs from Loggregator firehose

  • Log sources
    • Syslog of CloudFoundry components
    • AWS ELB access log
    • AWS RDS Log
  • High Avaiability
    • Multi-AZ deployment
  • Scalability
    • storage - extend storage when necessary
    • computing - adding parser nodes when necessary

  • Deployment size
    • Totally 37 nodes among 3 Available Zones (AZ)
    • Totally 9 parser nodes (c3.large VM)
    • Totally 15 Elastic Search Nodes (r3.xlarge nodes)
    • Totally storage size - 18T
  • Data size
    • 18 million lines log per hour
    • 27G indexed data per hour

Router get 502 Error

App pushed

App begin staging

  • Tile for Pivotal's Cloud Foundry distribution
  • Adds
    • Support for Spring Cloud Microservices
    • Focus on security and audit logs
    • Commercial support

  • Log analysis enables operating distributed systems
  • Logsearch for Cloud Foundry
      -> logs analysis for CF platform
  • ELK for PCF tile
      -> commercial support with focus on Spring Cloud