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stcrocco committed Oct 29, 2010
0 parents commit f2e6ef8
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Showing 174 changed files with 42,671 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

339 changes: 339 additions & 0 deletions COPYING

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
h1. Installation instructions

h2. Dependencies

To run Ruber, you need to have the following installed
* Ruby 1.8.7 MRI or later
* Korundum (KDE Ruby bindings) version 4.5.0 or greater. The 4.4 releases
may or may not work (some bugs have been fixed since these versions, so earlier
versions may lead to crashes).
* The Facets gem ("":,
version 2.7 or later
* The Dictionary gem ("":

h2. Plugin dependencies

Some plugins need external libraries and/or programs to work. If you don't have
these requirements, then some of the plugins won't work. Ruber itself and the
other plugins will still work correctly, however. The programs needed by the plugins

* rak ("":, needed by the Find in Files plugin
* rake ("":, needed by the Rake plugin (already included in ruby 1.9.x)
* rspec ("RSpec 1":, "RSpec 2":, needed by the RSpec plugin

h2. Installing Ruber and its dependencies

h3. The easy way

The easiest way to install Ruber is to use the packages provided by your distribution
and rubygems to install any gem your distribution doesn't package:
* Install Ruby using your package manager
* Install the KDE Ruby bindings using your package manager (usually, the name of the package
will be something like @korundum@, @korundum4@ or @kdebindings-ruby@). Depending
on the packages you have already installed on your system, this other packages
may also be installed.
* Install Facets and Dictionary using your package manager or rubygems there are
no packages for them:

bc. gem install facets
gem install dictionary

* Install Ruber:

bc. gem install ruber

h3. The hard way

The hard way to install ruber is to install the needed dependencies by hand. In particular
(depending on what you have already installed) this may mean installing ruby, the KDE
libraries and the KDE Ruby bindings. If you want, you can also mix the easy and
the hard way, installing some of the above programs using your package manager and
some other by hand.

h4. Installing Ruby by hand

* Download ruby from "the Ruby home page":
* Unpack the tarball
* @cd@ in the directory created by unpacking the tarball
* Run @./configure@, passing it any argument you want. In particular, you may want
to change the installation directory (which by default is @/usr/local@) and
add a prefix or suffix to the executable name (this is useful if you want two)
versions of ruby installed at the same time. To change the installation directory,
pass the @--prefix DIR@ argument to configure, where @DIR@ is the directory you
want to install ruby into. To add a prefix or a suffix to the executables, use
the @--program-prefix@ or @--program-suffix@ options, followed by the prefix or
suffix you want. Use @./configure --help@ to see all the options accepted by
* Run @make@
* Run @make install@. Unless you changed the installation directory to a directory
you have write access to, this command must be run as superuser.

h4. Installing the KDE libraries by hand

I strongly discourage from building the KDE libraries by hand, given the large
number of dependencies they have and the fact that every distribution has packages
for them. To install using a package manager, simply install the @kdelibs@ package.

If you really want to install by hand, here's what to do
* Install the needed dependencies. They're listed on the "KDE techbase site":,
with instructions for different distributions. However, not all the dependencies
listed here are required to install Ruber. You can try skipping this section for
now and return to it after running cmake (see below).
* Download the KDE libraries from the "KDE home page":
Choose the version marked as _recommended for end users_, then, following the
link, download the @kdelibs@ tarball. Do not follow the instructions linked on
the download page, as they're for people developing KDE itself
* Unpack the tarball
* @cd@ in the directory created unpacking the tarball
* Create a build directory: @mkdir build@
* @cd build@
* @cmake ..@ This will fail if you're missing a required library. In this case,
it'll tell you which it is and you'll be able to install it
* Run @ccmake .@ This will give you a pseudo-graphical interface where to set
some options. In particular, look at the @CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@ option, which controls
the directory KDE will be installed into, and change it as you like. After changing
the options you need, press @c@ to configure and @g@ to generate. Then @e@ to
* @make@
* @make install@. Unless you changed the installation directory to a directory
you have write access to, this command must be run as superuser.

h4. Installation of the KDE Ruby bindings

* Make sure you have both the Ruby and KDE headers installed. If you installed
Ruby or the KDE libraries using the package manager, depending on your distribution,
you may not have installed the header files needed by the compiler. Using your
package manager, see if there are packages called something like @ruby-devel@
and @kdelibs-devel@ (or @ruby-headers@ and @kdelibs-headers@). If so, install
them. If you installed Ruby and the KDE libraries by hand, the header files are
already installed
* Download the @kdebindings@ tarball from the "KDE home page":
Choose the same version as your KDE libraries.
* Unpack the tarball.
* @cd@ in the directory created unpacking the tarball
* Create a build directory: @mkdir build@
* @cd build@
* @cmake ..@
* If you had a KDE environment installed before deciding to install Ruber, check,
using your package manager, whether you also have a package called @smoke@ installed
* run @cmake ..@ This will give you a pseudo-graphical interface where to set
some options. In particular, you may want to change the installation directory
by setting the @CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@ option. Most likely, you'll also want to
avoid building the bindings for languages other than Ruby, so set the corresponding @BUILD_*@
options (for example, @BUILD_perl@) to @OFF@. If you already have @smoke@ installed,
also set @BUILD_smoke@ to @OFF@. After changing
the options you need, press @c@ to configure and @g@ to generate. Then @e@ to
* @make@
* @make install@. Unless you changed the installation directory to a directory
you have write access to, this command must be run as superuser.

h2. Installing plugin dependencies

* @rake@: @gem install rake@ (you don't need this if using ruby 1.9, unless you want
to install a newer version of rake)
* @rspec@: @gem install rspec@
* @rak@: @gem install rak@
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
h1. License

Ruber is released under the GPL version 2 (see the COPYING file)

The icons in the @icons@ directory have been produced modifying an
"image published on Wikimedia Commons":
and are released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported":
license. The author of the original image is Michelle Jo
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions Rakefile.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
require 'rdoc'


rule(/_(dlg|widget)\.rb\Z/ => proc{|f| f.sub(/\.rb\Z/,'.ui')}) do |t|
cmd = "rbuic4 -o #{} #{t.source}"
sh cmd

UI_FILES = Dir.glob('**/*.ui').map{|f| f.sub(/\.ui\Z/, '.rb')}
RB_FILES = Dir.glob('**/*.rb')-UI_FILES

desc 'Creates all the files needed to run Ruber'
file :ruber => UI_FILES

task :default => :ruber

rdoc_warning = <<-EOS
WARNING: the documentation for this project is written for YARD (
If you use rdoc, you'll obtain documentation which is incomplete and hard to read.
If possible, consider installing and using YARD instead

rake_rdoc = begin
version = RDoc::VERSION
version.split('.')[1].to_i < 3
rescue NameError then true
if rake_rdoc
require 'rake/rdoctask' do |t|
output_dir= File.expand_path(ENV['OUTPUT_DIR']) rescue 'rdoc'
puts rdoc_warning
t.rdoc_dir = output_dir
t.rdoc_files.include( 'lib/ruber/**/*.rb', 'plugins/**/*.rb', 'TODO', 'INSTALL', 'LICENSE')
t.options << '-a' << '-S' << '-w' << '2' << '-x' << 'lib/ruber/ui' << '-x' << 'plugins/.*/ui'
# << '-A' <<
# 'data_reader=R' << '-A' << 'data_writer=W' << '-A' << 'data_accessor=RW' << '-x' <<
t.title = "Ruber"

require 'rdoc/rdoc'

desc 'Generates the documentation using RDoc'
task :rdoc do |t|
puts rdoc_warning
output_dir= File.expand_path(ENV['OUTPUT_DIR']) rescue 'rdoc'
files = Rake::FileList['lib/ruber/**/*.rb','plugins/**/*.rb', 'TODO', 'INSTALL', 'LICENSE']
options = %W[-o #{output_dir} -w 2 -x lib/ruber/ui -x plugins/.*/ui --title Ruber]
args = options + files args)

desc 'Removes documentation and intermediate files'
task :clean do
sh "rm -f #{UI_FILES.join(' ')}"
rm_rf 'doc'
rm_rf 'rdoc'

require 'rspec/core/rake_task' do |t|
t.fail_on_error = false
rescue LoadError
require 'rspec/rake/spectask' do |t|
t.fail_on_error = false
t.libs << 'lib'
t.spec_opts += %w[-L m -R]
rescue LoadError

require 'yard'
desc 'generates the documentation using YARD' do |t|
output_dir= File.expand_path(ENV['OUTPUT_DIR']) rescue 'doc'
t.files = ['lib/**/*.rb', 'lib/ruber/**/*.rb', 'plugins/**/*.rb', '-', 'TODO', 'manual/**/*', 'INSTALL']
t.options = ['--protected', '--private', '--backtrace', '-p', 'yard/ruber_template', '-e', 'yard/extensions', '--title', 'Ruber API', '--private', '-o', output_dir, '-m', 'textile', '--exclude', '/ui/[\w\d]+\.rb$']
rescue LoadError

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