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bigjsonvalue replaces interface{} for decoding unknown JSON values

BigJSONValue and NatJSONValue are wrappers around the interface{} type, to force json.Unmarshal() to decode integer values as integers instead of float64. Main reason for this is float64 doesn't have enough precision to store exact values of large int64 or uint64 values. Instead of trying to unmarshal unknown JSON values into an interface{}, unmarshal into a BigJSONValue or NatJSONValue instead.

Example Usage

The impetus for bigjsonvalue is decoding the JSON encoded output from wal2json, which is an output plugin for PostgreSQL Logical-Decoding. This example uses the pgx library to connect to the wal2json output of PostgreSQL Logical-Decoding.

import (
        pgx ""
        bjv ""

// WalOldKeys models the "oldkeys" map in a WAL change JSON
type WalOldKeys struct {
        KeyNames  []string           `json:"keynames"`
        KeyTypes  []string           `json:"keytypes"`
        KeyValues []bjv.BigJSONValue `json:"keyvalues"`

// WalChangeRec models a single change record in a WAL change JSON
type WalChangeRec struct {
        Kind         string             `json:"kind"`
        Schema       string             `json:"schema"`
        Table        string             `json:"table"`
        ColumnNames  []string           `json:"columnnames"`
        ColumnTypes  []string           `json:"columntypes"`
        ColumnValues []bjv.BigJSONValue `json:"columnvalues"`
        OldKeys      WalOldKeys         `json:"oldkeys"`

// WalChangeTx models an entire change list transaction in a WAL change JSON
// obtained from a pgx.WalMessage notification
type WalChangeTx struct {
        Changes []WalChangeRec `json:"change"`

func WalListenLoop() {
        slotName := "myslot"

        // Set walSenderTimeoutSecs to your PostgreSQL instance's wal_sender_timeout
        var walSenderTimeoutSecs uint64 = 60

        // Set startLsn to result of this PostgreSQL query:
        //   SELECT confirmed_flush_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name='myslot'
        // otherwise start from zero
        var startLsn uint64 = 0

        rConn, _ := pgx.ReplicationConnect(...)
        rConn.CreateReplicationSlot(slotName, "wal2json")
        rConn.StartReplication(slotName, startLsn, -1, ...)
        for {
                replyFlag = false
                timeoutCtx, ctxCancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(),
                        time.Second * walSenderTimeoutSecs / 2)
                defer ctxCancelFn()

                rMsg, err := rConn.WaitForReplicationMessage(timeoutCtx)

                if err == context.Canceled {
                } else if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
                        // PostgreSQL expects to be pinged by WAL client within wal_sender_timeout
                        // otherwise PostgreSQL will force close connection
                        replyFlag = true
                } else if rMsg.WalMessage != nil {
                        var chgTx WalChangeTx
                        json.Unmarshal(rMsg.WalMessage.WalData, &chgTx)
			if SuccessfullyProcessedWalChange(&chgTx) {
                                // Tell PostgreSQL we've successfully processed the
                                // LSN of this WAL change msg
                                replyFlag = true
                                startLsn = rMsg.WalMessage.WalStart
                } else if rMsg.ServerHeartbeat != nil {
			if rMsg.ServerHeartbeat.ReplyRequested == 1 {
                                replyFlag = true

                if replyFlag {
                        sMsg, _ := pgx.NewStandbyStatus(startLsn)

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