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NLUDB React Hooks

This library provides a set of React Hooks that makes it insanely easy to incorporate NLP into your React application.

These hooks are optimized for in-app usage. For the full set of NLUDB client operations, see the @nludb/client Javascript library.


The useNLUDB hook provides a React-friendly way to instantiate an NLUDB client.

  import {useNLUDB} from '@nludb/react-hooks';

  const [nludb, nludbError] = useNLUDB({

The nludb variable represents a client instance from the @nludb/client library.


The useEmbeddingIndex hook provides a React-friendly way connect to an Embedding Index for semantic search.

  import { useEmbeddingIndex } from '@nludb/react-hooks';
  import { EmbeddingModel } from '@nludb/client'

  const [{results, isSearching, error}, {reset, search, insert}] = useEmbeddingIndex({
    nludb: nludb,                // The client from above
    name: "Index Name",
    model: EmbeddingModel.QA,    // The embedding model to use
    upsert: true,                // Load a pre-existing index

Search the with:

  search({query: "My query"})

Reset your search with:


Use the search results provided in the isSearching and results variables.


The useParser hook provides a React-friendly way connect to an Parser for text segmentation, parsing, and named entity recognition.

  import { useParser } from '@nludb/react-hooks';
  import { ParsingModel } from '@nludb/client'

  const [{results, isParsing, error}, {reset, parse}] = useParser({
    nludb: nludb,                     // The client from above
    model: ParsingModel.EN_DEFAULT,   // Default english model
    includeTokens: false,             // Don't return token-level data
    includeEntities: true             // Do return entity data

Parse text with:

  parse({docs: ["My document"]})

Reset your parse with:


Use the search results provided in the isParsing and results variables.


This project was adapted from the following resources on the web: