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A single page Node.js app, using a Neo4j graph database, that is installed with Kubernetes on

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Kubernetes SFFaudio-Search on

SFFaudio-Search was a single page Node.js app that was injected into's WordPress search page. It was discontinued because of human intervention needed for manual linking of text posts. It enabled fast and easy searching of SFFaudio's online content of authors, stories, blog-posts, PDFs, and MP3s.

The data is held in Google Sheets for easy text editing; PDF data, RSD data, and Podcast data. Then a Neo4j graph database links the data, while Vis.js is used to display the interactive relationships. PDFs are displayed via PDF.js on the canvas. The four small icons in the bottom left and right of the widget

  • show help
  • resize the graph to window size
  • shrink the graph
  • grow the graph

Philip K. Dick's "Beyond Lies the Wub" found after searching for 'dick':

visual explanation

Four blog posts, a PDF, an RSD, an MP3, a Wikipedia story link, and a link back to the author.

After clicking on "RSD # 7" a user can play the associated MP3 while reading along with the PDF:

visual explanation

Docker Run program locally on Windows

Get Docker Download Docker Desktop for Windows
Enter /docker-images/ $ cd docker-images
Launch program $ docker-run.bat
View web page http://localhost/?author=philip-k-dick (5 books)
View Neo4j database http://localhost:7474/browser
Update Neo4j database http://localhost:81/cron-new-db-version-81 (wait 2 minutes)
View 7413 books http://localhost/ (refresh to clear cache)

Docker Desktop after docker-run.bat has exectued:

visual explanation


Deploy program on a Linode Kubernetes Cluster

Get Linode Account Sign up for Linode Cloud
Get kubectl Install kubectl on Windows
Configure KUBECONFIG $ setx KUBECONFIG "C:\kubes\linode-kube-config.yaml"
Start LKE Make a Kubernetes Cluster
Create a 3 node cluster 3 Linode 2GB for a total of $30 a month
Copy kubeconfig.yaml file into C:\kubes\linode-kube-config.yaml
Start cluster $ kubectl apply -k ./
Wait for 4 pods to start $ kubectl get pods -w

visual explanation

Get EXTERNAL service IPs $ kubectl get svc
  (empty database)

visual explanation

Launch CronJob edit cron--job.yaml for an immediate cronjob run
      schedule: "17 * * * *" # start 17 minutes after every hour cron job
      #schedule: "43 0 * * 0" # stop weekly cron job
Set cron job run time $ kubectl apply -f cron--job.yaml
  $ kubectl get pods -w to see cron job launch in a pod
  Wait until *(20315) Node labels in Neo4j browser (up to 10 minutes)
View full database (refresh might be needed to clear cache)

Linode interface after cluster has started:

visual explanation


  • The Node.js Neo4j-driver used in this project is 1.7.7, very old, the current version is 4.2.1 and is not backwards compatible
  • The Neo4j Docker image used in this project is 3.4.9, very old, the current version is 4.2.2 and is not backwards compatible
  • Mobile css is not handled correctly anymore as this program's output was meant to be displayed inside of Wordpress pages

Created by

Steen Hansen


A single page Node.js app, using a Neo4j graph database, that is installed with Kubernetes on







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