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Big update on the way

  • Enzymejs(airbnb) testing utils and wallabyjs live test runner.
  • Linting based on the airbnb rules with eslint.
  • Dev and prod configs for webpack.
  • Project restructuring for a more maintainable setup.
  • Examples using real http requests with Axios.
  • A simple express REST API for the requests.

There will be a clean version of the repo and one with the example app included for those still learning.
You can expect this update during july.
Stay tuned!

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This project is meant to get you up and running without worring about the environment setup.
I've included an example app to help you get started so
dive in and start creating!

What you get

Full stack setup with React, Redux, Redux DevTools, Thunk Middleware, React Router and Sass.
I've also included:

  • Material Icons which is used in the example but can be removed from the index.html
  • eslint with the airbnb config which can be run with the command npm lint.


Install node.js

Getting Started

Go to the project root and type the following command in the command line to install dependencies: npm install
When done, type npm start and open a web-browser at http://localhost:3000/

Inbox Example App

The included example is a basic app that illustrates how React, Redux and React Router work together.

Webpack-dev-server will push changes to the browser and refresh your application as you make changes,
ctrl + s is your friend here.


React Bootstrap






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