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stefan-stefanooov edited this page Dec 18, 2015 · 3 revisions


Welcome to PHP-MVC-Framework wiki!

This is a project developed for SoftUni (Software University Sofia)


Build from scratch MVC Framework.

The inspiration is drown from ".NET MVC". I tried to incorporate some of its functionality.

The project is with educational agenda.


In the following pages I will go through all files (file structures) in the projects and explain its capabilities.

Development of the project was done in "PHP Storm" with the help of "WAMP server".

Initially all requests are forwarded to "index.php" file via ".htaccess" file. In it we load the following systems:

  1. Annotations parser
  2. Router
  3. Database
  4. Identity System
  5. Request Type Checker
  6. Authorization Analyzer
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