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Domoticz integration

roondar edited this page Jul 24, 2019 · 5 revisions

Prepare Docmoticz

( I suppose you already have a MQTT server installed, like mosquitto )

  1. You need to create a dummy Shutter module

  1. After we flash Tasmota, you need to configure the Sonoff DualR2 like this
  • Nothing to add on Domoticz parameters.

  • Module config:

  • MQTT parameters:

Install with docker

  1. You need to have Docker on your server. Follow the official guide and pick up your distribution After that you'll have docker command avaible.

  2. Next you'll need have docker-compose command Follow this ghuide

  3. Install git command, it's depend of your distribution

 cd shutter-domoticz
  1. Edit shutter.yml
  • In mqtt section, you have to change host and port of Mosquito
  host: ''
  port: 1883
  • In shutters section, you need to add all your shutters with mqtt name and domoticz id (like in my example)
  - vr_salon: 1213
  1. Edit docker-compose.yml to change shutter.yml bold path TIP: you can use "pwd" command to know where you are.
  - '**/path/to/shutter.yml**:/usr/src/app/shutter.yml'
  1. Start your container
docker-compose up --build -d

It should be work.

Install without docker

To be completed