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Releases: stefangabos/Zebra_Form

Version 2.9.8 released

18 May 15:12
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  • fixed a bug where the browser's native validation engine would kick in for elements having the "email" or a numeric rule set, and another bug where the same elements (the ones having the "email" or a numeric rule set) were not checked server-side; thanks Natalie for reporting
  • fixed a bug with validating email and numeric fields
  • fixed an issue with placeholders not working for elements having the "email" ar any of the numeric rules set
  • added the "age" rule (see documentation)
  • added "range" rule for numerical values (see documentation)
  • fixed an issue where auto_fill was not working on email and numeric fields; thanks @bodiski!
  • fixed an issue with validating emails when the email address was very long and it contained a space or other invalid characters; thanks @ArneTR
  • added HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO header for detecting HTTPS requests; thanks @sebipopa
  • fixed a bug in the date element; thanks @pjjroux
  • fixed a bug with validating URLs having encoded characters in them; thanks Marty
  • fixed a bug where validation was not working for time controls
  • Updated Zebra_Datepicker to 1.9.5
  • added missing methods for setting properties of the date picker: container, custom_classes, default_position, icon_position and show_icon
  • minimum required PHP version in now 5.3.0, instead of 5.0.2
  • minor documentation update for the auto_fill method

Version 2.9.7 released

14 Jan 21:58
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  • fixed a bug where when setting multiple dependencies for a single element, only the last one was checked - thanks to Jaco Roux, and another one where dependencies depending on radio buttons or checkboxes were incorrectly checked server-side - thanks Stone
  • fixed a bug with uppercase characters being removed from the "value" attribute of checkboxes and radio buttons, when created with the "radios" or "checkboxes" shorthand; thanks Samppa for reporting
  • fixed a bug where when having multiple conditions for a "dependencies" rule, the callback function was firing only for the last condition; thank to Jaco Roux
  • fixed a bug where having $ (dollar) sign in labels would lead to generating access keys, even if the $ sign was escaped, as stated by the documentation; thanks to Natalie for reporting
  • fixed a bug where the "length" rule was not working as expected with unicode characters in some scenarios; thanks to Olivier Rochefort for reporting
  • elements having the "email" rule set are now if "email" type, making them more friendly on mobile devices; thanks to Natalie for suggesting
  • elements having the "digits", "number" or "float" rule set, will have their "type" attribute changed to "number", making them more mobile-friendly
  • the "validate" method, callable from JavaScript, now takes a boolean argument which, when set to "false", will prevent the showing of error messages when form does not validate; thanks to Shabeer
  • updated to Zebra_Datepicker 1.9.3; this also brings one new method: open_icon_only

Version 2.9.6 released

05 Jan 22:40
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  • added the "center" position for error tips; thanks to Tudor Sava
  • <button> elements can now be used with dependencies
  • the JavaScript callback function (after the form is initialized) now receives as argument the ID of the form the callback is attached to
  • improved security of CSRF tokens which are now HTTP only
  • fixed an issue with custom rules and custom args where the rule was ignored if there were more than one custom arguments; thanks to Shaun Adlam
  • fixed an issue with installing the library via Composer
  • fixed a bug with special characters in values of checkboxes and radio buttons
  • fixed a bug with auto_fill() and empty selects;
  • fixed a warning that was triggered by "locked" select controls; thanks to Jeff Buckles
  • added Afrikaans language file; thanks to Shaun Adlam
  • updated some mime types
  • some updates in the documentation

Version 2.9.5 released

04 Nov 13:47
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  • fixed an issue with highlighting the row of the currently focused control; thanks to Leo!;
  • fixed a bug with "length" rule; thanks khayyam90;
  • fixed a bug where the "filetype" rule was not working since the last update of jQuery version; thanks to Mike A;
  • fixed a bug which would crash the JavaScript side of the library if the properties passed to the Date element would contain single quotes (like month/day names, the caption for the "Clear" and "Today" buttons, etc); thanks to nlerow;
  • fixed a bug which ocurred when adding bulk checkboxed/radio buttons and having spaces in the value options; thanks girlwithglasses;
  • fixed a bug with the render() method where, when generating output via callback functions, there was no way of outputting the server-side error messages; thanks to Peter;
  • fixed a bug with the "datecompare" rule which was always considered "required" even if the element had no "required" rule attached to it;
  • fixed an issue where class methods could not be used for custom rules (using the syntax array($this, 'methodName')); thank to Dan; this is now also available for the "render" method;
  • fixed a bug where if having a file upload field that does not pass validation and the form is submitted again without any other added file in the same file upload field, the client side validation still raises the same previous error; thanks George Baltatescu;
  • fixed an issue where when having date formats without year, the validation would always fail; thanks to MarkG;
  • elements with names as an arrays (i.e. car[name], car[make]) will now work as expected with custom templates too; thanks Dave;
  • the "button" control now generates actual <button> tags instead of <input type="submit">; note that this means that a new "type" argument was added before the "attributes" argument, and that you may have to update your existing code if you used custom attributes for you "button" controls! thanks to Sebastian Popa;
  • elements which do not pass validation will now get an "error" class, allowing for more customization;
  • updated Zebra_DatePicker to version 1.8.9; this brings 3 new methods: "strict", which controls whether default values, in the input field the date picker is attached to, should be deleted if they are not valid according to "direction" and/or "disabled_dates", and which is set to FALSE by default; another new method is "header_navigation" which can be used for setting custom "next/previous months" buttons in the date picker's header; the last new method is "header_captions", useful for customizing captions in the datepicker's header, for the 3 possible views: days, months, years;
  • added Turkish language file; thanks to Bülent Özden;
  • added Dutch language file; thanks to Alexander Martens;
  • added Russian language file; thanks to Maxim Hodyrev;
  • fixed some spelling errors in the German translation; thanks to Nils;