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1.1.x - SonarQube 7.6

Closed Nov 4, 2020 100% complete

SonarQube API changed with release 7.6. Release notes info:

"Code Quality Tracks Your Project Structure
Tracking code quality is as easy as following your project structure. SonarQube 7.6 drops the concept of modules and keeps things simple with your file directory layout."

We have to fix the processing of the API and create a new release for the update c…

SonarQube API changed with release 7.6. Release notes info:

"Code Quality Tracks Your Project Structure
Tracking code quality is as easy as following your project structure. SonarQube 7.6 drops the concept of modules and keeps things simple with your file directory layout."

We have to fix the processing of the API and create a new release for the update center.

This milestone is closed.

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