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S-BPM Modelling and Execution Platform

This is a modelling and execution platform for S-BPM processes, based on microservices powered by Spring Boot. The modelling platform is based on Angular 1, the frontend for the execution platform, however, is based on Angular 2. Basically, the platform consists of the following modules:

  • ServiceDiscovery: Automatic detection of devices and services.
  • ConfigurationService: Central repository for configuration files.
  • ProcessModelStorage: This is the process repository.
  • ProcessEngine: Responsible for the execution of processes, based on Akka.
  • EventLogger: Logs events during execution, exports logs in CSV format, manipulates PNML files and transforms manipulated PNML files to OWL files.
  • Gateway: Authentication and authorization service and handles the requests of the process execution frontend (GUI).
  • Persistence: Hibernate mapping of the database tables.
  • ExternalCommunicator: For the support of external projects.
  • GUI-Dev: Development project for the Angular 2 execution platform frontend (With some dev tools, with node server backend).
  • GUI: Production project for the Angular 2 execution platform frontend (minified, uglified, with Spring Boot backend).
  • ModellingPlatform-Dev: Development project for the Angular 1 modelling platform frontend (with node server backend).
  • ModellingPlatform: Production project for the Angular 1 modelling platform frontend (with Spring Boot backend).

A new version of the S-BPM modelling platform is available here.

Tutorial Videos





Functionality Implemented Comment
Internal Subjects Yes -
Multisubjects No -
External Subjects Yes partially (Engine)
Function States Yes -
Send States Yes -
Receive States Yes -
Timeouts Yes partially (Engine)
Refinements Yes partially (Engine)
Business Objects Yes -
Start Process Yes -
Stop Process Yes -
Nested Business Objects Yes partially (Engine)
OWL-Import Yes standard-pass-ont v0.7.2. & v0.7.5.
Connected Processes Yes partially (Engine)
Multiprocesses Yes partially (Engine)
Event logging Yes Json and CSV


Functionality Implemented Comment
SID View yes -
SBD View yes -
Subjects yes -
Message Connector yes -
Message Types (Business Objects) yes -
Send State yes -
Receive State yes -
Function State yes -
OWL-Import no standard-pass-ont
OWL-Export yes -
ZoomIn/Out no -
Customizability no -

Master theses

In this section you will find Master's theses, which provide further information about the project.

  • Development of a Microservice-based Architecture for Storing and Executing Subject-oriented Processes (german) by Stefan Stani Link



  • Java Platform (JDK) 8
  • MySQL

Development only:

  • NodeJS for Angular development in GUI-Dev and ModellingPlatform-Dev
  • Gulp for Angular development in ModellingPlatform-Dev

Database Settings

Please execute following statements to create the schema and the db user in your MySQL database: DB_setup.sql


Start everything (Windows)

  1. Start the MySQL Service
  2. Go to Setup/start_windows
  3. Open start.bat

Execution Platform

  1. Start the MySQL Service
  2. Go to ServiceDiscovery and run in cmd: gradlew bootRun
  3. Go to ConfigurationService and run in cmd: gradlew bootRun
  4. Go to ProcessModelStorage and run in cmd: gradlew bootRun
  5. Go to ProcessEngine and run in cmd: gradlew bootRun
  6. Go to Gateway and run in cmd: gradlew bootRun
  7. Go to ExternalCommunicator and run in cmd: gradlew bootRun
  8. Go to EventLogger and run in cmd: gradlew bootRun
  9. Go to GUI and run in cmd: gradlew bootRun
  10. Go to http://localhost:3000

Modelling Platform

  1. Go to ModellingPlatform and run in cmd: gradlew bootRun
  2. Go to http://localhost:4000


If you prefer to run the jar files, without using gradlew:

  1. Go to builds
  2. run in cmd: java -jar ModellingPlatform-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  3. Go to http://localhost:4000


Just for development purposes, not for production!

  1. run in cmd: npm install
  2. Go to GUI-Dev and run in cmd: npm start
  3. in case of any errors when starting the first time, please stick to the installation guide of ng2-admin
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000


Just for development purposes, not for production!

  1. Run npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli gulp && npm install && bower install to install required dependencies.
  2. Go to ModellingPlatform-Dev and run in cmd: npm install && bower install
  3. Run in cmd: gulp serve
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000



Basically, the following ports are used:

Service Port
Gateway 10000
ServiceDiscovery 8761
ConfigurationService 8888
ProcessModelStorage Random
ProcessEngine Random
ExternalCommunicator Random
EventLogger Random
GUI 3000
ModellingPlatform 4000

To change the port configuration, change the server port in this file e.g. Gateway: [] (Gateway/src/main/resources/

Note: If you change the port of the Gateway, make sure to change the restApi configuration in processes.service.ts and to rebuild the GUI-Dev and GUI project according to the guide provide below.

User Configuration

In general, the authentication concept ist based on RBAC. Each user can be assigned to one or more roles. Each role can be assigned to one more rules.

The current *.csv files for the user configuration:

Standard configuration:
User Roles Password
robert BOSS 1234
matthias ADMIN, EMPLOYEE 1234
stefan EMPLOYEE 1234
maksym EMPLOYEE 1234


Spring Boot Modules

Any further development concerning the ServiceDiscovery, the ConfigurationService, the Gateway, the ProcessModelStorage, the ExternalCommunicator or the ProcessEngine can be done directly in java. For further information please use the Spring Boot Documentation

Note: If you do any changes to a module, you have to rebuild it with gradlew build


Any further development concerning the GUI has to be done in the GUI-Dev module by using typescript and Angular 2. For further information please use the Angular Documentation and the ng2-admin Documentation.

Note: If you do any changes to the GUI-Dev project, you have to update the GUI project afterwards:

  1. Go to GUI-Dev and run in cmd: npm run prebuild:prod && npm run build:prod
  2. Go to GUI/src/main/resources/public/ and remove of all of its content.
  3. Go to GUI-Dev/dist and move all of its content to GUI/src/main/resources/public/.
  4. Go to GUI and run gradlew build or gradlew run


Any further development concerning the ModellingPlatform has to be done in the ModellingPlatform-Dev module by using javascript and Angular 1.

Note: If you do any changes to the ModellingPlatform-Dev project, you have to update the ModellingPlatform project afterwards:

  1. Go to ModellingPlatform-Dev and run in cmd: gulp build
  2. Go to ModellingPlatform/src/main/resources/public/ and remove of all of its content.
  3. Go to ModellingPlatform-Dev/dist and move all of its content to ModellingPlatform/src/main/resources/public/.
  4. Go to ModellingPlatform and run gradlew build or gradlew run

Note: You can change the appearance of the elements by modify the following file: ui-joint-shape.template.scss


MIT License


Modelling and Execution Platform for S-BPM.







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