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GWT SuperDev issues #37

hrstoyanovsh opened this issue May 20, 2014 · 3 comments

GWT SuperDev issues #37

hrstoyanovsh opened this issue May 20, 2014 · 3 comments


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I posted an issue with using the SuperDev mode from you plug-in to the Errai forum, but it feels like the issue is with the this Gwt plug-in - missing something on the classpath when ruuning superDev task (not seeing an HTML template in the source tree?), I suspect:

Here is my build file:

//This Errai Gradle build file uses the following excellent Gradle plug-ins:
// 1. CARGO:
// 2. GWT:

project.description = 's4g web app'

project.ext {
erraiVersion = '3.0.0.CR1'
gwtVersion= '2.6.1'

apply plugin: 'war'
apply plugin: 'gwt'
apply plugin: 'cargo'

buildscript {

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''


dependencies {
    classpath "org.gradle.api.plugins:gradle-cargo-plugin:1.5"
    classpath 'de.richsource.gradle.plugins:gwt-gradle-plugin:0.4'


gwt {
modules 'com.peruncs.s4g.web.gwt.S4GWebApp'
devModules 'com.peruncs.s4g.web.gwt.S4GWebAppDev'
minHeapSize = "512M";
maxHeapSize = "1024M";

compiler {
    strict = true;
    enableClosureCompiler = true;

    //Does not work fro Errai:
    //disableClassMetadata = true;

    disableCastChecking = true;
    ea = true;
    localWorkers = 2;

gwtDev {
    jvmArgs '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005'
    noserver = true;
    port = 8080;
    startupUrl = "s4g-web-1.0/index.jsp";
    codeServerPort = 9997;

// dev {
// noserver = true;
// port = 8080;
// startupUrl = "s4g-web-1.0/index.jsp";
// codeServerPort = 9997;
//// jvmarg(value: "-DDEBUG") //Jetty debugging
//// jvmarg(value: "-Djava.util.logging.config.file=${project.webInfDir}/") //RestEasy logging
//// jvmarg(value: "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005")
//// arg(value: "com.peruncs.s4g.web.gwt.S4GWebApp")
//// arg(line: "-startupUrl index.jsp")
//// arg(line: "-war "+project.warDir)
//// arg(line: "-noserver")
//// arg(line: "-port 8080")
//// arg(line: "-codeServerPort 9997")
//// arg(line: "-extra "+ project.gwtExtraDir)
// }

cargo {
containerId = 'wildfly8x'
remote {
hostname = 'localhost'
username = 'admin'
password = 'admin'
local {
jvmArgs = '-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n'
homeDir = file("${wildfly_root}")
deployable {
file = tasks.draftWar.archivePath
context = 'draft'

dependencies {

//We exclude some modules, which should have never been referrenced in Errai to begin with!
//Also see
def compileExcludes = {
    exclude group: '' 
    exclude group: ''
    exclude group: 'javax.enterprise'
    exclude group: 'javax.annotation'

//Cargo dependencies. You should only need the uberjar module, but see this discussion:
cargo  'org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-core-uberjar:1.4.8',

compile project(":stocks4grab:s4g-common")

//Java EE
providedCompile "javax:javaee-api:7.0"

//Other compile dependencies
compile ''
gwt ''

compile 'commons-lang:commons-lang:2.6'

//Errai dependencies
compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-bus:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-ioc:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-cdi-client:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-weld-integration:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-data-binding:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-jpa-client:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-jpa-datasync:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes

//Cordova is only used for GWT compilation
gwt "org.jboss.errai:errai-cordova:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
//compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-cordova:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes

compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-jaxrs-client:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-jaxrs-provider:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes

//Uncomment if you will use Errai 3 Security
//compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-security-server:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
//compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-security-client:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes

// These are documented in Errai 3 as needed only for gwt compile, which is not true - they are needed at runtime as well.
//gwt "org.jboss.errai:errai-ui:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
//gwt "org.jboss.errai:errai-navigation:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes

compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-ui:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes
compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-navigation:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes

compile "org.jboss.errai:errai-jboss-as-support:"+project.erraiVersion, compileExcludes

//This seems to be a Errai 3 mistake, which includes dependence on
//Remove when the Errai team fixes the issue, also remove the JUnit servlet in web.xml
runtime  ""+project.gwtVersion


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Seems like you provided a workaround here, which seem to work fro me:


Can you please put this in the SuperDev docs?

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I'll try to make this configurable by a flag or something similar for the next release (I wasn't aware of this bug in GWT). If I find a viable solution I'll add an example for this to the documentation. The current "solution" is more like a hack for me.

As I would like to get rid of the whole "afterEvaluate" stuff, I think it wouldn't be very clever to add something to the documentation that probably won't work with the next version.

steffenschaefer added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 15, 2014
if src is added to classpath or -src arguments
* default value for this flag is true to work around an issue in GWT
* the workaround for #34 and #37 isn't needed anymore with this change
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Src is now added to classpath by default as this workaround seems to be needed by almost anyone who uses SDM.

To get the old behavior back, use:

gwt {
    superDev {
        useClasspathForSrc = false

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