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stefvanschie edited this page Apr 16, 2018 · 5 revisions

Arenas are the core elements of this plugin. An arena is the place where your players are going to be playing this minigame. This plugin supports multiple arenas across multiple worlds. Arenas are identified with a name, which is unique to the arena (no two arenas can have the same name). The name main-spawn is also an invalid name due to the file setup. The name must contain no spaces. Other than that you can use anything you want. It's recommended to give the arena an obvious name as this makes setting up everything a lot easier.

To create an arena type the following command:

/bg createarena <name>

bg can be replaced with buildinggame if you prefer that

The <name> should be replaced with the name of your arena. If you want to name your arena bg-1, you'd enter:

/bg createarena bg-1

In case you messed up you can delete the arena with:

/bg deletearena <name>

Where <name> is replaced by the name of the arena you want to delete.

View arenas

If you ever forget the name of an arena you can look at a list of created arenas by typing the following command:

/bg list

This will show you every arena including their current state.


Each arena contains a lobby. This is where all players will wait until the match starts and can vote on their preferred theme and join teams (only available with team arenas, explained below). Despite each arena requiring a lobby, not all of the lobbies have to be separate. If you want you can put each lobby point at the same place to create one giant lobby for all arenas.

To set the lobby point, type the following command.

/bg setlobby <name>

<name> should be replaced with the name of the arena you just created.

Now the lobby position will be set at the point you're standing as a player. That's where the players will spawn. The plugin makes no attempt to contain people in a certain region, so all players can freely wonder around once their teleported to the lobby. In case you don't want this you'd have to build something yourself so no players can escape.


Traditionally in an arena you play one match. You build something, vote and after that everyone is done and is removed from the arena so new people can play. However you can also play multiple matches if you prefer that. That way once one match is done, everything will reset again and the same players will play the game again until you have played the amount of matches specified. To set the amount of matches to play type the following command:

/bg setmatches <name> <amount>

<name> should be replaced with the name of your arena and should be replaced with the amount of matches you want to play. Note that everything of 0 and lower means that the game will go on forever unless all players leave the arena.

Solo / Team arenas

All arenas are by default solo; each player is alone on one plot and will build something by themselves. If you want you can also choose to change the a team game. That way multiple people can join one plot and build something together as a team.

Only change your arena to a team arena once you have set all plots. So please follow the steps on that page first for every plot and then come back here if you want a team arena

To change your arena to a team game, type the following command:

/bg setgamemode <name> <solo | team>

<name> should be replaced with the name of your arena and <solo | team> should be either solo or team for the according mode you want to set it to (solo for solo mode and team for team mode).

Now you need to set the maximum amount of players that can play on one plot. To change this type:

/bg setmaxplayers <name> <amount>

<name> should be replaced with the name of your arena and should be the maximum amount of players for the entire arena. So if you have 6 plots and want 3 players on each you should set it to 18. Numbers that aren't evenly divisible by the amount of plots you have aren't allowed.

Minimum players

The minimum amount of players is the minimum amount of players that have to have joined the arena in order for it to start. This can be any value, but setting it to 1 or lower means that any amount of players can start the game and this is not recommended (that's because a game can now be played with 1 player and can easily increase their amount of times becoming first to increase their statistics). To change the amount of minimum players, type the following command:

/bg setminplayers <name> <amount>

Replace <name> with the arena name and <amount> with the amount of players that should be required to start a game.


Timers control how long each part of the game takes. Timers may be different for each arena, but can be the same for each arena is you like them to be consistent. In total there are four timers for each arena. A lobby timer (sometimes also called the wait timer), a build timer, a vote timer and a win timer. If you want each timer to be the same, skip the following timer section and move on to global timers.

Lobby timer

The lobby timer starts when there are enough players inside the lobby (this value is controlled by the minimum amount of players). Once the time is up all players will move to their plot and can start building. To change the amount of time, type the following command:

/bg setlobbytimer <name> <seconds>

Replace with the name of the arena and replace by the amount of seconds this timer should last. 1 minute would be 60 seconds, 3 minutes 180 seconds and 5 minutes 300 seconds.

Build timer

The build timer starts when all players are on their plot and ready to build. The build timer controls how long each player has the time to build, so it shouldn't be too short (otherwise you can't place any blocks) or too long (otherwise you can just copy a beautiful masterpiece from internet). To change the amount of time, type the following command:

/bg setbuildtimer <name> <seconds>

Replace with the name of the arena and replace by the amount of seconds this timer should last. 1 minute would be 60 seconds, 3 minutes 180 seconds and 5 minutes 300 seconds.

Vote timer

The vote timer starts when the building time is up. The vote timer is for each plot, so setting it to 15 would mean that everyone has 15 seconds to vote on one plot. The vote timer doesn't have to be very long, 10-15 seconds is usually enough for each player to vote. To change the amount of time, type the following command:

/bg setvotetimer <name> <seconds>

Replace with the name of the arena and replace by the amount of seconds this timer should last. 1 minute would be 60 seconds, 3 minutes 180 seconds and 5 minutes 300 seconds.

Win timer

The win timer starts when the winner is decided. Everyone will be teleported to the winner's plot to look at the masterpiece once more before moving on to the next match (or quit if all matches have been played). To change the amount of time, type the following command:

/bg setwintimer <name> <seconds>

Replace with the name of the arena and replace by the amount of seconds this timer should last. 1 minute would be 60 seconds, 3 minutes 180 seconds and 5 minutes 300 seconds.

Global timers

In case you want every timer to be the same, you don't have to specify these values for each and every arena. Simply stop the server and open the config.yml.

Warning: The server has to be stopped (disabling the plugin will work too) in order to edit files. Otherwise the plugin will not reflect any changes made, and the files will be reset to their previous state once the server is stopped or the plugin is disabled.

Look for the timers settings and change every value to the amount of seconds you want them to be. Save the file and once you start up your server again all arenas will be assigned these values and arenas that will be created later will also have these values.

If you don't want to / can stop your server you can use the following command to change the config.yml as well:

/bg setting <setting> <value>

In this case <setting> would be either timers.lobby,, or and the <value> would be the amount of seconds they'd last.

This command can be used for all settings in the config.yml, so go ahead and mess with it (for list you can use the optional [add | remove] option between <setting> and <value> to add or remove values from a list).


You can change whether an arena receives money or not by using

/bg enablemoney <name> <true|false>

Where <name> is the arena name and <true | false> is whether you want money to be enabled or disabled (true for enabled, false for disabled). By default this option is enabled. The amount of money a player receives can be set in the config.yml > money. Note that you can enter a number as well as a mathematical expression in here for the amount of money. The variable %points%can be used to base the amount of money on the amount of points a user gained.