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SciXMiner Toolbox to Analyse Knots in 3D Fluorescence Microscopy Images


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KnotMiner – A SciXMiner Toolbox to Analyse Knots in 3D Fluorescence Microscopy Images

This repository contains the SciXMiner extension KnotMiner that is targeted to provide tools for a qualitative and quantitaitve analysis of knots / density accumulations in 3D microscopy images. As a precondition, KnotMiner requires a raw 3D image containing cells that are fluorescently tagged with a nuclear marker and an assotiated segmentation image where each cell has a unique integer label. The segmented nuclei can be analyzed with KnotMiner and a graphical user interface allows to manually specify thresholds based on extracted single-cell features and to cluster remaining detections into isolated knots.

1. Prerequisites

The KnotMiner toolbox is an extension of the MATLAB toolbox SciXMiner [1] and assumes SciXMiner is properly installed on your system.

After having installed these requirements, download the KnotMiner toolbox from this repository and copy the contents of the Source folder into the folder %SCIXMINERROOT%/application_specials/knotminer/ folder of SciXMiner (just create the subfolder if it does not exist yet). Open up MATLAB and start SciXMiner using the command scixminer and enable the toolbox using Extras -> Choose application-specific extension packages... . Restart SciXMiner and you should see a new menu entry called KnotMiner.

2. Typical Analysis Steps

2.1 Import a New Project

From the KnotMiner menu, call the command KnotMiner -> Import -> Import New Image/Mask Pair to import a new pair of raw image and segmentation. The input dialogs will first ask for the raw image file (3D tiff file) and then for the segmentation image (3D tiff file with a unique integer label per cell and label 0 as the background). Hint: on macOS the file open dialog does not directly mention which image to open. When pressing Options in the file open dialog, the requested image is listed in the file type selection dropdown. The import script will generate a *.prjz project file that can subsequently be loaded in SciXMiner using File -> Load Project.

2.2 Setup Project Parameters

As KnotMiner does not know in advance which physical spacing was used for the acquisition, make sure to provide this information. For this, use the dropdown menu in the middle of the SciXMiner GUI and select KnotMiner. Use this dialog to enter the lateral and axial voxel size in micrometers. Moreover, you can specify the Neighborhood Radius parameter used for neighborhood computations, e.g., for density computations.

2.3 Manual Threshold Specification and Clustering

You can now start with the manual specification of the thresholds. To do this, call the command KnotMiner -> Show -> Annotation GUI. The GUI will ask for the raw image associated with the project file. Select it and after that the raw image with superimposed detections should appear.

2.3.1 Setup the Intensity Threshold

The first step is the intensity threshold. The parameter display on the top lefthand side shows which parameter is currently active. Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow buttons to increase or decrease a value. The display should be immediately updated to show the effect of the threshold. Specify the threshold such that all bright cells that are potentially part of a knot remain green. Using the C, D, F keys, you can toggle the visualization. C shows the current classification (red detections are below the threshold, green detections above the threshold). D allows you to toggle the visibility of detections that are below the threshold. F shows a color-coded scatter plot of the current feature.

2.3.2 Setup the Density Threshold

Once you're satisfied with the density threshold, hit the 2 key to switch to the density threshold adjustment. The controls are exactly as described in 3.1 but now the threshold operates on the density feature. Specify the density threshold such that all dense regions that are potentially knots remain green.

2.3.3 Inspect the Combined Threshold Result

If you're also done with the density threshold, hit the 3 button to see the effect of both thresholds in combination. The now remaining green detections are the knot candidates and will be considered by the subsequent clustering. You can go back to steps 3.1 or 3.2 at any time to readjust the thresholds.

2.3.4 Perform Clustering of Knot Candidates

Once the knot candidates are properly selected, you can apply a DBSCAN clustering algorithm. Hit the 4 button to enter the clustering visualization. The clustering is only performed on the detections that are above your manually specified thresholds. There are two parameters for the clustering Epsilon and MinPoints. In short, Epsilon specifies the radius arround each of the detections where the algorithm searches for neighbors. MinPoints specifies how many points should be present in the neighborhood of a point to be considered as a dense point. Points that have at least MinPoints neighbors within their Epsilon-sphere are considered core points and are part of a cluster. Points that have a dense point among their neighbors but have less than MinPoints neighbors are considered points on the boundary of a cluster. Points that do not have sufficient neighbors in their Epsilon-sphere and also don't contain any dense points in their neighborhood are considered noise points. See for all details of the algorithm. Again, the parameters can be increased/decreased with the Up/Down Arrows and the key P allows to switch between the parameters. The arrow keys only affect the currently selected parameter.

2.3.5 Manual Refinement of the Selected Cells

You can also include/exclude cells from the clustering. This is useful for groups of cells that cannot be included/excluded via the global thresholds. Use the +/- key to switch to the manual selection mode and then circle the desired cells with the mouse (freehand selection tool). The selected group of cells will then be included/excluded in all subsequent steps, no matter how the thresholds are set. This works in maximum projection mode and in the slice visualization. Note that selecting cells in the maximum projection mode might be misleading as cells of all slices are visible and will be selected even though, they might not be close in the z-direction. So make sure your selection is reasonable using the slice view.

2.3.6 Visual Analysis and Result Export

Finally, you can have a look at the quantifications for the current clustering. The key Q provides you with box plots and histograms of cluster sizes and the key V displays a 3D scatter plot of the current cluster results. Using the E button, you can export the current results to disk in form of a knot image (a segmentation image where the cells associated to a knot all have the same id) and a spreadsheet file where each row contains the quantifications of a knot. The following features are extracted:

Feature Description
ClusterIndex Unique index of a knot/cluster. This id corresponds to the id in the knot image.
NumCellsInCluster The number of cells in the respective cluster (use this, e.g., to reject small clusters).
Volume The volume of the knot in number of voxels. To convert it to a volume in µm^3, multiply it with the physical spacing accordingly.
EquivDiameter The diameter of a sphere of the same volume measuresd in voxels. To convert it to a length in µm, multiply it with the physical spacing accordingly.
Extent Ratio of volume and bounding box volume. Maximum value of 1 obtained for box-like volumes and lower values indicate that the bounding box is not entirely filled by the object.
Solidity Ratio of the volume and the convex volume. Maximum value of 1 obtained for convex objects. Lower values indicate more non-convex shapes.
ConvexVolume Volume of the convex hull of the knot measured in voxels. To convert it to a volume in µm^3, multiply it with the physical spacing accordingly.
SurfaceArea Surface area of the knot measured in voxels. To convert it to an area in µm^2, multiply it with the physical spacing accordingly.
PrincipalAxisLength1 Length of the first principal component measured in voxels. To convert it to a length in µm, multiply it with the physical spacing accordingly.
PrincipalAxisLength2 Length of the second principal component measured in voxels. To convert it to a length in µm, multiply it with the physical spacing accordingly.
PrincipalAxisLength3 Length of the third principal component measured in voxels. To convert it to a length in µm, multiply it with the physical spacing accordingly.

3. Keyboard Shortcuts

Feature Description
1;2;3:4 Toggles the visualization of intensity, density, int.+dens., clustering
Up Arrow Inrease current parameter value
Down Arrow Decrease current parameter value
A Perform automatic parameter identification
C Show current classification
D Show/hide detections below the threshold or noise clusters
E Export results for the current parameters
F Show current feature values
I Show/hide info for detection closest to the mouse cursor
L Load previous parameter settings and manual selection
O Open previous parameter settings and manual selection (automatically selects a file called *_KnotMiner.mat that is stored next to the regular SciXMiner project.)
P Toggle parameter
Q Show quantification of current clustering
S Save current parameter settings and manual selection (automatically saves a file called *_KnotMiner.mat that is stored next to the regular SciXMiner project.)
M Toggle max. projection vs. slices
V Show scatter plot of the current clustering
X Toggle the aspect ratio of the aXes
+/- Include/exclude cells via freehand selection tool (e.g., helpful if not all cells can be selected via threshold).
./, Increase/decrease the numer of z-slices to be displayed when in slice mode.
H Show help dialog with keyboard shortcuts
Wheel Up/Down Scroll through stack (only effective in slice mode)
Hint In case key presses show no effect, left click once on the image and try hitting the button again. This only happens if the window loses the focus.


SciXMiner Toolbox to Analyse Knots in 3D Fluorescence Microscopy Images







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