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This directory contains a simple program (cpx_gomory.c) that takes as input a small linear integr program, solves the Linear Programming relaxation using CPLEX, and generates Gomory cuts from the optimal tableu computed by CPLEX.

For a short blog post about this example, go to my Spaghetti Optimization blog.

Given a problem with n variables and m constraints, the problem is:

min { cx | Ax <= b, x >= 0, x integer }

The input file format is as follows:

<n> <m + 1>
<c_1> ... <c_n> 0
<a_11> ... <a_1n> <b_1>
<a_m1> ... <a_mn> <m_1>

Since the program is just written for teaching purpose, it supports at most 10 constraints.


The file example.mat encodes Exercise 8.10 in Wolsey's book Integer Programming, Wiley, 1998.

To solve the problem, first you need compile the program, and then execute it as:

% ./cpx_gomory example.mat

The output should be as follows:

min -4.0 x1 +5.0 x2 
s.t. +7.0 x1 -1.0 x2 <= 14.0
     +0.0 x1 +1.0 x2 <= 3.0
     +2.0 x1 -2.0 x2 <= 3.0
     x1 >= 0  x2 >= 0  

Solution status = 1     Solution value  = -6.000000

x1 = 1.50  Basic
x2 = 0.00  Nonbasic at lower bound
x3 = 3.50  Basic
x4 = 3.00  Basic
x5 = 0.00  Nonbasic at lower bound

Optimal base inverted matrix:
0.0 0.0 0.5 
0.0 1.0 0.0 
1.0 0.0 -3.5 

Optimal solution (non basic variables are equal to zero):
+1.0 x1 -1.0 x2 +0.0 x3 +0.0 x4 +0.5 x5 = 1.5
+0.0 x1 +1.0 x2 +0.0 x3 +1.0 x4 +0.0 x5 = 3.0
+0.0 x1 +6.0 x2 +1.0 x3 +0.0 x4 -3.5 x5 = 3.5

Generate Gomory cuts:
Row 1 gives cut ->   +1.0 x1 -1.0 x2 +0.0 x3 +0.0 x4 +0.0 x5 <= 1.0
Row 3 gives cut ->   +0.0 x1 +6.0 x2 +1.0 x3 +0.0 x4 -4.0 x5 <= 3.0

Solution status = 1
Solution value = -4.000000

x1 = 1.00  Basic
x2 = 0.00  Nonbasic at lower bound
x3 = 7.00  Basic
x4 = 3.00  Basic
x5 = 1.00  Basic


You need to have CPLEX installed on your computer.

If you work under Windows, please check the msvc directory, that contains a MS Visual Studio 2017 solution file.

Last version of CPLEX checked: CPLEX 12.7.1.