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Build a minimal SEP-24 Polaris Anchor

This tutorial walks through each step of installing and configuring Polaris as well as implementing the necessary integrations to run a minimal SEP-24 anchor server on testnet. A live walk-through of the steps outlined below can also be found on the SDF's Youtube.

Much of the content presented here can be found on other pages of the documentation, but its helpful to provide step-by-step instructions for a common use case.

SEP-24 is currently the most common SEP to implement using Polaris. It defines a standard protocol for allowing any wallet to request deposits or withdrawals on or off the Stellar network on behalf of it's users.

Create a project

Assuming the project's root directory has been created, the first step is to create the django project. :

pip install django-polaris
django-admin startproject app

Django will create the app project inside your project's root directory. Inside will be another app directory containing the django app source code and the script.


Add the following to INSTALLED_APPS in :


Add the following to your MIDDLEWARE list. Make sure WhiteNoiseMiddleware is below CorsMiddleware. :


PolarisSameSiteMiddleware </middleware/index> can also be used if your anchor service should support wallets that use iframes to open interactive URL's. Popups are the recommend strategy per SEP-24.

Ensure BASE_DIR is defined. Django adds this setting automatically, and Polaris expects a .env file to be present in this directory. If this setting isn't present, or if the .env isn't found there, Polaris will try to use the ENV_PATH setting. You can also use the environ package installed with Polaris to configure your variables with values stored in your environment. :

import os
import environ

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

env = environ.Env()
env_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ".env")
if os.path.exists(env_file):


Add the SEPs we're going to support in this server: :

ACTIVE_SEPS = ["sep-1", "sep-10", "sep-24"]

And configure your static files. You should already have the staticfiles app listed in INSTALLED_APPS. :

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "collectstatic")
STATIC_URL = "/static"

Finally, allow Polaris to override Django's default form widget HTML & CSS. :

FORM_RENDERER = "django.forms.renderers.TemplatesSetting"

Add Polaris endpoints

Add Polaris' endpoints to in the app inner directory: :

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include
import polaris.urls

urlpatterns = [
    path("", include(polaris.urls))

Specify environment variables

Within the BASE_DIR directory, write the following variables to a .env file. :

STELLAR_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE="Test SDF Network ; September 2015"

Many of these are self-explanatory, but LOCAL_MODE ensures Polaris runs properly using HTTP. In production Polaris should run under HTTPS. SERVER_JWT_KEY is a secret string used to encode the client's authenticated session as a token. Finally, SIGNING_SEED should be the secret key for the keypair you intend to use for signing SEP-10 challenge transactions.

There is one more variable that must be added to .env, but we're going to wait until we issue the asset we intend to anchor.

Issue and add your asset

Use Polaris' testnet issue subcommand to create a token as well as setup issuer and distribution accounts for a fake asset we're going to anchor. :

python app/ testnet issue --asset=TEST

It should output a public and secret key for both the issuer and distribution account.

Add the asset to the database

First, make sure you have configured your DATABASES in We'll place the DB file in a data directory inside the project's root directory. :

    'default': env.db(
        "DATABASE_URL", default="sqlite:////" + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR), "data/db.sqlite3")

Create the database with the schema defined for Polaris. :

python app/ migrate

Then, get into the python shell and create an Asset object. :

from polaris.models import Asset


Collect static assets

Now that your settings are configured correctly, we can collect the static assets our app will use into a single directory that whitenoise can use. :

python app/ collectstatic --no-input

A collectstatic directory should now be created in the outer app directory containing the static files.

Run the server

You can now run the anchor server, although it doesn't yet have the functionality to complete a SEP-24 deposit or withdraw. :

python app/ runserver

Use the SDF's SEP-24 demo client to connect to your anchor service. You'll see that it successfully makes a deposit request and opens the anchor's interactive URL, but the client become stuck in polling loop after you complete the interactive web page. This is because we haven't implemented our banking rails with Polaris.

Implement integrations

In order to let the demo client create a deposit or withdrawal transaction we have to implement some of Polaris' integrations. There are many more integrations offered compared to the ones we will use in this tutorial, but the ones we use are required for a client to get though the entire flow on testnet.

Create an file within the inner app directory. Technically, the only required integration functions for a SEP-24 testnet anchor are called from the registered RailsIntegration subclass, specifically poll_pending_deposits() and execute_outgoing_transactions(). :

from typing import List
from polaris.integrations import RailsIntegration
from polaris.models import Transaction
from django.db.models import QuerySet

class MyRailsIntegration(RailsIntegration):
    def poll_pending_deposits(self, pending_deposits: QuerySet) -> List[Transaction]:
        return list(pending_deposits)

    def execute_outgoing_transaction(self, transaction: Transaction):
        transaction.amount_fee = 0
        transaction.status = Transaction.STATUS.completed

Our poll_pending_deposits() function returns every pending deposit transaction since users aren't going to actually send the deposit amount when using testnet. Polaris then proceeds to submit stellar payment transactions to the network for each Transaction object returned.

Since we won't be sending users their withdrawn funds from testnet either, we simply update the amount_fee and status columns of the transaction. Its good form to always assign a fee value for the sake of readability, but Polaris will try to calculate amount_fee if you have not registered a custom fee function and didn't update the column from execute_outgoing_transaction().

Again, there are many more integrations Polaris provides, most notably those implemented by the DepositIntegration and WithdrawalIntegration classes. See the SEP-6 & 24 documentation </sep6_and_sep24/index> to see what else Polaris offers. You'll also likely want to add information to your SEP-1 TOML file </sep1/index>.

Register integrations

Create an file within the inner app directory. We'll subclass Django's AppConfig class and register our integrations from its ready() function. :

from django.apps import AppConfig

class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
    name = "app"

    def ready(self):
        from polaris.integrations import register_integrations
        from .integrations import MyRailsIntegration


Now we need to tell Django where to find our AppConfig subclass. Create or update the file within the inner app directory and add the following: :

default_app_config = "app.apps.MyAppConfig"

Polaris should now use your rails integrations, but these integration functions are not called from the web server process that we ran with the runserver command.

Run the SEP-24 service

Polaris is a multi-process application, and poll_pending_deposits() and execute_outgoing_transation() are both called from their own process so that calling one is not delayed by calling the other. An easy way to run multi-process applications is with docker-compose.

First, create a requirements.txt file in the project's root directory: :

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Now, lets write a simple Dockerfile in the project's root directory: :

FROM python:3.7-slim-buster

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential
RUN mkdir /home/data
COPY app /home/app/
COPY .env requirements.txt /home/

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt && python /home/app/ collectstatic --no-input

CMD python /home/app/ runserver --nostatic

Write the following to a docker-compose.yml file within the project's root directory: :

version: "3"

    container_name: "test-server"
    build: .
      - ./data:/home/data
      - "8000:8000"
    command: python app/ runserver --nostatic
    container_name: "test-execute_outgoing_transactions"
    build: .
      - ./data:/home/data
    command: python app/ execute_outgoing_transactions --loop
    container_name: "test-check_trustlines"
    build: .
      - ./data:/home/data
    command: python app/ check_trustlines --loop
    container_name: "test-watch_transactions"
    build: .
      - ./data:/home/data
    command: python app/ watch_transactions
    container_name: "test-poll_pending_deposits"
    build: .
      - ./data:/home/data
    command: python app/ poll_pending_deposits --loop

You'll notice we're also running the watch_transaction process. This Polaris CLI command streams payment transactions from every anchored asset's distribution account and updates the transaction's status to pending_anchor. The execute_outgoing_transactions command then periodically queries for pending_anchor transactions so the funds withdrawn from Stellar can be sent off-chain to the user.

Additionally, we're going to run the check_trustlines command. This Polaris command periodically checks the accounts that requested deposits but can't receive our payment due to lacking a trustline to our asset.

Polaris comes with other commands that we won't run in this tutorial. For example, the poll_outgoing_transactions Polaris CLI command could periodically check if the funds sent off-chain were received by the user and update the status to completed if so. You should do this on mainnet if your payment rails take some time before the user receives the funds sent off-chain.

Now that our multi-process application is defined, lets build and run the containers: :

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

You should now be able to successfully deposit and withdraw funds on testnet using the SDF's demo client via SEP-24.

If you want to continue building your SEP-24 server, some useful sections of the documentation are listed below.

  • Adding information to the SEP-1 TOML file <sep1_integrations>
  • Collection & validating KYC data <sep24_integrations>
  • Customizing Polaris' static assets <static_assets>
  • Customizing transaction fee calculation <fee_integration>

Otherwise, check out the documentation page for each additional step you want to implement.