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Command-Line Help for soroban

This document contains the help content for the soroban command-line program.

Command Overview:


Build, deploy, & interact with contracts; set identities to sign with; configure networks; generate keys; and more.

Intro: CLI Reference:

The easiest way to get started is to generate a new identity:

soroban config identity generate alice

You can use identities with the --source flag in other commands later.

Commands that relate to smart contract interactions are organized under the contract subcommand. List them:

soroban contract --help

A Soroban contract has its interface schema types embedded in the binary that gets deployed on-chain, making it possible to dynamically generate a custom CLI for each. soroban contract invoke makes use of this:

soroban contract invoke --id 1 --source alice -- --help

Anything after the -- double dash (the "slop") is parsed as arguments to the contract-specific CLI, generated on-the-fly from the embedded schema. For the hello world example, with a function called hello that takes one string argument to, here's how you invoke it:

soroban contract invoke --id 1 --source alice -- hello --to world

Full CLI reference:

Usage: soroban <COMMAND>

  • contract — Tools for smart contract developers
  • config — Read and update config
  • events — Watch the network for contract events
  • lab — Experiment with early features and expert tools
  • version — Print version information
  • completion — Print shell completion code for the specified shell

soroban contract

Tools for smart contract developers

Usage: soroban contract <COMMAND>

  • bindings — Generate code client bindings for a contract
  • deploy — Deploy a contract
  • inspect — Inspect a WASM file listing contract functions, meta, etc
  • install — Install a WASM file to the ledger without creating a contract instance
  • invoke — Invoke a contract function
  • optimize — Optimize a WASM file
  • read — Print the current value of a contract-data ledger entry

soroban contract bindings

Generate code client bindings for a contract

Usage: soroban contract bindings --wasm <WASM> --output <OUTPUT>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to wasm binary

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Type of output to generate

    Possible values:

    • rust: Rust trait, client bindings, and test harness
    • json: Json representation of contract spec types

soroban contract deploy

Deploy a contract

Usage: soroban contract deploy [OPTIONS] <--wasm <WASM>|--wasm-hash <WASM_HASH>>

  • --wasm <WASM> — WASM file to deploy
  • --wasm-hash <WASM_HASH> — Hash of the already installed/deployed WASM file
  • --id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID to deploy to
  • --salt <SALT> — Custom salt 32-byte salt for the token id
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --ledger-file <LEDGER_FILE> — File to persist ledger state, default is .soroban/ledger.json
  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that signs the final transaction. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). Default: identity generate --default-seed
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban contract inspect

Inspect a WASM file listing contract functions, meta, etc

Usage: soroban contract inspect --wasm <WASM>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to wasm binary

soroban contract install

Install a WASM file to the ledger without creating a contract instance

Usage: soroban contract install [OPTIONS] --wasm <WASM>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to wasm binary
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --ledger-file <LEDGER_FILE> — File to persist ledger state, default is .soroban/ledger.json
  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that signs the final transaction. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). Default: identity generate --default-seed
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban contract invoke

Invoke a contract function

Generates an "implicit CLI" for the specified contract on-the-fly using the contract's schema, which gets embedded into every Soroban contract. The "slop" in this command, everything after the --, gets passed to this implicit CLI. Get in-depth help for a given contract:

soroban contract invoke ... -- --help

Usage: soroban contract invoke [OPTIONS] --id <CONTRACT_ID> [-- <CONTRACT_FN_AND_ARGS>...]

  • --id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID to invoke
  • --wasm <WASM> — WASM file of the contract to invoke (if using sandbox will deploy this file)
  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr
  • --unlimited-budget — Run with an unlimited budget
  • --footprint — Output the footprint to stderr
  • --auth — Output the contract auth for the transaction to stderr
  • --events — Output the contract events for the transaction to stderr
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --ledger-file <LEDGER_FILE> — File to persist ledger state, default is .soroban/ledger.json
  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that signs the final transaction. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). Default: identity generate --default-seed
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>
  • --events-file <PATH> — File to persist events, default is .soroban/events.json

soroban contract optimize

Optimize a WASM file

Usage: soroban contract optimize [OPTIONS] --wasm <WASM>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to wasm binary
  • --wasm-out <WASM_OUT> — Path to write the optimized WASM file to (defaults to same location as --wasm with .optimized.wasm suffix)

soroban contract read

Print the current value of a contract-data ledger entry

Usage: soroban contract read [OPTIONS] --id <CONTRACT_ID>

  • --id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID to invoke

  • --key <KEY> — Storage key (symbols only)

  • --key-xdr <KEY_XDR> — Storage key (base64-encoded XDR)

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Type of output to generate

    Default value: string

    Possible values:

    • string: String
    • json: Json
    • xdr: XDR
  • --ledger-file <LEDGER_FILE> — File to persist ledger state, default is .soroban/ledger.json

  • --global — Use global config

  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban config

Read and update config

Usage: soroban config <COMMAND>

  • identity — Configure different identities to sign transactions
  • network — Configure different networks

soroban config identity

Configure different identities to sign transactions

Usage: soroban config identity <COMMAND>

  • add — Add a new identity (keypair, ledger, macOS keychain)
  • address — Given an identity return its address (public key)
  • generate — Generate a new identity with a seed phrase, currently 12 words
  • ls — List identities
  • rm — Remove an identity
  • show — Given an identity return its private key

soroban config identity add

Add a new identity (keypair, ledger, macOS keychain)

Usage: soroban config identity add [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name of identity
  • --secret-key — Add using secret_key Can provide with SOROBAN_SECRET_KEY
  • --seed-phrase — Add using 12 word seed phrase to generate secret_key
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban config identity address

Given an identity return its address (public key)

Usage: soroban config identity address [OPTIONS] [NAME]

  • <NAME> — Name of identity to lookup, default test identity used if not provided
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If identity is a seed phrase use this hd path, default is 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban config identity generate

Generate a new identity with a seed phrase, currently 12 words

Usage: soroban config identity generate [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name of identity
  • --seed <SEED> — Optional seed to use when generating seed phrase. Random otherwise
  • -s, --as-secret — Output the generated identity as a secret key
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — When generating a secret key, which hd_path should be used from the original seed_phrase
  • -d, --default-seed — Generate the default seed phrase. Useful for testing. Equivalent to --seed 0000000000000000

soroban config identity ls

List identities

Usage: soroban config identity ls [OPTIONS]

  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban config identity rm

Remove an identity

Usage: soroban config identity rm [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Identity to remove
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban config identity show

Given an identity return its private key

Usage: soroban config identity show [OPTIONS] [NAME]

  • <NAME> — Name of identity to lookup, default is test identity
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If identity is a seed phrase use this hd path, default is 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban config network

Configure different networks

Usage: soroban config network <COMMAND>

  • add — Add a new network
  • rm — Remove a network
  • ls — List networks

soroban config network add

Add a new network

Usage: soroban config network add [OPTIONS] --rpc-url <RPC_URL> --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name of network
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban config network rm

Remove a network

Usage: soroban config network rm [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Network to remove
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban config network ls

List networks

Usage: soroban config network ls [OPTIONS]

  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban events

Watch the network for contract events

Usage: soroban events [OPTIONS]

  • --start-ledger <START_LEDGER> — The first ledger sequence number in the range to pull events (required if not in sandbox mode).

  • --cursor <CURSOR> — The cursor corresponding to the start of the event range

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Output formatting options for event stream

    Default value: pretty

    Possible values:

    • pretty: Colorful, human-oriented console output
    • plain: Human-oriented console output without colors
    • json: JSONified console output
  • -c, --count <COUNT> — The maximum number of events to display (specify "0" to show all events when using sandbox, or to defer to the server-defined limit if using RPC)

    Default value: 10

  • --id <CONTRACT_IDS> — A set of (up to 5) contract IDs to filter events on. This parameter can be passed multiple times, e.g. --id abc --id def, or passed with multiple parameters, e.g. --id abd def

  • --topic <TOPIC_FILTERS> — A set of (up to 4) topic filters to filter event topics on. A single topic filter can contain 1-4 different segment filters, separated by commas, with an asterisk (* character) indicating a wildcard segment

  • --type <EVENT_TYPE> — Specifies which type of contract events to display

    Default value: all

    Possible values: all, contract, system

  • --global — Use global config

  • --pwd <PWD>

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --events-file <PATH> — File to persist events, default is .soroban/events.json

soroban lab

Experiment with early features and expert tools

Usage: soroban lab <COMMAND>

  • token — Wrap, create, and manage token contracts
  • xdr — Decode xdr

soroban lab token

Wrap, create, and manage token contracts

Usage: soroban lab token <COMMAND>

  • wrap — Deploy a token contract to wrap an existing Stellar classic asset for smart contract usage

soroban lab token wrap

Deploy a token contract to wrap an existing Stellar classic asset for smart contract usage

Usage: soroban lab token wrap [OPTIONS] --asset <ASSET>

  • --asset <ASSET> — ID of the Stellar classic asset to wrap, e.g. "USDC:G...5"
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --ledger-file <LEDGER_FILE> — File to persist ledger state, default is .soroban/ledger.json
  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that signs the final transaction. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). Default: identity generate --default-seed
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --pwd <PWD>

soroban lab xdr

Decode xdr

Usage: soroban lab xdr <COMMAND>

  • dec — Decode XDR

soroban lab xdr dec

Decode XDR

Usage: soroban lab xdr dec [OPTIONS] --type <TYPE> --xdr <XDR>

  • --type <TYPE> — XDR type to decode to

    Possible values: Value, ScpBallot, ScpStatementType, ScpNomination, ScpStatement, ScpStatementPledges, ScpStatementPrepare, ScpStatementConfirm, ScpStatementExternalize, ScpEnvelope, ScpQuorumSet, ScEnvMetaKind, ScEnvMetaEntry, ScSpecType, ScSpecTypeOption, ScSpecTypeResult, ScSpecTypeVec, ScSpecTypeMap, ScSpecTypeSet, ScSpecTypeTuple, ScSpecTypeBytesN, ScSpecTypeUdt, ScSpecTypeDef, ScSpecUdtStructFieldV0, ScSpecUdtStructV0, ScSpecUdtUnionCaseVoidV0, ScSpecUdtUnionCaseTupleV0, ScSpecUdtUnionCaseV0Kind, ScSpecUdtUnionCaseV0, ScSpecUdtUnionV0, ScSpecUdtEnumCaseV0, ScSpecUdtEnumV0, ScSpecUdtErrorEnumCaseV0, ScSpecUdtErrorEnumV0, ScSpecFunctionInputV0, ScSpecFunctionV0, ScSpecEntryKind, ScSpecEntry, ScValType, ScStatusType, ScHostValErrorCode, ScHostObjErrorCode, ScHostFnErrorCode, ScHostStorageErrorCode, ScHostAuthErrorCode, ScHostContextErrorCode, ScVmErrorCode, ScUnknownErrorCode, ScStatus, Int128Parts, ScContractExecutableType, ScContractExecutable, ScAddressType, ScAddress, ScVec, ScMap, ScBytes, ScString, ScSymbol, ScNonceKey, ScVal, ScMapEntry, StoredTransactionSet, PersistedScpStateV0, PersistedScpStateV1, PersistedScpState, Thresholds, String32, String64, SequenceNumber, DataValue, PoolId, AssetCode4, AssetCode12, AssetType, AssetCode, AlphaNum4, AlphaNum12, Asset, Price, Liabilities, ThresholdIndexes, LedgerEntryType, Signer, AccountFlags, SponsorshipDescriptor, AccountEntryExtensionV3, AccountEntryExtensionV2, AccountEntryExtensionV2Ext, AccountEntryExtensionV1, AccountEntryExtensionV1Ext, AccountEntry, AccountEntryExt, TrustLineFlags, LiquidityPoolType, TrustLineAsset, TrustLineEntryExtensionV2, TrustLineEntryExtensionV2Ext, TrustLineEntry, TrustLineEntryExt, TrustLineEntryV1, TrustLineEntryV1Ext, OfferEntryFlags, OfferEntry, OfferEntryExt, DataEntry, DataEntryExt, ClaimPredicateType, ClaimPredicate, ClaimantType, Claimant, ClaimantV0, ClaimableBalanceIdType, ClaimableBalanceId, ClaimableBalanceFlags, ClaimableBalanceEntryExtensionV1, ClaimableBalanceEntryExtensionV1Ext, ClaimableBalanceEntry, ClaimableBalanceEntryExt, LiquidityPoolConstantProductParameters, LiquidityPoolEntry, LiquidityPoolEntryBody, LiquidityPoolEntryConstantProduct, ContractDataEntry, ContractCodeEntry, ConfigSettingType, ConfigSetting, ConfigSettingId, ConfigSettingEntry, ConfigSettingEntryExt, LedgerEntryExtensionV1, LedgerEntryExtensionV1Ext, LedgerEntry, LedgerEntryData, LedgerEntryExt, LedgerKey, LedgerKeyAccount, LedgerKeyTrustLine, LedgerKeyOffer, LedgerKeyData, LedgerKeyClaimableBalance, LedgerKeyLiquidityPool, LedgerKeyContractData, LedgerKeyContractCode, LedgerKeyConfigSetting, EnvelopeType, UpgradeType, StellarValueType, LedgerCloseValueSignature, StellarValue, StellarValueExt, LedgerHeaderFlags, LedgerHeaderExtensionV1, LedgerHeaderExtensionV1Ext, LedgerHeader, LedgerHeaderExt, LedgerUpgradeType, LedgerUpgrade, LedgerUpgradeConfigSetting, BucketEntryType, BucketMetadata, BucketMetadataExt, BucketEntry, TxSetComponentType, TxSetComponent, TxSetComponentTxsMaybeDiscountedFee, TransactionPhase, TransactionSet, TransactionSetV1, GeneralizedTransactionSet, TransactionResultPair, TransactionResultSet, TransactionHistoryEntry, TransactionHistoryEntryExt, TransactionHistoryResultEntry, TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt, TransactionResultPairV2, TransactionResultSetV2, TransactionHistoryResultEntryV2, TransactionHistoryResultEntryV2Ext, LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry, LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt, LedgerScpMessages, ScpHistoryEntryV0, ScpHistoryEntry, LedgerEntryChangeType, LedgerEntryChange, LedgerEntryChanges, OperationMeta, TransactionMetaV1, TransactionMetaV2, ContractEventType, ContractEvent, ContractEventBody, ContractEventV0, DiagnosticEvent, OperationDiagnosticEvents, OperationEvents, TransactionMetaV3, TransactionMeta, TransactionResultMeta, TransactionResultMetaV2, UpgradeEntryMeta, LedgerCloseMetaV0, LedgerCloseMetaV1, LedgerCloseMetaV2, LedgerCloseMeta, ErrorCode, SError, SendMore, AuthCert, Hello, Auth, IpAddrType, PeerAddress, PeerAddressIp, MessageType, DontHave, SurveyMessageCommandType, SurveyMessageResponseType, SurveyRequestMessage, SignedSurveyRequestMessage, EncryptedBody, SurveyResponseMessage, SignedSurveyResponseMessage, PeerStats, PeerStatList, TopologyResponseBodyV0, TopologyResponseBodyV1, SurveyResponseBody, TxAdvertVector, FloodAdvert, TxDemandVector, FloodDemand, StellarMessage, AuthenticatedMessage, AuthenticatedMessageV0, LiquidityPoolParameters, MuxedAccount, MuxedAccountMed25519, DecoratedSignature, LedgerFootprint, OperationType, CreateAccountOp, PaymentOp, PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp, PathPaymentStrictSendOp, ManageSellOfferOp, ManageBuyOfferOp, CreatePassiveSellOfferOp, SetOptionsOp, ChangeTrustAsset, ChangeTrustOp, AllowTrustOp, ManageDataOp, BumpSequenceOp, CreateClaimableBalanceOp, ClaimClaimableBalanceOp, BeginSponsoringFutureReservesOp, RevokeSponsorshipType, RevokeSponsorshipOp, RevokeSponsorshipOpSigner, ClawbackOp, ClawbackClaimableBalanceOp, SetTrustLineFlagsOp, LiquidityPoolDepositOp, LiquidityPoolWithdrawOp, HostFunctionType, ContractIdType, ContractIdPublicKeyType, InstallContractCodeArgs, ContractId, ContractIdFromEd25519PublicKey, CreateContractArgs, HostFunction, AuthorizedInvocation, AddressWithNonce, ContractAuth, InvokeHostFunctionOp, Operation, OperationBody, HashIdPreimage, HashIdPreimageOperationId, HashIdPreimageRevokeId, HashIdPreimageEd25519ContractId, HashIdPreimageContractId, HashIdPreimageFromAsset, HashIdPreimageSourceAccountContractId, HashIdPreimageCreateContractArgs, HashIdPreimageContractAuth, MemoType, Memo, TimeBounds, LedgerBounds, PreconditionsV2, PreconditionType, Preconditions, TransactionV0, TransactionV0Ext, TransactionV0Envelope, Transaction, TransactionExt, TransactionV1Envelope, FeeBumpTransaction, FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx, FeeBumpTransactionExt, FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope, TransactionEnvelope, TransactionSignaturePayload, TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction, ClaimAtomType, ClaimOfferAtomV0, ClaimOfferAtom, ClaimLiquidityAtom, ClaimAtom, CreateAccountResultCode, CreateAccountResult, PaymentResultCode, PaymentResult, PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode, SimplePaymentResult, PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult, PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess, PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode, PathPaymentStrictSendResult, PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess, ManageSellOfferResultCode, ManageOfferEffect, ManageOfferSuccessResult, ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer, ManageSellOfferResult, ManageBuyOfferResultCode, ManageBuyOfferResult, SetOptionsResultCode, SetOptionsResult, ChangeTrustResultCode, ChangeTrustResult, AllowTrustResultCode, AllowTrustResult, AccountMergeResultCode, AccountMergeResult, InflationResultCode, InflationPayout, InflationResult, ManageDataResultCode, ManageDataResult, BumpSequenceResultCode, BumpSequenceResult, CreateClaimableBalanceResultCode, CreateClaimableBalanceResult, ClaimClaimableBalanceResultCode, ClaimClaimableBalanceResult, BeginSponsoringFutureReservesResultCode, BeginSponsoringFutureReservesResult, EndSponsoringFutureReservesResultCode, EndSponsoringFutureReservesResult, RevokeSponsorshipResultCode, RevokeSponsorshipResult, ClawbackResultCode, ClawbackResult, ClawbackClaimableBalanceResultCode, ClawbackClaimableBalanceResult, SetTrustLineFlagsResultCode, SetTrustLineFlagsResult, LiquidityPoolDepositResultCode, LiquidityPoolDepositResult, LiquidityPoolWithdrawResultCode, LiquidityPoolWithdrawResult, InvokeHostFunctionResultCode, InvokeHostFunctionResult, OperationResultCode, OperationResult, OperationResultTr, TransactionResultCode, InnerTransactionResult, InnerTransactionResultResult, InnerTransactionResultExt, InnerTransactionResultPair, TransactionResult, TransactionResultResult, TransactionResultExt, Hash, Uint256, Uint32, Int32, Uint64, Int64, TimePoint, Duration, ExtensionPoint, CryptoKeyType, PublicKeyType, SignerKeyType, PublicKey, SignerKey, SignerKeyEd25519SignedPayload, Signature, SignatureHint, NodeId, AccountId, Curve25519Secret, Curve25519Public, HmacSha256Key, HmacSha256Mac

  • --xdr <XDR> — XDR (base64 encoded) to decode

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Type of output

    Default value: default

    Possible values:

    • default
    • json: Json representation

soroban version

Print version information

Usage: soroban version

soroban completion

Print shell completion code for the specified shell

Ensure the completion package for your shell is installed, e.g., bash-completion for bash.

To enable autocomplete in the current bash shell, run: source <(soroban completion --shell bash)

To enable autocomplete permanently, run: echo "source <(soroban completion --shell bash)" >> ~/.bashrc

Usage: soroban completion --shell <SHELL>

  • --shell <SHELL> — The shell type

    Possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh

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