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Stellar Disbursement Platform Helm Chart


This chart bootstraps a Stellar Disbursement Platform (SDP) deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

The SDP is a set of services that enable organizations to disburse funds to recipients using the Stellar network. The SDP consists of the following services:

  • Stellar Disbursement Platform (SDP) Core Service: the core backend service that performs several functions.
  • Anchor Platform: the API server that the wallet uses to authenticate and initiate the recipient’s registration process through the SEP-24 deposit flow.
  • Transaction Submission Service (TSS): the service that submits all payment transactions to the Stellar network.
  • Dashboard: the user interface administrators use to initiate and track the progress of disbursements.


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3.2.0+
  • Postgres 14.0+ database deployed in the same Kubernetes cluster
  • Kafka (optional) needed for inter-service communication when eventBroker.type is set to "KAFKA"

Installing the Chart

The chart can be installed either from a packaged chart or directly from the git repository.

From a packaged chart

  • Add the Stellar Helm repository to Helm
helm repo add stellar
  • Customize the chart by downloading and modifying minimal-values.yaml. This chart contains the minimum set of values required to deploy the SDP. For a complete list of values, refer to the Parameters section below.
curl -LJO
  • Install the chart
helm install sdp -f myvalues.yaml stellar/stellar-disbursement-platform

From the git repository

  • Clone the git repository
git clone
  • Install the chart
helm install sdp -f myvalues.yaml ./stellar-disbursement-platform-backend/helmchart/sdp

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the sdp deployment:

helm delete sdp


Global parameters

These parameters are shared by all charts.

Name Description Value
global.isPubnet Determines if the network is public. Set this to true for public networks. false
global.replicaCount Number of replicas for the application. 1
global.resources Resource limits and requests for the application pods. {}
global.service.type Kubernetes Service type for the application. ClusterIP
global.autoscaling Configuration related to the horizontal pod autoscaling of the application.
global.autoscaling.enabled Determines if autoscaling is enabled for the application. false
global.autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas when autoscaling is enabled. 1
global.autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas when autoscaling is enabled. 4
global.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. 80
global.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Target memory utilization percentage for autoscaling. 80
global.serviceAccount Configuration related to the Kubernetes Service Account used by the application.
global.serviceAccount.create Determines if a new service account should be created. false
global.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to be added to the service account. nil Name of the service account to be used. If not set and create is set to true, a name will be generated using the fullname template. ""
global.ephemeralDatabase Enables or disables the creation of an ephemeral database for testing purposes. true
global.eventBroker Configuration related to the event broker used by the application.
global.eventBroker.type The type of event broker to be used. Options: "NONE", "KAFKA". Default: "KAFKA". KAFKA
global.eventBroker.urls A comma-separated list of broker URLs for the event broker. nil
global.eventBroker.consumerGroupId The consumer group ID for the event broker. nil
global.eventBroker.kafka Configuration related to the Kafka event broker.
global.eventBroker.kafka.securityProtocol The security protocol to be used for the Kafka broker. Options: "PLAINTEXT", "SASL_SSL", "SASL_PLAINTEXT", "SSL". nil

Stellar Disbursement Platform (SDP) parameters

Configuration parameters for the SDP Core Service which is the core backend service that performs several functions:

  • Dashboard API: the API used by the front-end UI for all disbursement requests.
  • Messaging Service: a recurring process that sends text messages to users prompting them to download the wallet selected for a particular disbursement and verify their phone with an OTP
  • Wallet Registration UI: a web application that collects and verifies the recipient’s OTP code and verification information via Stellar’s SEP-24: Hosted Deposit and Withdrawal protocol
Name Description Value
sdp.route Configuration related to the routing of the SDP service.
sdp.route.schema Protocol scheme used for the service. Can be "http" or "https". https
sdp.route.domain Public domain/address of the SDP service. If using localhost, consider including the port as part of the domain. nil
sdp.route.mtnDomain Public domain/address of the multi-tenant SDP service. This is a wild-card domain used for multi-tenant setups e.g. "*". nil
sdp.route.port Primary port on which the SDP service listens. 8000
sdp.route.metricsPort Port dedicated to metrics collection for the SDP service. 8002
sdp.route.adminPort Port dedicated to serve the SDP admin endpoints, used to manage new or existing tenants. 8003
sdp.image Configuration related to the Docker image used by the SDP service.
sdp.image.repository Docker image repository for the SDP backend service. stellar/stellar-disbursement-platform-backend
sdp.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy for the SDP service. For locally built images, consider using "Never" or "IfNotPresent". Always
sdp.image.tag Docker image tag for the SDP service. If set, this overrides the default value from .Chart.AppVersion. latest
sdp.deployment Configuration related to the deployment of the SDP service.
sdp.deployment.annotations Annotations to be added to the deployment. nil
sdp.deployment.podAnnotations Annotations specific to the pods. {}
sdp.deployment.podSecurityContext Security settings for the pods. {}
sdp.deployment.securityContext Security settings for the container within the pod. {}
sdp.deployment.strategy Configuration related to the deployment strategy, ensuring smooth updates and minimal downtime. {}
sdp.deployment.nodeSelector Node selector to determine which nodes should run the pods. {}
sdp.deployment.tolerations Tolerations to ensure pods aren't scheduled on unsuitable nodes. []
sdp.deployment.affinity Affinity rules to determine where pods get scheduled based on node conditions. {}
sdp.configMap Configuration for the ConfigMap used by the SDP service.
sdp.configMap.annotations Annotations to be added to the ConfigMap. nil Used to inject non-sensitive environment variables into the SDP deployment; for the latest variables, consult the application's CLI -h command. The base URL of the SDP backend. http://localhost:8000 Determines the type of crash tracker in use. Options: "DRY_RUN", "SENTRY". DRY_RUN The EC256 public key used for authentication purposes. This EC key needs to be at least as strong as prime256v1 (P-256). "" Specifies the environment SDP is running in (e.g. "localhost"). dev Determines the verbosity level of logs. Options: "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL", "PANIC" INFO Anchor platform SEP10 signing public key. nil The public key of the HOST's Stellar distribution account, used to create channel accounts. nil Defines the type of metrics system in use. Options: "PROMETHEUS". PROMETHEUS The messenger type used to send invitations to new dashboard users. Options: "DRY_RUN", "AWS_EMAIL". DRY_RUN The messenger type used to send text messages to recipients. Options: "DRY_RUN", "TWILIO_SMS". DRY_RUN Site key for ReCaptcha. Required if using ReCaptcha. nil Specifies the domains allowed to make cross-origin requests. "*" means all domains are allowed. * Determines if ReCaptcha should be disabled for login ("true" or "false"). false Determines if email-based MFA should be disabled during login ("true" or "false"). false The base URL of the SDP UI/dashboard. nil The name of the SDP instance. Example: "SDP Testnet". nil Whether the scheduled jobs are enabled in this instance ("true" or "false"). Default "false". false The interval in seconds for the payment job that syncs payments between the SDP and the TSS. 3600 The interval in seconds for the receiver invitation job that sends invitations to new receivers. 0 or negative values disable the job. 3600 The maximum number of times an invitation SMS can be resent. 0 or negative values disable the job. 3 The amount of XLM to be sent to a newly created tenant distribution account. 5
sdp.kubeSecrets Kubernetes secrets are used to manage sensitive information, such as API keys and private keys. It's crucial that these details are kept private.
sdp.kubeSecrets.secretName The name of the Kubernetes secret object. Only use this if create is false. sdp-backend-secret-name
sdp.kubeSecrets.create If true, the secret will be created. If false, it is assumed the secret already exists. false
sdp.kubeSecrets.annotations Annotations to be added to the secret. nil AWS IAM user's access key ID for authenticating to AWS services. MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS region where services (like SES for email sending) are provisioned. MY_AWS_REGION AWS IAM user's secret access key for authenticating to AWS services. MY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Identifier for the AWS SES service used for sending emails. MY_AWS_SES_SENDER_ID Identifier for the AWS SNS service used for sending text messages. MY_AWS_SNS_SENDER_ID Account SID for authenticating to the Twilio service, used for sending text messages. MY_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID Authentication token for the Twilio service. MY_TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN Service SID for the specific Twilio service being utilized. MY_TWILIO_SERVICE_SID The EC256 Private Key. This key is used to sign the authentication token. This EC key needs to be at least as strong as prime256v1 (P-256). "" The public key of the Stellar account that signs the SEP-10 transactions. It's also used to sign URLs. nil The JWT secret that's used by the Anchor Platform to sign the SEP-24 JWT token. Must be the same as Anchor Platform's SECRET_SEP24_INTERACTIVE_URL_JWT_SECRET. nil Secret key for Google reCAPTCHA service to verify user's non-robotic behavior. nil The JWT secret used to create a JWT token used to send requests to the anchor platform. nil URL of the database used by the SDP. nil The private key of the Stellar account used to disburse funds. This is needed for the init container. nil The private key used to encrypt the channel accounts secrets in the database. nil The type of the signature client used for distribution accounts. nil The private key used to encrypt the distribution accounts secrets in the database, mandatory when DISTRIBUTION_SIGNER_TYPE is set to DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNT_DB. nil The DSN for the Sentry service. it must be set if CRASH_TRACKER_TYPE is set to "SENTRY". nil The username for SASL authentication to the Kafka broker. Required if KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is set to "SASL_SSL" or "SASL_PLAINTEXT". nil The password for SASL authentication to the Kafka broker. Required if KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is set to "SASL_SSL" or "SASL_PLAINTEXT". nil Access key (keystore) in PEM format. Required if KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is set to "SSL". nil Certificate in PEM format that matches with the Kafka Access Key. Required if KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is set to "SSL". nil The ID of the admin account. To use, add to the request header as 'Authorization', formatted as Base64-encoded 'ADMIN_ACCOUNT:ADMIN_API_KEY'.", nil The API key for the admin account. To use, add to the request header as 'Authorization', formatted as Base64-encoded 'ADMIN_ACCOUNT:ADMIN_API_KEY'.", nil
sdp.ingress Configuration for the ingress controller for the SDP service.
sdp.ingress.enabled If true, an ingress controller will be created for the SDP service. true
sdp.ingress.className Name of the IngressClass to be used for the ingress controller. nginx
sdp.ingress.tls[0].hosts List of hosts covered by the TLS certificate. ["{{ include \"sdp.domain\" . }}"]
sdp.ingress.tls[0].secretName The name of the Kubernetes TLS secret. You need to create this secret manually. backend-tls-cert-name

Anchor Platform

Configuration parameters for the Anchor Platform which is the API server that the wallet uses to authenticate and initiate the recipient’s registration process through the SEP-24 deposit flow.

Name Description Value
anchorPlatform.route Configuration related to the routing of the Anchor Platform service.
anchorPlatform.route.schema Protocol scheme used for the service. Can be "http" or "https". https
anchorPlatform.route.domain Public domain/address of the Anchor Platform service. If using localhost, consider including the port as part of the domain.
anchorPlatform.route.sepPort The port of the sep server of the anchor platform. This is the public API that is meant to be reached by a client application, such as the stellar.toml file." 8080
anchorPlatform.route.platformPort The port of the platform server of the anchor platform. This is the private API that is meant to be reached only by the SDP server, such as the PATCH /sep24/transactions endpoint.", 8085
anchorPlatform.image Configuration related to the Docker image used by the Anchor Platform service.
anchorPlatform.image.repository Docker image repository for the Anchor Platform service. stellar/anchor-platform
anchorPlatform.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy for the Anchor Platform service. IfNotPresent
anchorPlatform.image.tag Docker image tag for the Anchor Platform service. 2.6.2
anchorPlatform.deployment Configuration related to the deployment of the Anchor Platform.
anchorPlatform.deployment.annotations Annotations to be added to the deployment. {}
anchorPlatform.deployment.podAnnotations Annotations specific to the pods. {}
anchorPlatform.deployment.strategy Configuration related to the deployment strategy, ensuring smooth updates and minimal downtime. {}
anchorPlatform.deployment.podSecurityContext Security settings for the pods. {}
anchorPlatform.deployment.securityContext Security settings for the container within the pod. {}
anchorPlatform.deployment.resources Resource limits and requests for the application pods. {}
anchorPlatform.deployment.nodeSelector Node selector to determine which nodes should run the pods. {}
anchorPlatform.deployment.tolerations Tolerations to ensure pods aren't scheduled on unsuitable nodes. []
anchorPlatform.deployment.affinity Affinity rules to determine where pods get scheduled based on node conditions. {}
anchorPlatform.configMap Configuration for the ConfigMap used by the anchorPlatform service.
anchorPlatform.configMap.annotations Annotations to be added to the ConfigMap. nil Used to inject non-sensitive environment variables into the Anchor Platform deployment; for the latest variables, consult Anchor Platform's public documentation. Specifies the logging level for the application (e.g. "INFO", "DEBUG", "ERROR"). INFO Specifies the database connection details for the platform. Will be auto-populated in the development helm chart when ephemeralDatabase is enabled. Specifies the server connection details for the platform. Will be auto-populated in the development helm chart when ephemeralDatabase is enabled. Determines if Flyway, the database migration tool, is enabled. Specifies the strategy Hibernate should use for the database schema initialization. The standard Hibernate property values are none, validate, update, create-drop. update Determines if metrics collection is enabled for the platform. If enabled, metrics would be available at port 8082. false Determines if additional metrics (beyond the standard set) are enabled for collection. false Specifies the details and configuration of assets supported by the anchor platform. This includes SEP-24 enabled assets, schema type, code, issuer details, distribution account, precision details, and deposit and withdrawal configurations. Currently, it needs to be manually kept up to date with the SDP state. "" When set to true, only SEP-10 requests from known clients listed in SEP10_CLIENT_ATTRIBUTION_ALLOW_LIST will be accepted. false The comma-separated list of client domains allowed to make SEP-10 requests. ""
anchorPlatform.kubeSecrets secrets are used to manage sensitive information, such as API keys and private keys. It's crucial that these details are kept private.
anchorPlatform.kubeSecrets.secretName The name of the Kubernetes secret object. Only use this if create is false. anchor-platform-secret-name
anchorPlatform.kubeSecrets.create If true, the secret will be created. If false, it is assumed the secret already exists. false
anchorPlatform.kubeSecrets.annotations Annotations to be added to the secret. nil Database password for the anchor platform. nil Database username for the anchor platform. nil The secret used for authenticating API requests between the SDP and the Anchor Platform. nil The JWT secret used by the Anchor Platform to sign SEP-10 JWT tokens. These tokens are used for various authentication and transaction-related purposes. nil The seed for the SEP-10 signing process. It's essential for ensuring the security and authenticity of SEP-10 transactions. nil The JWT secret used by the Anchor Platform to sign SEP-24 interactive URLs. These URLs typically initiate user-interactive processes like deposits and withdrawals. Must be the same as SDP's SEP24_JWT_SECRET. nil The JWT secret used by the Anchor Platform to sign SEP-24 'More Info' URLs. These URLs provide users with additional details or steps related to their transactions. nil
anchorPlatform.ingress Configuration for the ingress controller for the Anchor Platform.
anchorPlatform.ingress.enabled If true, an ingress controller will be created for the Anchor Platform. true
anchorPlatform.ingress.className Name of the IngressClass to be used for the ingress controller. nginx
anchorPlatform.ingress.tls[0].hosts List of hosts covered by the TLS certificate. ["{{ include \"sdp.ap.domain\" . }}"]
anchorPlatform.ingress.tls[0].secretName The name of the Kubernetes TLS secret. You need to create this secret manually. For more instructions, please refer to helmchart/docs/ backend-tls-cert-name

Transaction Submission Service

Configuration parameters for the Transaction Submission Service. This is the service that submits all payment transactions to the Stellar network. This service is designed to maximize payment throughput, handle queuing, and graceful resubmission/error handling

Name Description Value
tss.enabled If true, the tss will be deployed. true
tss.route Configuration related to the routing of the TSS.
tss.route.schema Protocol scheme used for the service. Can be "http" or "https". https
tss.route.port Primary port on which the TSS listens. 9000
tss.route.metricsPort Port dedicated to metrics collection for the TSS. 9002
tss.deployment Configuration related to the deployment of the TSS.
tss.deployment.annotations Annotations to be added to the deployment. nil
tss.deployment.podAnnotations Annotations specific to the pods. {}
tss.deployment.strategy Configuration related to the deployment strategy, ensuring smooth updates and minimal downtime. {}
tss.deployment.podSecurityContext Security settings for the pods. {}
tss.deployment.securityContext Security settings for the container within the pod. {}
tss.deployment.resources Resource limits and requests for the application pods. {}
tss.deployment.nodeSelector Node selector to determine which nodes should run the pods. {}
tss.deployment.tolerations Tolerations to ensure pods aren't scheduled on unsuitable nodes. []
tss.deployment.affinity Affinity rules to determine where pods get scheduled based on node conditions. {}
tss.configMap Configuration settings for the Transaction Submission Service (TSS) ConfigMap.
tss.configMap.annotations Annotations to be added to the ConfigMap. nil Used to inject non-sensitive environment variables into the TSS deployment; for the latest variables, consult the application's CLI -h command. Determines the type of crash tracker in use. Options: "DRY_RUN", "SENTRY". DRY_RUN The public key of the HOST's Stellar distribution account, used to create channel accounts. nil The number of channel accounts the TSS will create/use. Channel accounts provide a method for submitting transactions to the network at a high rate. 1 Specifies the maximum base fee (in stroops) the TSS is willing to pay per transaction. This helps to control costs and ensures transactions are economically feasible. 100000 Defines the type of metrics system that the TSS should use. Options: "TSS_PROMETHEUS". TSS_PROMETHEUS Specifies the interval (in seconds) at which the TSS should poll the queue. 6 Specifies the environment TSS is running in (e.g. "localhost"). development Determines the verbosity level of logs. Options: "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL", "PANIC" INFO
tss.kubeSecrets Kubernetes secrets are used to manage sensitive information, such as API keys and private keys. It's crucial that these details are kept private.
tss.kubeSecrets.secretName The name of the Kubernetes secret object. Only use this if create is false. tss-secret-name
tss.kubeSecrets.create If true, the secret will be created. If false, it is assumed the secret already exists. false
tss.kubeSecrets.annotations Annotations to be added to the secret. nil URL of the database used by the TSS. nil The private key of the Stellar account used to disburse funds. nil The private key used to encrypt the channel accounts secrets in the database. nil The type of the signature client used for distribution accounts. nil The private key used to encrypt the distribution accounts secrets in the database, mandatory when DISTRIBUTION_SIGNER_TYPE is set to DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNT_DB. nil The DSN for the Sentry service. it must be set if CRASH_TRACKER_TYPE is set to "SENTRY". nil The username for SASL authentication to the Kafka broker. Required if KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is set to "SASL_SSL" or "SASL_PLAINTEXT". nil The password for SASL authentication to the Kafka broker. Required if KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is set to "SASL_SSL" or "SASL_PLAINTEXT". nil Access key (keystore) in PEM format. Required if KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is set to "SSL". nil Certificate in PEM format that matches with the Kafka Access Key. Required if KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is set to "SSL". nil


Configuration parameters for the Dashboard. This is the user interface administrators use to initiate and track the progress of disbursements.

Name Description Value
dashboard.enabled If true, the dashboard will be deployed. false
dashboard.route Configuration related to the routing of the Dashboard.
dashboard.route.schema Protocol scheme used for the service. Can be "http" or "https". https
dashboard.route.domain Public domain/address of the Dashboard. nil
dashboard.route.mtnDomain Public domain/address of the multi-tenant Dashboard. This is a wild-card domain used for multi-tenant setups e.g. "*". nil
dashboard.route.port Primary port on which the Dashboard listens. 80
dashboard.image Configuration related to the Docker image used by the Dashboard.
dashboard.image.fullName Full name of the Docker image. stellar/stellar-disbursement-platform-frontend:latest
dashboard.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy for the dashboard. For locally built images, consider using "Never" or "IfNotPresent". Always
dashboard.deployment Configuration related to the deployment of the Dashboard.
dashboard.deployment.annotations Annotations to be added to the deployment. {}
dashboard.deployment.podAnnotations Annotations specific to the pods. {}
dashboard.deployment.strategy Configuration related to the deployment strategy, ensuring smooth updates and minimal downtime. {}
dashboard.deployment.podSecurityContext Security settings for the pods. {}
dashboard.deployment.securityContext Security settings for the container within the pod. {}
dashboard.deployment.resources Resource limits and requests for the application pods. {}
dashboard.configMap Configuration settings for the Dashboard ConfigMap.
dashboard.configMap.annotations Annotations to be added to the ConfigMap. {} Used to inject non-sensitive environment variables into the Dashboard deployment. The URL for the API the dashboard should interact with. {{ include "sdp.schema" . }}://{{ include "sdp.domain" . }} The site key for Google reCAPTCHA service. reCaptchaSiteKey
dashboard.ingress Configuration for the ingress controller for the dashboard.
dashboard.ingress.enabled If true, an ingress controller will be created for the dashboard. false
dashboard.ingress.className Name of the IngressClass to be used for the ingress controller. nginx
dashboard.ingress.tls[0].hosts List of hosts covered by the TLS certificate. ["{{ include \"dashboard.domain\" . }}"]
dashboard.ingress.tls[0].secretName The name of the Kubernetes TLS secret. You need to create this secret manually. dashboard-tls-cert-name