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JvE edited this page Sep 27, 2015 · 2 revisions

The technical side of things that need to be done. The behind the curtains stuff so to speak.


  • User registration
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Player profile
  • Character(s?) & stats
  • Teams/clans/corporations


The core of the game and the initial browser client can live in the same project, but this does pose the risk of them getting too entangled. Separating them would mean building the html5/js client in another project. This would be challenging but ideal for the option of having non-html desktop and mobile and even console clients. That would probably mean going for Lumen for the server and something static for the client.
We could also combine the two into one project. Where we use laravel to both provide the user interface through html from blade templates in views and provide the data through ajax API calls to the server.

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