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How to setup the littlest jupyterhub on AWS using terraform.


  1. AWS account and credentials
  2. terraform v0.12.x (here: v0.12.24 + v2.58.0)


  1. Add AWS credentials and password for jupyterhub as terraform.tfvars file:

    aws_access_key = "..."
    aws_secret_key = "..."
    aws_region     = "eu-central-1"
    jh_password    = "..."
  2. Optionally: adjust variabes in

  3. Run terraform init to initialize the required plugins (for our provider AWS). After a few moments you should see something like Terraform has been successfully initialized!

  4. Use terraform plan to check out the plan. It should plan something along Plan: 6 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

  5. You can apply the plan now by running terraform apply and confirming with yes. This will take around a minute and you should see something like Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. and the public DNS entry: public_dns =

  6. After 10 to 15 minutes you can visit your jupyterhub instance at the above shown URL.

  7. You can destroy the setup via terraform destroy. As of now (2020-04-19) non-empty s3 buckets will not be deleted and raise an error message on destroy. You can also prevent the s3 bucket from destruction by adding prevent_destroy. If you call destroy and the bucket has a prevent_destroy it will also raise an error. To get around this you can destroy the setup using the target feature (which currently works via explicit listing). You can list your infrastructure using terraform state list and then target all but the bucket in the destruction:

    terraform destroy \
    	-target=data.aws_iam_policy_document.s3 \
    	-target=data.aws_iam_policy_document.sts \
    	-target=aws_iam_instance_profile.jh \
    	-target=aws_iam_role.jh \
    	-target=aws_iam_role_policy.jh \
    	-target=aws_instance.jh \

    Warning: This will delete all data on the instance apart from the files stored in /mnt, which are synced to s3.


  • Run terraform within docker.
  • Use script to restart s3fs and remount s3 after restart/resize of instance, for ex. cloud init.
  • Use s3fs to persist user's home folder.
  • Add HTTPS, for ex. by using route 53 plus elastic ips (TLJH docs).
  • Limit AWS credentials to minimum amount of needed services.
  • Improve the destruction process.
  • Add some health check for s3 connection.


setup jupyterhub on aws using terraform







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