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File metadata and controls

451 lines (291 loc) · 10.3 KB

Built-in template tags and filters

Built-in Tags


A for loop allows you to iterate over an array found by variable lookup.

  {% for user in users %}
    <li>{{ user }}</li>
  {% endfor %}

The for tag can iterate over dictionaries.

  {% for key, value in dict %}
    <li>{{ key }}: {{ value }}</li>
  {% endfor %}

It can also iterate over ranges, tuple elements, structs' and classes' stored properties (using Mirror).

You can iterate over range literals created using N...M syntax, both in ascending and descending order:

  {% for i in 1...array.count %}
    <li>{{ i }}</li>
  {% endfor %}

The for tag can contain optional where expression to filter out elements on which this expression evaluates to false.

  {% for user in users where != "Kyle" %}
    <li>{{ user }}</li>
  {% endfor %}

The for tag can take an optional {% empty %} block that will be displayed if the given list is empty or could not be found.

  {% for user in users %}
    <li>{{ user }}</li>
  {% empty %}
    <li>There are no users.</li>
  {% endfor %}

The for block sets a few variables available within the loop:

  • first - True if this is the first time through the loop
  • last - True if this is the last time through the loop
  • counter - The current iteration of the loop (1 indexed)
  • counter0 - The current iteration of the loop (0 indexed)
  • length - The total length of the loop

For example:

{% for user in users %}
  {% if forloop.first %}
    This is the first user.
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for user in users %}
  This is user number {{ forloop.counter }} user.
{% endfor %}

The for tag accepts an optional label, so that it may later be referred to by name. The contexts of parent labeled loops can be accessed via the forloop property:

{% outer: for item in users %}
  {% for item in 1..3 %}
    {% if forloop.outer.first %}
      This is the first user.
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


The break tag lets you jump out of a for loop, for example if a certain condition is met:

{% for user in users %}
  {% if user.inaccessible %}
    {% break %}
  {% endif %}
  This is user {{ }}.
{% endfor %}

Break tags accept an optional label parameter, so that you may break out of multiple loops:

{% outer: for user in users %}
  {% for address in user.addresses %}
    {% if address.isInvalid %}
      {% break outer %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


The continue tag lets you skip the rest of the blocks in a loop, for example if a certain condition is met:

{% for user in users %}
  {% if user.inaccessible %}
    {% continue %}
  {% endif %}
  This is user {{ }}.
{% endfor %}

Continue tags accept an optional label parameter, so that you may skip the execution of multiple loops:

{% outer: for user in users %}
  {% for address in user.addresses %}
    {% if address.isInvalid %}
      {% continue outer %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


The {% if %} tag evaluates a variable, and if that variable evaluates to true the contents of the block are processed. Being true is defined as:

  • Present in the context
  • Being non-empty (dictionaries or arrays)
  • Not being a false boolean value
  • Not being a numerical value of 0 or below
  • Not being an empty string
{% if admin %}
  The user is an administrator.
{% elif user %}
  A user is logged in.
{% else %}
  No user was found.
{% endif %}


if tags may combine and, or and not to test multiple variables or to negate a variable.

{% if one and two %}
    Both one and two evaluate to true.
{% endif %}

{% if not one %}
    One evaluates to false
{% endif %}

{% if one or two %}
    Either one or two evaluates to true.
{% endif %}

{% if not one or two %}
    One does not evaluate to false or two evaluates to true.
{% endif %}

You may use and, or and not multiple times together. not has higest precedence followed by and. For example:

{% if one or two and three %}

Will be treated as:

one or (two and three)

You can use parentheses to change operator precedence. For example:

{% if (one or two) and three %}

Will be treated as:

(one or two) and three
== operator
{% if value == other_value %}
  value is equal to other_value
{% endif %}


The equality operator only supports numerical, string and boolean types.

!= operator
{% if value != other_value %}
  value is not equal to other_value
{% endif %}


The inequality operator only supports numerical, string and boolean types.

< operator
{% if value < other_value %}
  value is less than other_value
{% endif %}


The less than operator only supports numerical types.

<= operator
{% if value <= other_value %}
  value is less than or equal to other_value
{% endif %}


The less than equal operator only supports numerical types.

> operator
{% if value > other_value %}
  value is more than other_value
{% endif %}


The more than operator only supports numerical types.

>= operator
{% if value >= other_value %}
  value is more than or equal to other_value
{% endif %}


The more than equal operator only supports numerical types.



{% ifnot %} is deprecated. You should use {% if not %}.

{% ifnot variable %}
  The variable was NOT found in the current context.
{% else %}
  The variable was found.
{% endif %}



Filters the contents of the block.

{% filter lowercase %}
  This Text Will Be Lowercased.
{% endfilter %}

You can chain multiple filters with a pipe (|).

{% filter lowercase|capitalize %}
  This Text Will First Be Lowercased, Then The First Character Will BE
{% endfilter %}


You can include another template using the include tag.

{% include "comment.html" %}

By default the included file gets passed the current context. You can pass a sub context by using an optional 2nd parameter as a lookup in the current context.

{% include "comment.html" comment %}

The include tag requires you to provide a loader which will be used to lookup the template.

let environment = Environment(bundle: [Bundle.main])
let template = environment.loadTemplate(name: "index.html")


Extends the template from a parent template.

{% extends "base.html" %}

See :ref:`template-inheritance` for more information.


Defines a block that can be overridden by child templates. See :ref:`template-inheritance` for more information.

Built-in Filters


The capitalize filter allows you to capitalize a string. For example, stencil to Stencil. Can be applied to array of strings to change each string.

{{ "stencil"|capitalize }}


The uppercase filter allows you to transform a string to uppercase. For example, Stencil to STENCIL. Can be applied to array of strings to change each string.

{{ "Stencil"|uppercase }}


The uppercase filter allows you to transform a string to lowercase. For example, Stencil to stencil. Can be applied to array of strings to change each string.

{{ "Stencil"|lowercase }}


If a variable not present in the context, use given default. Otherwise, use the value of the variable. For example:

Hello {{ name|default:"World" }}


Join an array of items.

{{ value|join:", " }}


The value MUST be an array. Default argument value is empty string.


Split string into substrings by separator.

{{ value|split:", " }}


The value MUST be a String. Default argument value is a single-space string.


Indents lines of rendered value or block.

{{ value|indent:2," ",true }}

Filter accepts several arguments:

  • indentation width: number of indentation characters to indent lines with. Default is 4.
  • indentation character: character to be used for indentation. Default is a space.
  • indent first line: whether first line of output should be indented or not. Default is false.


Applies the filter with the name provided as an argument to the current expression.

{{ string|filter:myfilter }}

This expression will resolve the myfilter variable, find a filter named the same as resolved value, and will apply it to the string variable. I.e. if myfilter variable resolves to string uppercase this expression will apply file uppercase to string variable.