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CukeExt Gem


Running Tests

Before running tests, make sure you have memcached (maybe use homebrew): installed and running, or you will run into this issue: Nerian/akephalos2#29

Autotest (preferred)

from the command line:

  1. export AUTOFEATURE=true only once to set the env variable
  2. autotest (from the app dir) to run the start running all the tests
  3. press control + c once to rerun all tests again
  4. press control + c twice to stop


Running All tests

cucumber (from the app dir)

Running Individual Files

cucumber FILENAME (from the app dir)

Writing Tests

CukeExt adds two custom 'steps' for working with an JSON API:

1. Calling API with Path and Query-String

Given the following path and params:
  | path | YOUR_API_ENDPOINT_PATH | # required row
  | field_1 | value_1 | # optional row
  | field_2 | value_2 | # optional row
  | field_3 | | # optional row

the above will call your app with GET /YOUR_API_ENDPOINT_PATH?field_1=value_1&field_2=value_2&field_3=, which is the same as:

Given the following path and params:
  | path | /YOUR_API_ENDPOINT_PATH?field_1=value_1&field_2=value_2&field_3= |

2-A. Parsing Response JSON with Hash Structure in External File

Then the response JSON should have the following:
  | file | YOUR_YAML_OR_JSON_FILE | # required row; place files in 'features/files'
  | JSON_SPEC_PATH | VALUE_OR_TYPE | # optional row
  • place a hash structure as a YAML or JSON file in features/files then specify the filename for YOUR_YAML_OR_JSON_FILE (do not include path)
  • by default using file in the first cell will only assert keys (in the response JSON) regardless if a value is specified in the hash structure (in YOUR_YAML_OR_JSON_FILE)
  • using file val in the first cell will assert keys and assert equal on the values (both in response JSON) using the keys value pairs in YOUR_YAML_OR_JSON_FILE:
Then the response JSON should have the following:
  | file val | YOUR_YAML_OR_JSON_FILE | # required row; place files in 'features/files'
  | JSON_SPEC_PATH | VALUE_OR_TYPE | # optional row

Each of json_spec's matchers deal with JSON "paths." These are simple strings of "/" separated hash keys and array indexes. For instance, with the following JSON:

  "first_name": "Steve",
  "last_name": "Richert",
  "friends": [
      "first_name": "Catie",
      "last_name": "Richert"

We could access the first friend's first name with the path "friends/0/first_name".

  • VALUE_OR_TYPE use the actual value (assert_equal) or the matchers for type, for example:
status: success        # => RESPONSE_HASH['status'] == 'success'
status: be a string    # => RESPONSE_HASH['status'].is_a?(String)
status: not be a hash  # => !RESPONSE_HASH['status'].is_a?(Hash)

2-B. Parsing Response JSON with Inline Table

Then the response JSON should have the following:
  | JSON_SPEC_PATH_1 | VALUE_OR_TYPE | # required row
  | JSON_SPEC_PATH_2 | VALUE_OR_TYPE | # optional row
  | JSON_SPEC_PATH_2 | VALUE_OR_TYPE | # optional row


in features/search.feature:

Scenario: search API bounds (success)
  Given the following path and params:
    | path | /search |
    | bounds_north | 47.85676114359615 |
    | bounds_south | 47.79948386508142 |
    | bounds_east | -122.23118118200682 |
    | bounds_west | -122.37280181799315 |
    | pgsize | 1 |
  And the response JSON should have the following: 
    | file | search_listing.json |
    | status | "success" |
    | data | be a hash |
    | data/result_list | be an Array |
    | data/result_list | have 1 entry |
    | data/result_geo/0/geojson/coordinates/0/0/0/0 | -122.37280181799315 |
    | data/result_geo/0/geojson/coordinates/0/0/0/0 | be a float |

Additional Info


Custom steps for JSON in Cucumber







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