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(Use case) Button with short press and long press event

Stephan Stricker edited this page Apr 21, 2020 · 4 revisions


  • Automation Studio 4.4
  • mappView 5.5


This example shows how to create a button that generates a short and long press event.


  • Create a new timer
  • Add a new button in mappView

Create a new timer

In the mappView Configuration (1) add a new timer (2) according to the following window.


Add a new button in mappView

Add a new standard button in mappView and add the following code to the event binding file.

<!-- Start new timer on mouse down event />-->	
  <EventBinding id="Main.Button1.MouseDown">
  <Source contentRefId="Main" widgetRefId="Button1" xsi:type="widgets.brease.Button.Event" event="MouseDown" />
        <Target xsi:type="session.TimerAction" refId="LongPress" >
          <Method xsi:type="session.TimerAction.Start" />
<!-- This is the long press event when the timer runs to the end />-->	
  <EventBinding id="LongPress" >
  <Source xsi:type="session.Timer.Event" refId="LongPress" event="Elapsed"/>
        <!-- Reset timer />-->	
	<Step order="0">
	    <Target xsi:type="session.TimerAction" refId="LongPress" >
              <Method xsi:type="session.TimerAction.Stop" />
	<!-- Open a dialog box />-->	
	<Step order="1">
	    <Target xsi:type="clientSystem.Action">
	      <Method xsi:type="clientSystem.Action.OpenDialog" dialogId="DialogSelectionMachine" />
<!-- This is the short press event when the mouse goes up before the timer finishes />-->	
  <EventBinding id="Main.Button1.MouseUp">
  <Source contentRefId="Main" widgetRefId="Button1" xsi:type="widgets.brease.Button.Event" event="MouseUp" />
  <!-- Read timer status />-->	
  <Operand name="IsRunning" datatype="BOOL">
    <ReadTarget xsi:type="session.TimerAction.Read" refId="LongPress" >
      <Method xsi:type="session.TimerAction.IsRunning" />
    <EventHandler condition="IsRunning=true">
        <!-- Reset timer />-->	
        <Step order="0">
	    <Target xsi:type="session.TimerAction" refId="LongPress" >
	      <Method xsi:type="session.TimerAction.Stop" />
        <!-- Switch to next page />-->	
        <Step order="1">				
	    <Target xsi:type="clientSystem.Action"> 
	      <Method xsi:type="clientSystem.Action.Navigate" pageId="DataPage" /> 
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