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Telegram Open Frames

This is a Telegram bot that lets you send and interact with Open Frames frames in a chat.


  1. Search for a frame inline by starting the message with @OpenFramesBot <paste frame url>.
  2. Select the frame you want to send.
  3. The frame will be sent to the chat.


  • Text input not supported
  • mint and tx actions are not supported
  • Data URL images are not supported
  • Frames have to be stored and retrieved from a kv store because button data is too large to be stored in a telegram button callback (limit is 64 bytes)


  1. Install dependencies
yarn install
  1. Copy .env.sample to .env and fill in the values

  2. Start the KV store server

docker-compose up
  1. Start the bot
yarn dev
  1. Set the telegram webhook
curl -F "url=<APP_URL>/telegram"<BOT_TOKEN>/setWebhook
  1. Search for a frame inline by starting the message with @<yourbot> <paste frame url>.

Telegram Open Frames

The proxy will send clientProtocol: "*@*" to the server with the intention that the server will serve a frame that does not require authentication. It only sends buttonIndex and state in untrustedData.

This may change in the future when telegram webhook requests are used as authentication somehow.