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stephanlphilips edited this page Nov 25, 2017 · 1 revision

Density matrix Solver


This is a simple program that solves the time evolution of a density matrix, given a time dependent Hamiltonian. I tried to add the most convenient functions that you will find in experiments (pulse shapes, pink/white noise), but feel free to extend this. To speed up the execution of the code, it it written in c++ (decent multi-threading and defined data types). Not to worry though! The code is cythonized, which means that you can fully access the library from python.

Requirements and installation



  • Compile and install all the c++ libraries as given in the requirements. In Linux you can install most of them probably with your package manager. On Windows I can imagine that the installation might be mode cumbersome.,
  • Compile the python code by:
python -m py_compile

You can than import the module by typing:

import sys
import DM_solver

User Guide

The main idea of the module is that you have to specify in python your own class that generates the signals. An example where this is done is specified in In the following I quickly explain the main functionality you can use to generate and preform operations with/on your Hamiltonians.

The solver is initiated by typing:

my_solver_object = DM_solver.VonNeumann(N)

Where N is the size of the Hilbert space. This creates the c object that does the solving. In the following, I'll go through all the functions to construct Hamiltonians.

Time independent part

my_numpy_hamiltonian = np.qeye(5, dtype=np.complex)

Note that the matrix must be a 128 bit complex matrix, as done in the example. Numpy will only do this by default if you matrix contains something complex. If you add multiple elements (add_H0()) they will just be summed.

Time dependent part

Add a list of points (not the recommended method).

This will represent a function A(t)H_{input}. Where the number of points must be exactly the same as the number of points used in simulation. The input matrix is the matrix that is multiplied with the points (e.g. a sigma_xI matrix). The code needed to input such a matrix can be given by:

amplitude_list = np.linspace(0,1e9,10000,dtype=np.complex)
my_solver_object.add_H1_list(input_matrix, amplitude_list)

AWG pulses

An AWG pulse can be added by using the command below. Parameters are the amplitude, rise time and start and stop time of the pulse. To generate a rise effect I used the Fermi-Dirac functions. The input matrix has the same format as mentioned before.

my_solver_object.add_H1_AWG(input_matrix, amp, rise_time, start, stop)


To add microwaves there are basically two approaches. For a block pulse you can use:

my_solver_object.add_H1_MW_RF(input_matrix, rabi_f, phase, frequency, start, stop)

Where the input matrix is your rotation matrix. rabi_f is the rabi frequency, note that for some reason this has an offset of a factor 10 (if you see why, please tell me). phase is the phase of the incoming signal. frequency is the frequency. Note that the input is not a cosine, but e**(i*\omega t). This was done since it is the most convenient for making rotating frames. You can still make a cos out of the exponential functions.

The other way of adding microwaves is by using the microwave object. In this object you can for example specify pulse shaped. At the moment only Gaussians are supported. In the following an example piece of code is given. Here a pulse is send, where you put over it a Gaussian envelope. The envelope has as center the middle of the pulse. out of the pulse times the amplitude of the signal is 0.

mw_obj_1 = DM_solver.microwave_RWA()
mw_obj_1.init(rabi_f/(2*np.pi), phase, freq_RF-f_qubit, t_start, t_stop)
mw_obj_1.add_gauss_mod(sigma_Gauss) # sigma is here the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution
mw_obj_2 = DM_solver.microwave_RWA()
mw_obj_2.init(rabi_f/(2*np.pi), phase, freq_RF-f_qubit2, t_start, t_stop)
my_solver_object.add_H1_MW_RF_obj(H_mw_qubit_1, mw_obj_1)
my_solver_object.add_H1_MW_RF_obj(H_mw_qubit_2, mw_obj_2)

Global time dependency

When you have some parts of you Hamiltonian that continuously oscillate, you can add a global time dependency. This will be added latest to you Hamiltonian when constructing it. This means it will also be added on top of the noise you add. This can be a handy feature when you have the transform your Hamiltonian.

In the following a example is given of how to add a time decency to a parameter. The decency is given by:


Where f is the frequency of the oscillations. Example:

# This adds a time depend parameter to location (1,4) in the matrix.
# Note that the matrix is by nature hermitian, so you do not have to specify (4,1)
# Make sure the data types are set as here.
locations_1 = np.array([[1,4]],dtype=np.int32)
locations_2 = np.array([[2,4]], dtype=np.int32)
my_solver_object.add_cexp_time_dep(locations_1, (f_qubit1-f_qubit2)/2)
my_solver_object.add_cexp_time_dep(locations_2, (f_qubit2-f_qubit1)/2)

Noise functions

In the noise department we have two flavors, static noise and 1/f noise.

Static noise

1/f noise

Running the solver

The solver will start whenever you call the following:

my_solver_object.calculate_evolution(my_init_densitymatrix, t_start, t_stop, numberofsteps)

Getting your results

To get the unitary representing your operation, you can type:

time_points_sim = my_solver_oject.times

To get expectation values for a certain property you can type:


where operators is a matrix of dimension 3, meaning a list of you operators (see example provided).

To plot the expectation values, you can use:

my_solver_object.plot_expectation(operators, label, figure_number)

For more info see the example

Clear memory

If you run many loops, you might see that python's garbage collector does not automatically delete the c object created that solves the Von Neumann equation. The memory can be freed up by calling:
