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Semantic Segmentation based navigation for ArduPilot

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This program uses an NVIDIA Jetson Nano to provide steering angles to stay on a road or footpath.

Semanatic Segmentation is used to determine where the road or footpath is. Then OpenCV is used for form into blobs and determine the angle to the centre of the blob.

This angle is coded into a MAVLink message and sent to a connected ArduPilot flight controller.

A video demonstration is available at

How it works

This section references the screenshot at the top of this page.

Semantic segmentation is used to separate the captured image into label areas: "Sky, Grass, Road, etc".

The largest area (contour) with a "road" label (purple) is then found (red polygon).

This contour is then split into two - halfway in the horizontal plane (blue boxes).

The centroid of each half is calculated (white points).

A line is drawn between the two points and the angle calculated (white line).

The angle is put through a 3 point moving average to smooth out any large changes.

This angle is encoded into a MAVLink message SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED, in Body (relative) frame and the forward velocity and yaw components.



The following hardware is required:

  • Jetson Nano. Other Jetson boards will likely work, but haven't been tested
  • Tuned ground rover with an ArduPilot flight controller
  • Decent forward-facing camera on the Jetson. I used an IMX219 (Raspberry Pi Camera V2)

A cooling fan may be required on the Jetson in hot environments.

The flight controller should have a telemetry port connected to the Jetson's UART, with a MAVLink router acting as a bridge between the UART and TCP/UDP connections. Software like Rpanion-server, mavlink-router or MAVProxy is recommended for this.


The Jetson Nano is required to have installed from source. The "apt-get" version is too old to use. When installing, ensure the applicable Pre-Trained Segmentation Models are downloaded. The fcn-resnet18-cityscapes-1024x512 dataset is the default (and recommended) used.

The pymavlink, numpy and opencv python3 libraries are also required:

pip3 install numpy pymavlink
sudo apt-get install python3-opencv 

Running Standalone

The "" script can be used on pre-recorded videos on the Jetson, to test reliability before using on a moving vehicle.

The commandline arguments are:

./ --headless <options> input output

The <options> commandline arguments are:

Where the input and output video streams are the same as

If the output is a file://, a timestamp will automatically added to the file name

For example:

./ --headless --input-codec=H264 file://record-20230422-145739.mp4 rtp://

Which will read an input video file, perform processing and output to an RTP stream.

On Ubuntu, use the following command to view the video:

gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5400 caps='application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H264' ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink sync=false

The segmav console will output the calculated delta heading to stay on the path or road. The heading is in degrees, negative for counter-clockwise and positive for clockwise. The heading is contstrained to +-90 degrees.

Running on a live system

Use the "" script to run on a live system. For example: <options> input output

Where the input and output video streams are the same as

If the output is a file://, a timestamp will automatically added to the file name

The <options> commandline arguments are:

So, for example: --input-flip=rotate-180 --rc=9 --vel=2.5 --device=/dev/ttyTHS1 --baud=57600 csi://0 rtp://

Will take in video from the CSI0 port, rotate 180 degrees, process it to determine to correct steering angle and output the MAVLink messages to the /dev/ttyTHS1 UART at 57600 baud. It will monitor RC channel 9 for start and stop commands. It will also command a 2.5m/s forward velocity. The processed video stream will be stream via RTP to

An RC controller channel is used to control the state of mavsegmav:

  • On RC LOW (1000 PWM), the system will stop and vision processing and send a halt command to the vehicle
  • On RC MID (1500 PWM), the system will record video to file. This is useful for capturing test datasets
  • On RC HIGH (2000 PWM), the system will send heading and speed commands to the flight controller. The vehicle must be in the Armed state. mavsegmav will automatically switch to guided mode.

If a buzzer is fitted to the flight controller, a tune will sound each time one of the above actions is switched to.

Note the segmentation may take ~10 seconds to start up or stop after a RC switch action. MAVLink STATUSTEXT messages will also be sent to any connected ground stations annoncing the start or stop.

For automatic operation, a supplied systemd service "segmav.service" can be used. Ensure to change the path or username details to match your system.


Semantic segmentation based navigation for Ardupilot








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