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The Jumpoff

Just a simple WP and Gulp starter to set it off.

The Jumpoff is a fairly opinionated starter for custom Wordpress development. It's a platform for beginning web projects that moves away from the interchangable theme / child theme approach.

Additionally, the Jumpoff aims to reduce over-reliance on 3rd party plugins by baking project features and settings into the starter (via an inc directory).


  • Gulp for task running
  • Organization by partials and components of scss, js and php views.
  • Custom drag and drop modules for content authorship
  • A php approach to field management via ACF and Stout Logic's ACF Builder
  • Custom Admin theme (styles and functionality)
  • A library of useful utilities/helpers


  • Node : to run gulp.
  • NPM : also to run gulp.
  • Gulp : for compiling, minimizing and linting scss, js, svgs, images, etc.
  • SCSS/SASS : for css authorship.
  • WordPress : This is a custom Wordpress build
  • ACF : For managing fields, metas, options, etc.
  • StoutLogic ACF Builder : A more sane way to register ACF fields within PHP utils


npm install --save-dev

Install Composer dependencies

composer install


Currently Composer is just installing StoutLogic's ACF Builder.

Make sure to run composer first, or the theme can't locate autoload and you'll see a custom error.


As much as possible, css and js is organized by component, named after it's usage / BEM naming convention. JS files are loaded through app.js as module imports leveraging browserfy and babel.


inc/Setup/Setup houses a setup singleton class to kick things off.

Better Folder Org

inc/Setup/loader.php contains a template loader filter to reorg how wp loads template files. Now, are components and single/archive/search files are housed in views and organized by content type.

For example, single.php is now found in views/post/single.php and an archive for the post type Work would be found in views/work/archive.php, etc. Partials are genreally scopped to their content type folder as well, using the underscore naming convention to indicate their included nature - ie, inc/work/_nav.php.

Share files like app wide headers and footer are housed in views/shared/*, ie views/shared/header.php.

Default files like archive.php are left in place currently and simple include to their enhanced locations.... for now... just in case. I'll pull them shortly.


The Jumpoff uses ACF for Fields, but actual field authorship is enhanced with Stout Logic's ACF Builder.

After running into various environmental issues with acf-json, I opted for a more robust and transferable solution that supports variables for reuse and version control.

Stout Logic provides a fluent API for rapidly creating and configuring ACF Fields in PHP, using a really nice builder pattern.

Here's an example of creating fields for SEO metas:

 * Fields - SEO
 * Location: Pages, posts, Team post type.
$seo_fields = new StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder('seo', [
  'key' => 'seo',
  'position' => 'normal',

  ->addTextArea('seo_description',  [
    'rows' =>  '2'
  ->setLocation('post_type', '==', 'page')
    ->or('post_type', '==', 'post')
    ->or('post_type', '==', 'team');

add_action('acf/init', function() use ($seo_fields) {

All Fields are registered in inc/Fields/*, generally in their own clearly named file. Variables for reuse are housed in inc/Fields/vars.php


The Jumpoff uses ACF's Flexible content fields to create a drag-and-drop module system and are defined at inc/Fields/Modules/*

The Modules are then included and added to a modules template (or whatever) at inc/Fields/Modules.php.

A custom module loader class (inc/Acf/AcfModules.php) further enhances flexible content fields by mapping them by name to files within the views/modules directory. So, when used, a module field named posts-module will load and scope it's fields to a module file at views/modules/posts-module.php.

For Example:

Define Content Module

// inc/Fields/Modules/Content

use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;

 * Content Module
 * Creates an content / wysi section
 * @see scss/components/_content (post-content)
$content_module = new FieldsBuilder('content_module');
  ->addMessage('', 'The Content Module creates an all purpose content/wysi region.')

Apply Content Module to Modules Template

// inc/Fields/modules.php

use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;


$modules= new FieldsBuilder('modules');

    ['button_label'=> 'Add Module']
    ['name'=> 'cards_module']
  ->setLocation('page_template', '==', 'templates/modules.php')
    ->or('page_template', '==', 'templates/home.php');

  add_action('acf/init', function() use ($modules) {

Content Module View

// views/modules/content-module.php

namespace Jumpoff;

$content = get_sub_field('content');


<section class="content module">
  <div class="grid-sm">
    <?php echo $content; ?>

Calling the Modules in a template

// views/shared/modules.php

while (has_sub_field('modules')) :


Site functionality is generally added in the inc folder, as oppose to plugins and whatnot.

Admin theme

A custom admin theme and various admin-based functionality and utilities are housed in inc/Admin. AdminTheme includes the scss for our, eh, admin theme. admin.scss compiles out via gulp into admin.css.

Post/Content Types

Custom Post Types are registered in inc/PostTypes and follow a simple file naming convention.


Post helpers, found in inc/Utils include utility functions for stuff like hooks, actions, formatters, helpers, etc.


A gulp and Wp project starter






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