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Coding from scratch a realtime Azure data and AI pipeline

In just 60 minutes, this session will demonstrate an end to end data pipeline supplemented by AI to achieve insights real-time. Using components like Azure Logic Apps, Event Hubs, Databricks, Cognitive Services, and Power BI I'll be putting together a pipeline that takes our conference social stream and analyses it realtime. Join me as I show how quickly these sorts of systems can be put together for awesome insight.

MS Build video

Building the pipeline

Fork the repo

  1. In GitHub, fork the repository
  2. Create a service principal and add to GitHub environment
  3. Change the desired resource group name in Github Action
  4. Trigger the Github action

Building a logic app

  1. Edit the logic app
  2. Validate the twitter connection

Get connection info

Use the windows clipboard ring (win+v) to make these available to you

  1. Navigate to the event hub and grab the connection string for the listener policy
  2. Go to the cognitive service, and get the connection key and endpoint

Building data streams

  1. Open DataBricks workspace
  2. In the workspace section for your user, import the dbc from this repo
  3. Get the tweet streaming going
    • Open AIpipeline > Tweet Schema Definition notebook
    • Update the eventhub connection string
    • Use Run All Below on top cell
  4. Get the image streaming going
    • Open AIpipeline > Image Schema Definition notebook
    • Update the eventhub connection string
    • Use Run All Below on top cell

Supplementing data with AI

  1. Open DataBricks workspace
  2. Get the tweet AI going
    • Open AIpipeline > Tweet Supplementing notebook
    • Update the cognitive services information
    • Use Run All Below on top cell
  3. Get the image AI going
    • Open AIpipeline > Image Supplementing notebook
    • Update the cognitive services information
    • Use Run All Below on top cell

Realtime presentation

  1. Open
  2. Create tweet streaming dataset with enqueuedTime: DateTime, overallsentiment:text, tweet:text, identifiedLanguage:text
  3. Open Power BI streaming notebook and add PBI URL into pbi_tweet
  4. Create image streaming dataset with enqueuedTime: DateTime, keyCategory:text, body:text
  5. Open Shipping to Power BI notebook and add PBI URL into pbi_image
  6. Use Run All Below on top cell
  7. Open Realtime notebook
    • Use Run All Below on top cell
    • Select Dashboard view
  8. Create tiles on Power BI Dashboard

Further reading


A live presentation!





