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#Image of LillySatouLillyBot

Welcome to Lillybot! I am a Twitch.TV bot written in Ruby. I respond to a number of commands, will participate in conversations based on various keywords and will even play games. A list of commands/interactions are available below.


  1. Ensure you have Ruby installed. You can check with whereis ruby or ruby -v
  2. Fork the repo
  3. Make a branch: git checkout -b [new-feature-or-whatever]
  4. Install Bundler: gem install bundler
  5. Install dependencies using bundler: bundle install
  6. Add your details into a json file as described below
  7. Run using ruby lillybot.rb


Update the auth.json file in the configs/ directory. This will be detected by the bot and used to log in.


###Software Tools

  1. Ruby
  2. Bundler

###Gems 3. A modified version of Twitch-chat (stored locally in libs folder, originally by EnotPoloskun) 4. Activesupport 5. Eventmachine 6. Rufus-Scheduler

##Commands Quicklist

Here's a quick list of example commands to get you started. You can play around with Lillybot on my twitch channel in the chat at any time. Most commands and keywords will allow for slight variants to help promote


Command Function
!time Returns the current time in Melbourne, Australia
!feels Gives a short description of where Lilly's from
!banme Bans the user for 1 second
!quote Generates a random quote from Kawata Shoujo
!mycreator Tells you who created the Lillybot


Command Function
Hello/Hey/Hi Lilly Lilly greets you
How are you, Lilly? Lilly tells you how she is
Lily You spelt Lilly wrong and she notices
Right Lilly You ask Lilly's opinion
FrankerZ Lilly loves dogs


Command Function
!slots Play slots with Lilly!
!chance Play a game of chance. Don't get 3!
!guessinggame Guess the number!

###Complete List (With Todos)

Commands for each plugin can be found on the respective plugin's README file. See the plugins folder folder for bundled plugins.

Upcoming commands can be found here


LillyBot is currently hosted on a DigitalOcean Droplet. Setting up a droplet is very easy and a good way to host your bot. It does cost $5 a month for the smallest option (unless you are really dedicated and like to create/destroy droplets for the 0.007c per hour option) but to have your bot available at any time, it's a valueable option!

I've set up my droplet with Ubuntu 15.10 x64, 512MB memory, 1 CPU, 20GB SSD and 1000GB transfer. I also like to use oh-my-zsh for some handy shortcuts with git. Vim is also a great option for quick edits but can be complicated for beginners. In this case, I'd suggest doing your edits on your local machine and pushing them up to the server.

##Adding Commands

For any simple commands such as !mycreator, you can easily add these to the JSON file. Lillybot refers to a commands.json file for these simple commands.

The format for JSON is:

    "!command1" : "Response",
    "!command2" : "Response 2"

For more complex commands or responses, such as those that use Regular Expressions, you will need to add those to the case statement in the Lillybot.rb file.

case message
    when /Lilly/i && /\Ah(i|ello|ey)/i then
        say_hello(user, message)
    when /MaiWaifu/ then
        send_message "MaiWaifu"
    when /\A!\S*touch\Z/i then


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