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Pagination module for Meteor that actually limits records sent to the client, and provides template wrappers for manual and infinite scroll loading.


mrt add pagemaster


Pagemaster comes with:

  • An extendable template wrapper that streamlines creating paginated lists with button or scroll (infinite) triggered loading.
  • Prebuilt publications to handle proper record limiting server-side.
  • Augmented queries, so you don't have to specify db query parameters that won't change with each subscription.

Example 1 (Button Triggered Loading)

1. Subscribe.

Deps.autorun(function() {
    Pagemaster.subscribe('pagedPosts', function() {
        var from = new Date();
        return {
            collection: 'Posts',
            find: {
                time:   {$gte:from}
            options: {
                sort:   {time:1},
                limit:  20

2. Render in your template.

<template name="myposts">
    {{#if pageReady}}
        {{#each post}}
        <div class="button pageMore {{#if pageHasEnded}}hidden{{/if}}">{{pageLoaded}} of {{pageTotal}} - Load More</div>

3. Hook up your template.

Pagemaster.template('myposts', {
    helpers: {
        post: function() {
            return Posts.find();
    events: {}

This is the same example in the repo under example.

Example 2 (Infinite Scroll Loading)

Similar to example 1, except in the Pagemaster.template() wiring, specify infinite: true as a property, and add the {{ pageInfinite }} helper to the base of your paginated list.

See example-infinite for more detail.

Reactivity & Redraw

Pagemaster subscribes to your data set as you would with any normal Meteor.subscribe and therefore is reactive. It's also a simple template wrapper of the one you designate, as depicted in the first example above. Any changes to the underlying data in your template will trigger a 'redraw' consistent with what would happen in Meteor anyways. For example, you should keep this in mind when attaching third party libraries or events to the DOM in the rendered() callback.


Pagemaster.subscribe(subid, query)

Subscribes, returning a subscription handle. subid is a unique identifier you reference in the template wiring, and query is a function returning a query object with find, options and collection keys..

If you called the add method beforehand, the query can be an ordinary javascript object or an object with dot notation keys, similar to dot notation queries in MongoDB. Except, Pagemaster expands all queries with forward slashes instead of dots, so that you can pass along dot notation searches to MongoDB. This augments the query object provided to add.

For example:

{ find: { person: { lastname: 'johnson' } } }

is equivalent to:

{ 'find/person/lastname': 'johnson' }


{ 'find/person.lastname': 'johnson' }

Except that the third query passes along a dot notation search to MongoDB:

{ find: { 'person.lastname': 'johnson' } }

Similar to Pagemaster.add(), find and options keys are used to find the appropriate records server-side, and must be separated with a forward slash when using this notation.

Pagemaster.add(subid, query[, limit])

Sets up the pagination subscription, where subid is a unique identifier and query is an object with find and/or options keys that define the "static" portion of your query. This method is not necessary if you provide a function to subscribe for a reactive query.

Pagemaster.template(name, subid, templateCfg)

Pagemaster.template(name, templateCfg)

Wraps the core Meteor Template for the template you specify in order to streamline common pagination tasks. Provides the following helpers to your template specified with name.

  • {{ pageReady }}, which is true when the subscription is ready
  • {{ pageHasEnded }}, which is true when the pagination has ended (all records have been displayed)
  • {{ pageTotal }}, which returns the total number of records that can be loaded
  • {{ pageLoaded }}, which returns the current number of records that have been loaded
  • {{ pageInfinite }}, which serves as the "end of records" marker that triggers scroll-based loading when it comes into view

subid indicates the unique subscription for the template. This can be omitted if the same variable is passed to the template's context on render.

templateCfg is an object with either helpers, events, created, rendered, or destroyed keys, specifying helpers, event handlers, or lifecycle functions as you'd normally specify with


  • Cross-browser testing
  • Make tests
  • Less pre-packaged assets, more configurability
  • Hooks for publication allow / deny




Wes @SterlingWes