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Hadoop Release Support

This project helps create validate hadoop release candidates

It has an Apache Ant build.xml file to help with preparing the release, validating gpg signatures, creating release messages and other things.

There is a maven pom.xml file. This is used to validate the dependencies from staging repositories as well as run some basic tests to validate the classpath.



It has an Apache Ant build.xml file to help with preparing the release, validating gpg signatures, creating release messages and other things.


There is a maven pom.xml file. This is used to validate the dependencies from staging repositories as well as run some basic tests to validate the classpath.


This is an optional property file which contains all user-specific customizations and options to assist in the release process.

This file is not SCM-managed.

It is read before all other property files are read/ant properties set, so can override any subsequent declarations.

Release index file: /

This is a single-entry property file which provides a relative path to the latest release being worked on in this branch.

  1. It is SCM-managed.
  2. It is read after

Release info file src/releases/release-info-*.properties

Definition files of base properties for the active RC.

  • SCM-managed
  • Defines properties which are common to everyone building/validating an RC.

As an example, here is the value src/releases/ for the RC2 release candidate

jira.title=Release 3.4.0



workflow for preparing an RC

Build the RC using the docker process on whichever host is set to do it.

Create a src/releases/

Create a new release properties file, using an existing one as a template. Update as a appropriate.

Update /

Update the value of in / to point to the newly created file.

set up

# info for copying down the RC from the build host

# SVN managed staging dir

# where various modules live for build and test

Clean up first

ant clean

And then purge all artifacts of that release from maven. This is critical when validating downstream project builds.

ant purge-from-maven

Download RC to target/incoming

This will take a while! look in target/incoming for progress

ant scp-artifacts

Copy to the release dir

Copies the files from downloads/incoming/artifacts to downloads/hadoop-$version-$rc'

ant copy-scp-artifacts release.dir.check

The release.dir.check target just lists the directory.

Arm64 binaries

If arm64 binaries are being created then they must be built on an arm docker image. Do not use the --asfrelease option as this stages the JARs. Instead use the explicit --deploy --native --sign options.

The arm process is one of

  1. Create the full set of artifacts on an arm machine (macbook, cloud vm, ...)
  2. Use the ant build to copy and rename the .tar.gz with the native binaries only
  3. Create a new .asc file.
  4. Generate new sha512 checksum file containing the new name.
  5. Move these files into the downloads/release/$RC dir

To perform these stages, you need a clean directory of the same hadoop commit ID as for the x86 release.

In declare its location


In that dir, create the relese.

time dev-support/bin/create-release --docker --dockercache --mvnargs="-Dhttp.keepAlive=false -Dmaven.wagon.http.pool=false" --deploy --native --sign

Important make sure there is no duplicate staged hadoop repo in nexus. If there is: drop and restart the x86 release process to make sure it is the one published

# create the release.
# Broken until someone fixes HADOOP-18664. you can't launch create-release --docker from a build file
#ant arm.create.release
# copy the artifacts to this project's target/ dir, renaming
ant arm.copy.artifacts
# sign artifacts then move to the shared RC dir alongside the x86 artifacts
ant arm.release release.dir.check

verify gpg signing

ant gpg.keys gpg.verify

copy to a staging location in the hadoop SVN repository.

When committed to subversion it will be uploaded and accessible via a URL.

This makes it visible to others via the apache svn site, but it is not mirrored yet.

When the RC is released, an svn move operation can promote it directly.

do this after preparing the arm64 binaries

Final review of the release files

ant release.dir.check

Now stage the files, first by copying the dir of release artifacts into the svn-mananaged location

ant stage

In the staging svn repo, update, add and commit the work

This can take a while...exit any VPN for extra speed.

ant stage-to-svn


cd $stagingdir
svn update
svn add <RC directory name>
svn commit

tag the rc and push to github

This isn't automated as it needs to be done in the source tree.

The ant print-tag-command prints the command needed to create and sign a tag.

ant print-tag-command

Prepare the maven repository

  1. Go to
  2. Find the hadoop repo for the RC
  3. "close" it and wait for that to go through

Generate the RC vote email

Review/update template message in src/text/vote.txt. All ant properties referenced will be expanded if set.

ant vote-message

The message is printed and saved to the file target/vote.txt

do not send it until you have validated the URLs resolve

Now wait for the votes to come in. This is a good time to repeat all the testing of downstream projects, this time validating the staged artifacts, rather than any build locally.

How to download and build a staged release candidate

This relies on the release-info file pointing to the source directory


Targets of Relevance

target action
release.fetch.http fetch artifacts
release.dir.check verify release dir exists
release.src.untar untar retrieved artifacts build the source
release.src.test build and test the source
gpg.keys import the hadoop KEYS
gpg.verify verify the D/L'd artifacts

set check.native.binaries to false to skip native binary checks on platforms without them

Download the RC files from the http server

Downloads under downloads/incoming

ant release.fetch.http

untar source and build.

This puts the built artifacts into the local maven repo so do not do this while building/testing downstream projects and call ant purge-from-maven after

ant release.src.untar

untar site and build.


untar binary release

Untars the (already downloaded) binary tar to target/bin-untar

ant release.bin.untar

once expanded, the binary commands can be tested

ant release.bin.commands

This will fail on a platform where the native binaries don't load, unless the checknative command has been disabled.

ant release.bin.commands -Dcheck.native.binaries=false

Building and testing projects from the staged maven artifacts

A lot of the targets build maven projects from the staged maven artifacts.

For this to work

  1. Check out the relevant projects in your local system.
  2. Set their location in the file
  3. Make sure that the branch checked out is the one you want to build. This matters for anyone who works on those other projects on their own branches.
  4. Some projects need java11 or later.

First, purge your maven repository of all hadoop- JAR files of the pending release version

ant purge-from-maven

execute the maven test.

Download the artifacts from maven staging repositories and compile/test a minimal application

ant mvn-test

Build and test Cloudstore diagnostics



Build and test Google GCS

Big Data Interop.

  • This is java 11+ only.
  • currently only builds against AWS v1 SDK.

Ideally, you should run the tests, or even better, run them before the RC is up for review.

Building the libraries. Do this only if you aren't running the tests.


Build Apache Spark

Validates hadoop client artifacts; the cloud tests cover hadoop cloud storage clients.


And to to run the hadoop-cloud tests

ant spark.test.hadoop-cloud

A full spark test run takes so long that CI infrastructure should be used.

Spark cloud integration tests

Then followup cloud integration tests if you are set up to build. Spark itself does not include any integration tests of the object store connectors. This independent module tests the s3a, gcs and abfs connectors, and associated committers, through the spark RDD and SQL APIs.

cloud integration

ant cloud-examples.test

The test run is fairly tricky to get running; don't try and do this while

  • MUST be java 11+
  • Must have cloud.test.configuration.file set to an XML conf file declaring the auth credentials and stores to use for the target object stores (s3a, abfs, gcs)

Build and test HBase filesystem


Adds zookeeper-based locking on those filesystem API calls for which atomic access is required.

Integration tests will go through S3A connector.


After the Vote Succeeds: publishing the release

Update the announcement and create site/email notifications

Edit src/text/announcement.txt to have an up-to-date description of the release.

The target will generate these annoucements. Execute the target and then review the generated files in target/


The announcement must be geneated before the next stage, so make sure the common body of the site and email annoucement is up to date: src/text/core-announcement.txt

Build the Hadoop site

Set to be the path of the local clone of the ASF site repository

Prepare the site; this also demand-generates the release announcement

The site .tar.gz distributable is used for the site; this must already have been downloaded. It must be untarred and copied under the SCM-managed ${} repository, linked up and then committed.



Review the announcement.

Manually link the site current/stable symlinks to the new release

In the hadoop site dir content/docs subdir

# update
git pull

# review current status
ls -l

# symlink current
rm current3
ln -s r.3.3.5 current3

# symlink stable
rm stable3
ln -s r3.3.5 stable3

# review new status
ls -l

Finally, commit

git add .
git status
git commit -S -m "HADOOP-18470. Release Hadoop 3.3.5"
git push

Promoting the RC artifacts to production through svn move

# check that the source and dest URLs are good
ant staging-init
# do the promotion
ant stage-move-to-production

update the current ref
change the 

Check that release URL in your browser.

Publish nexus artifacts

do this at

to verify this is visible search for hadoop-common -verify the latest version is in the production repository.

Send that email announcement

tag the final release and push that tag

The ant print-tag-command prints the command needed to create and sign a tag.

ant print-tag-command

Use the "tagging the final release" commands printed

clean up your local system

For safety, purge your maven repo of all versions of the release, so as to guarantee that everything comes from the production store.

ant purge-from-maven


Git status prompt issues in fish

There are a lot of files, and if your shell has a prompt which shoes the git repo state, scanning can take a long time. Disable it, such as for fish:

set -e __fish_git_prompt_showdirtystate

Adding a global maven staging profile asf-staging

Many projects have a profile to use a staging repository, especially the ASF one.

Not all do -these builds are likely to fail. Here is a profile, asf-staging which can be used to enable this. The paths to the repository can be changed too, if desired.

Some of the maven builds invoked rely on this profile (e.g. avro). For some unknown reason the parquet build doesn't seem to cope.

    <!-- override point for ASF staging/snapshot repos -->

      <id>ASF Staging</id>
      <id>ASF Snapshots</id>

      <id>ASF Staging</id>
      <id>ASF Snapshots</id>

Rolling back an RC

Drop the staged artifacts from nexus

Delete the tag. Print out the delete command and then copy/paste it into a terminal in the hadoop repo

ant print-tag-command

Remove downloaded files and maven artifactgs

ant clean purge-from-maven
  1. Go to the svn staging dir
  2. svn rm the RC subdir
  3. svn commit -m "rollback RC"
ant stage-svn-rollback
# and get the log
ant stage-svn-log


build/validate hadoop RCs. moved into apache hadoop itself.






