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dotrepo, because the world didn't need another dotfile manager.

Just a project done for fun, not due to a particular dislike of other implementations or idea that this would be any better.


You work on multiple machines and want to make sure that your dotfiles are easily synced between them.


First you need to have ruby 1.9.3+ installed, preferably with rvm as your system default.


Install as Global Gem

$ gem install dotrepo

Install to Dotrepo dir w/ rvm

This is the suggested method as you don't have to worry about switching gemsets and loosing access to dotrepo -- some care needs to be takent to stick w/in compatible rubies though (1.9.3+).

First setup the repo

$ mkdir -p ~/.dotrepo

Add a Gemfile $ touch ~/.dotrepo/Gemfile

Then make sure the contents specify a compatible ruby version & the dotrepo gem

source ''
ruby '2.0.0'

gem 'dotrepo'

And bundle install generating a binstub.

$ bundle binstubs dotrepo

No we'll make a tweak to the binstub to ensure it's using the correct ruby version.

The first line of bin/dotrepo should look like:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

We'll change that to

#!/usr/bin/env rvm 2.0.0 do ruby

So that we're specifying the same ruby version we set in our Gemfile.

Add dotrepo to your path Now in your .bashrc or .bash_profile (depending on the system you use), add:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.dotrepo/bin


With an existing repo

$ dotrepo setup --repo

This will clone the specified repo into ~/.dotrepo/repo

With no repo

$ dotrepo setup --no-repo --files .bashrc .bash_profile

This will init a git repo in ~/.dotrepo/repo and duplicate all specified dotfiles in your home directory into it. You can then commit the files you want to track (delete the rest) and setup a remote.

Continued Use

$ dotrepo refresh

If files have been added to the dotrepo repository, this will make an attempt to symlink those as well.

$ dotrepo repo
# => the repo directory

$ cd `dotrepo repo`
# => cd into the repo directory

Quick access to the repo, cd's into that directory to speed managment.


We're sad to see you go, but we want to make it easy to reverse the setup.

$ dotrepo uninstall

Will remove the symlinks and make a copy of the symlinked files in your ~/ directory.


$ rspec


If there is any thing you'd like to contribute or fix, please:

  • Fork the repo
  • Add tests for any new functionality
  • Make your changes
  • Verify all new &existing tests pass
  • Make a pull request


The dotrepo gem is distributed under the MIT License.


because the world (didn't) need another dotfile manager







No packages published
