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Version 2 migration guide

Ben edited this page Mar 31, 2020 · 6 revisions

Migrating from v1 (legacy API) to v2 (basic display API)

Quite a few things have changed with the switch to Instagram's new API. The amount of information the new API provides about images and videos is greatly reduced. This is great thing for privacy, but as a result some options in v1 are no longer available in v2.

v2 provides a much simpler service, but should still cater to the most common use-case for Instafeed: embedding your most recent Instagram posts on your website.

Key Changes:

  • Media is generally only available from the user that the access token belongs to. (You can only display your own posts)
  • Geographic/location information is not available
  • Searching by tag is not available
  • Information on likes and comments is not available
  • Most sorting options are removed - only sort by name, date is available

Additional requirements:

Migrating, Step by Step

Assuming you have a simple Instafeed implementation (a single user's most recent images), follow these steps to update to v2.

  1. Setup your Facebook app
  2. Set up the token agent and include the script on your web page, before the Instafeed script.
  3. Update instafeed.js on your website. Current release is v2.0.0rc1 This process varies depending on how you have included the script initially.
  4. Review and update your Instafeed options. See below for which options have been changed or removed.

Comparison of options between v1 and v2:

These are the v1 options and their status in v2:

Key Status Notes
accessToken Required, Updated The accessToken from the Facebook App associated with the user. Needs to be retrieved from a token service. More info
after Optional Works as v1
before Optional Works as v1
clientId Removed Basic display API only supports getting the user's own media.
error Optional Works as v1
filter Optional Works as v1
get Removed No longer supported by Basic Display API
limit Optional, Updated Maximum number of media items to add to the page. This limit is applied in the browser. Basic Display API limits are unclear.
links Removed Links are included by default. Use the template option to control this instead.
locationId Removed No longer supported by Basic Display API
mock Optional Works as v1
resolution Removed A single image resolution is returned by the Basic Display API. This is generally high resolution - 1440px wide is typical.
sortBy Removed Replaced by the new sort option, which uses a function. Sorting is performed in the browser.
success Optional Works as v1
tagName Removed No longer supported by Basic Display API. Use filter instead
target Optional Either the ID name or the DOM element itself where you want to add the images to.
template Optional, Updated Custom HTML template to render media. See templating.
useHttp Removed All URLs are HTTPS only
userId Removed No longer supported by Basic Display API

See the full v2 options reference