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Interesting Facts About Lingual Braces For Children

steveroger9005 edited this page May 20, 2021 · 1 revision

As most of you know, lingual braces are a new innovative kind of braces that offer the same advantages as traditional braces but at a lesser cost. The main advantage is that they are comfortable for the patients and they make them speak more naturally. Unlike other kinds of braces which use metal wires to hold up the teeth, these braces work on the principle of 2 adjoining strips with overlapping in between. The wires are placed in between. While these braces are not convenient for the patients, they are just as inconspicuous as other kinds of braces. Most people would not even notice that you are wearing lingual braces. They are very lightweight and do not even affect your speech. You would still be able to eat, drink and attend to other daily affairs as normally as you do without braces.

There are many advantages of this unique type of braces. One of the most obvious is that the teeth are not positioned in an awkward way. In fact, you can easily talk normally and smile without any hassle. You also need to take care of your teeth and ensure that they remain clean because if they remain unclean, it would become difficult to remove them at one go. These are also much stronger than the traditional metal braces. Lingual braces are ideal for children who suffer from orthodontic problems. Even toddlers can talk normally after a few months of these aligners. Children suffering from speech impairment, stuttering, and other impediments can also benefit from them. The Lingual Braces can also help children with jaw injuries to straighten out their teeth.

Most of the orthodontists use lingual braces when treating children with severe malocclusion issues. If you or your child have been suffering from the same problem, you can try these braces now. The procedure has been approved by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. These braces are easy to install and are made out of ceramic which is a safe material.

Since the braces are placed on the backside of the teeth, children will feel a little discomfort after wearing them for a while. In fact, it would be better if they are worn for half a day as they would not be able to bear the intensity of the pain. However, there is no reason to panic or leave the braces in place for a long time. If the condition does not improve after wearing the lingual braces for a period of time, you can ask for another treatment.

In fact, this is not something new in the field of orthodontics. Earlier methods of braces removal included burning the teeth with hot wax. Today, with the advancement in technology, we have options like lingual braces which can make treatment much more convenient and painless for children. Also, there are several parents who have reported that the removal of traditional braces has allowed their children to speak more fluently.

The biggest problem associated with the wearing of lingual Braces is the fact that children talk a lot and are very quick to make mistakes. So, it is always better to remove the braces at the early stage so that they do not continue wearing them later on. Also, make sure that the person who has come to install the braces understands your child's communication skills. In fact, they are supposed to follow some oral habits such as blinking or mouth closing during the installation process. If they do not follow these things, it would be difficult for them to remove the braces.

It must be noted that lingual braces are not similar to the Invisalign braces. These braces are not only expensive but also demand a lot of maintenance and cleaning. The process of removing these braces is also different. While Invisalign braces are made of clear plastic, the lingual braces are made of metal which is usually placed in the jaw. Also, parents must understand that there are differences between standard braces and lingual braces. While the former can be removed by pulling them out, the latter cannot be easily done and may even lead to infection.

There are parents who have reported that their children have become addicted to the braces. However, this has only happened to a few cases. The Lingual braces are very uncomfortable for children and wearing them continuously for over a period of time may affect their psychological health. Most of the time, children prefer lingual braces to their standard ones.

As there are many advantages of the lingual braces, there are also some disadvantages as well. For instance, this kind of braces are not portable. The wires are situated deep inside the mouth and are difficult to remove unless the dentist provides the proper tools for the removal. Another drawback is that when the braces are removed from the teeth, they do not leave any denture behind and this can lead to infection. Also, this kind of braces take some time before they become effective.

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