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Releases: stewienj/DynamicDataDisplayReloaded

Fixed minor RadioBand zooming glitch. Removed a chart wrapper.

21 Apr 00:43
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Fixed minor RadioBand zooming glitch where when the length of the line was too small to be visible it was expanded to be visible, however the algorithm made it inconsistent in size.

Removed unwanted wrapper for map chart called MapChart and its associated view model. This was external code that got into this library somehow.

Fixed underflow in RadioBand library

03 Aug 04:07
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Fixed an underflow in the RadioBandTransform, caused by NaN being passed in from external code. Changed the code to handle this situation without throwing an exception.

First .NET Core Release

09 Jun 04:18
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First .NET Core Release. In theory these libraries can be now be used in .NET Core projects

New build system, fixed RadioBand issue

01 Jun 07:43
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This release is a test of the new build system, but also includes a fix in the Radio Band chart. The new build system uses SDK style project files, which will allow supporting .NET Core in the future.

Removed xaml part of SpectrumBandOverlay

24 May 08:29
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Removed xaml part of SpectrumBandOverlay so it can be used as a base class in a xaml file

Added Spectrum Overlay To Radio Band Chart

24 May 07:10
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Added a spectrum overlay to the RadioBandChart, and added how to use it to the RadioBandChartViewerSample in the DynamicDataDisplay.Samples project.

Fixed RadioBandChartView grouping

29 Mar 03:17
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Fixed RadioBandChartView grouping, where grouping wasn't working if the databinding wasn't performed on the first pass. It could still do with some work, but this will get people going in the meantime.

Improved Grouped Makers

18 Mar 03:19
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Improved Grouped Markers by allowing color selection of the markers

Fixed a memory leak caused by the context menu

27 Jul 03:24
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The context menu builds a list of all the visuals that were hit tested, and then holds onto that list until the menu is opened again. I fixed that last part about holding into the list of hit tested visuals, so now they can be removed and garbage collected.

Changed NotifyPropertyChanged class name to be less generic

27 Jul 01:22
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Changed NotifyPropertyChanged class name to D3NotifyPropertyChanged. This was a recently added class, and the name is clashing with classes people have created for the same purpose in other projects.