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System-specific Developer Set-up

Section :ref:`user_guide:system_specific_setup` in the PSyclone User Guide describes the setup for a user of PSyclone. It includes all steps necessary to be able to use PSyclone. And while you could obviously do some development, none of the required tools for testing or documentation creation will be installed.

This section adds software that is used to develop and test PSyclone. It includes all packages for testing and creation of documentation in html and pdf. We assume you have already installed the software described in the :ref:`user_guide:system_specific_setup` section.

It contains detailed instructions for Ubuntu 16.04.2 and OpenSUSE 42.2 - if you are working with a different Linux distribution some adjustments will be necessary.

Installing PSyclone From GitHub

For development it is recommended to get a copy of PSyclone using git to get access to the latest development version.

Installing git for Ubuntu

You need to install the git package:

> sudo apt-get install git

Installing git on OpenSUSE

You need to install the git package:

>> sudo zypper --no-recommends install git

Cloning PSyclone Using git

Cloning PSyclone from git and setting up your environment is done as follows:

> git clone --recursive
> cd PSyclone
> pip install --user -e .

Note that the "-e" flag causes the project to be installed in 'editable' mode so that any changes to the PSyclone source take effect immediately. However, it also means that the PSyclone configuration file is not installed so you will have to do that manually (see the :ref:`configuration` section of the User Guide).


On OpenSUSE it is necessary to add $HOME/.local/bin to your $PATH if you have done a user-local install.

Installing Documentation Tools

Install Sphinx along with bibtex support for creating PSyclone documentation:

> sudo pip install sphinx sphinxcontrib.bibtex

You can now build html documentation:

> cd doc
> make html

The latex package is required to create the pdf documentation for PSyclone. Installing the full dependencies can take up several GB, the instructions for Ubuntu and OpenSUSE only install a minimal subset.

Installing LaTeX on Ubuntu

The following four packages need to be installed to create the pdf documentation. It is recommended to install the packages in one apt-get command, since otherwise, depending on your filesystem, unnecessary snapshots might be created that take up additional space. The --no-install-recommends option significantly reduces the number of installed packages:

> sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends texlive \
texlive-latex-extra latexmk tex-gyre

Installing LaTeX on OpenSUSE

The following command installs the minimum number of packages in order to create the pdf documentation - around 130 packages all in all, requiring approximately 300 MB.


It is important to install the packages in one zypper command, since otherwise, depending on your filesystem, unnecessary snapshots might be created after each package, which can add up to several GB of data.

> sudo zypper install --no-recommends texlive-latex texlive-latexmk \
texlive-babel-english texlive-cmap texlive-psnfss texlive-fncychap  \
texlive-fancyhdr texlive-titlesec texlive-tabulary texlive-varwidth \
texlive-framed texlive-fancyvrb texlive-float texlive-wrapfig       \
texlive-parskip texlive-upquote texlive-capt-of texlive-needspace   \
texlive-metafont texlive-makeindex texlive-times texlive-helvetic   \
texlive-courier texlive-dvips

Creating PDF Documentation

You can now build the pdf documentation using

> cd doc
> make latexpdf

Creating Markdown Documentation

The documentation for PSyclone's Examples and Tutorials is written in GitHub-flavoured Markdown. Although this requires no special tools to create, checking that it renders correctly means pushing your changes to GitHub and then visiting the file in GitHub's source browser. This may be avoided by using grip. Once installed, simply start grip in the directory containing the file you are working on and point your web browser at the URL it displays, e.g.:

> grip
* Serving Flask app "" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
  WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
  Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on http://localhost:6419/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Installing Testing Tools

You can install the necessary dependencies to run the PSyclone tests with:

> pip install psyclone[test]

or when using the git version:

> pip install .[test]

The test dependencies are canonically documented in PSyclone's under the extras_requires section. This installs the recommended tools to get access to testing and formatting tools.


It appears that the 1.7 series of pylint has a bug (at least up to 1.7.2) and does not work properly with PSyclone - it aborts with a "maximum recursion depth exceeded" error message. It is therefore recommended to avoid pylint 1.7.

You can now run the PSyclone python tests:

> cd PSyclone.git
> pytest

In order to see whether the Python code conforms to the pep8 standards, use:

> pycodestyle


pycodestyle is a replacement for the older pep8 program.

Verifying the pylint standards is done with:

> pylint

OK, you're all set up.

Installing Tools for PSyData Wrapper Libraries

If you intend to compile the PSyData wrapper libraries or develop new libraries, you might need to install Jinja2 (most wrapper libraries require Jinja2 though some, like the NVIDIA GPU profiling wrapper, do not need it). You can install the necessary dependencies to create all PSyData wrapper libraries with:

> pip install psyclone[psydata]

or when using the git version:

> pip install .[psydata]

Check :ref:`psy_data` and especially the section :ref:`jinja` for more details.