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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 26, 2021. It is now read-only.
dinkelaker edited this page Apr 16, 2012 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the Tigerseye Plug-in Wiki!


The simplest way to try the latest version is to install it via the update site:

Example DSLs

To test the prepackaged example languages an exmaple languagetestbench exists. It is hosted on github:

can be cloned read-only via

git clone git://

or downloaded as a zip from the URL

and then imported into the workspace.

Create your own Language

In order to make a DSL accessible for Tigerseye, in the workspace do the following:

  • Create a Tigerseye Project
  • Convert the project to a plug-in project. Can be done from the context menu of the project root.
  • Add the de.tud.stg.tigerseye.dslsupport plug-in as dependency.
  • Add its de.tud.stg.tigerseye.dslDefinitions extension point to your extensions.
  • Via the extension Point you can add a new language. Configure your DSL. It will be available after you perform a classpath update. You can enforce this update by pressing the tigerseye update button or it will happen implicitly
    after a modification in the Tigerseye -> languages preference page.


Further Wiki pages are listed on the All Pages site.

Some documentation about how to use the plug-in can be found here. The document is not up to date. PopartType has been replaced with DSLMethod, DSL has been replaced by DSLClass, DSLMethod and DSLParameter depending on the annotation location.

Debugging DSL Program Transformations

If the island grammar and annotation are not specific enough, transformations of DSL program to compilable and executable code can fail. In such cases, the developer needs to debug the transformations. The developer can turn on debugging when starting the TigersEye IDE as an Eclipse Application by setting the System Property as a VM parameter "-Dtigerseye.transformation.debug".

The debug produces for each transformed DSL Program one file for each of the different representations during the build:

  • the grammar,
  • the AST,
  • the ATerm.

The files are written to a folder called '\debugtigerseye' and within the folder the files are contained in the same folder structure as they are in the source folder.