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Blazor component for vis.js/vis-network.


You may see a working example here

Get Started

Install the NuGet package: VisNetwork.Blazor

Install using the Package Manager in your IDE or using the command line:

dotnet add package VisNetwork.Blazor
  • Add the following using directives to your root _Imports.razor file, or any other .razor file where you want to use vis-network.
@using VisNetwork.Blazor
  • Add the following to the relevant sections of Program.cs.
using VisNetwork.Blazor;



  • Add a Network component in your .razor file and configure it as you need. See Sample-app for example usage.
<Network Id="my-id" Data="@data" />

Providing custom options

To provide custom options the Options parameter can be used.

<Network Id="my-id" Data="@data" Options="NetworkOptions" />
private NetworkOptions NetworkOptions(Network network)
    return new NetworkOptions
        AutoResize = true,
        Nodes = new NodeOption
            BorderWidth = 1

Options can also be applied to the Network using the SetOptions API method.