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Observable Models

This package delivers a system for creating observable model objects. These take the form of scriptable objects containing a readable and editable value of a defined type and a way to subscribe to any change applied to it.


A model object is a scriptable object asset and, as such, can be created through the asset menu (Assets -> Create -> Observable Models).

Each asset carries a value which can be read and modified through the Value property attached to it. In other words, you can access that value through myObject.Value in code and then read it or modify it.

Model objects have a public OnValueChanged event property you can subscribe your scripts to so they can be warned when the model's value is updated. This property is stored as a C# generic Action delegate and can be used as such. It is encouraged to read the documentation about it if you haven't already.


A model catalog object is a scriptable object asset which associates a set of keys to specific observable models objects.

Catalogs are implemented as IReadOnlyDictionary<T, U>, T being the type of the keys and U the type of the values being handled be the stored models. As such, they can be directly used as a classic C# dictionary.

A few types are already implemented in the package, associating the basic observable model types with string keys. As with Observable Models themselves, one can extend the base ObservableModelsCatalog class to make their custom key-value associations.



Observable lists are a specific type of observable models, carrying a list value. It is absolutely necessary, for the sake of proper observable behaviour, to use this object when handling data in forms of a List.

The observable list triggers its corresponding OnValueChanged on any modification of the list itself (element added or removed, list cleared, etc…).

List methods are available directly on observable list objects, but can also be accessed through the Value property (the result is the same).



This package is available on OpenUPM. You can install it through:

openupm add fr.sticmac.observablemodels


If you have access to this package through a git repository, you can add the package to the package manager (+ -> Add package from Git URL…). You can also add it directly to your project's manifest.json dependencies:

    "fr.sticmac.observablemodels": ""

In both cases, remember to point to the release upm branch by adding a #upm at the end of the URL, so that you can download the package and not the development project.

Local download

If you got this package through direct downloading, you can directly add it through the package manager as local package (+ -> Add package from disk…).

Adding the package folder directly inside the Assets folder is also possible. You may need to import the different Assembly Definitions inside your project. You may find more information in the corresponding article about Assembly Definitions.


Scriptable object system for global model variables that can be subscribed to!







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