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Stylus responsive grid system based loosely off of the Foundation 12-column grid.

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Stylus responsive grid system based loosely off of the Foundation 12-column grid.

##Prerequisites Install Stylus and Nib.


Add the columnus stylus file to your codebase, and import it into any stylus file you'd like to use the grid:

@import 'columnus'


The grid breakpoints are setup for a mobile-first design approach. You may change this to whatever style needed.

By default, the grid function will compile css classes with a prepend 'small'. You can change these class names by passing an agrument. In the below example, a grid is being setup at the base size below 48em. Then at the larger breakpoints, a medium and large grid are created.


@media '(min-width: 48em)'


@media '(min-width: 64em)'



Columnus uses predefined html classes setup in the stylus file, as shown above. Each number is based off of a twelve column grid system, similar to that of Foundation. For example, a column spanning 6 of the 12 columns would be 50% of the parent element's width.

The example below uses the grid setup from above. you'll get two columns at your smallest breakpoint, three at your medium one, and 4 at your largest:

<div class="l_grid">
  <div class="small_6 med_4 large_3 l_column">...</div>
  <div class="small_6 med_4 large_3 l_column">...</div>
  <div class="small_6 med_4 large_3 l_column">...</div>
  <div class="small_6 med_4 large_3 l_column">...</div>

Note: This uses the layout class naming scheme, taken from SMACSS.

Special thanks to the Foundation crew. Their code rocks, and was the inspiration for this simple grid system. Read more on the Foundation grid here.


Stylus responsive grid system based loosely off of the Foundation 12-column grid.






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